Simon Willison’s Weblog


24-ways 13 2d 3 37-signals 13 3d 16 4chan 4 500startups 4 a-list-apart 9 aaron-straup-cope 4 aaron-swartz 3 ab-testing 7 accessibility 64 accounts 4 acid3 5 acme 3 actionscript 3 activemq 3 activitypub 10 adam-gomaa 3 adam-johnson 9 addy-osmani 4 adobe 29 adrian-holovaty 41 ads 5 advertising 10 agile 3 ai 1093 ai-agents 22 ai-assisted-programming 120 ai-history 3 aider 6 airships 10 airtable 7 ajax 61 ajaxian 3 alex-albert 12 alex-garcia 31 alex-gaynor 5 alex-payne 5 alex-russell 28 alf-eaton 4 algorithms 14 alpha 4 alt-attribute 7 amanda-askell 5 amazon 67 amazon-web-services 7 amazonaws 3 ami 4 amqp 4 analytics 9 andreas-kling 5 andrej-karpathy 25 andrew-godwin 19 andrew-turner 5 android 12 andy-baio 5 andy-budd 4 anil-dash 11 animation 8 annevankesteren 5 annotated-release-notes 26 annotated-talks 23 anthropic 114 anton-zhiyanov 7 aol 13 apache 37 api 30 api-design 10 apis 89 apollo 5 appengine 33 apple 111 apple-intelligence 7 apple-photos 3 applescript 5 appstore 11 aprilfools 4 apsw 3 aral-balkan 4 architecture 14 archive 5 archives 4 archiving 6 aria 3 armin-ronacher 12 arstechnica 8 art 11 arvind-narayanan 7 asciiart 3 asf 3 asgi 19 ask-metafilter 57 aspdotnet 3 aspnet 4 assaf-arkin 5 astral 11 astronomy 3 async 44 athena 3 atmedia 6 atmedia07 3 atmedia2007 4 atom 23 audio 14 augmentedreality 3 australia 3 authentication 13 autocomplete 6 autoescaping 4 avi-bryant 4 aws 66 azure 4 backbone 3 backups 6 badges 3 baked-data 10 bandwidth 3 barack-obama 3 barcamp 6 barcamplondon 3 bard 13 basecamp 6 bash 12 bayeux 7 bazaar 6 bbauth 3 bbc 35 bbcnews 4 beautifulsoup 6 beeware 3 bellingcat 4 ben-firshman 4 ben-goldacre 3 ben-johnson 9 ben-laurie 5 ben-ward 3 ben-welsh 9 benchmarking 4 benchmarks 5 benedict-evans 4 benj-edwards 15 benjamin-breen 4 berkeleydb 4 bert 3 beta 3 big-data 15 bigtable 3 bill-de-hora 5 bill-gates 6 binary 5 bing 26 bitcoin 10 black 6 blaine-cook 7 blockchain 10 blocks 4 blogger 5 blogging 68 blogs 3 bloom 5 bloom-filters 5 bluesky 11 boardgames 3 bobippolito 5 boingboing 4 bookmarklet 6 bookmarklets 12 books 19 boring-technology 7 brad-fitzpatrick 11 brad-neuberg 6 branching 3 branding 3 brandon-aaron 3 brandur-leach 12 brendan-eich 5 brent-ashley 4 bret-taylor 5 brett-cannon 3 brian-grubb 3 brighton 12 brothercake 3 browsers 81 bruce-schneier 30 bryan-cantrill 6 bsd 3 buckettesting 3 bugs 8 bunniehuang 5 business 22 buzz 3 c 37 c-plus-plus 7 cabel-sasser 4 cache 3 caching 47 cairo 5 calendars 5 calhenderson 7 california 3 callbacks 5 camino 6 canon 3 canvas 38 cappuccino 3 captcha 6 cardspace 7 careers 33 cartography 3 cassandra 7 cdn 7 censorship 3 cerebras 8 cern 6 certificates 10 cfp 4 cgi 3 chaining 3 charity-majors 7 charles-babbage 3 charles-leifer 4 charles-miller 8 charlie-marsh 7 charlie-stross 5 chatgpt 134 cheese 8 cherrypy 4 chicagocrime 3 china 8 chris-amico 3 chris-messina 7 chris-shiflett 6 christian-heilmann 5 christmas 3 christopher-lenz 8 chrome 30 chromeframe 6 chromium 3 classes 4 claude 118 claude-3-5-sonnet 41 claude-artifacts 28 clay-shirky 9 cli 13 clickhouse 5 clickjacking 11 clip 8 closure 3 closures 8 cloud 8 cloud-computing 17 cloudflare 14 cloudfront 4 cloudrun 8 cms 10 co2 3 code 3 code-interpreter 21 codecs 3 codereview 3 coffeescript 3 cohere 4 colin-dellow 4 collaboration 9 colour 4 comcast 3 comedy 4 comet 57 cometd 3 commandline 8 commentspam 4 communication 8 community 24 compilers 15 complexity 3 compression 3 computer-history 4 computer-science 11 computer-vision 13 computers 3 concurrency 14 conditionalcomments 3 conference 12 conferences 186 conspiracy 4 contentapi 4 contenttypes 3 continuous-deployment 10 continuous-integration 17 cookiecutter 10 cookies 27 cooking 6 copy 3 copyright 13 copywriting 3 cors 20 corydoctorow 4 cosmopolitan 7 couchdb 27 counters 3 covid19 19 craigslist 3 crawling 3 crdt 7 creativecommons 8 crime 3 cron 3 crossdomain 10 crossdomainxml 6 crowdsourcing 15 cryptography 22 csharp 4 csrf 48 css 161 css3 11 cssaintrocketscience 9 csv 32 ctypes 8 curl 8 curse 3 cursegaming 3 cvs 3 d-richard-hipp 15 d3 12 dabbledb 6 dalle 12 damien-katz 9 dan-catt 6 dan-mckinley 4 dan-webb 6 danah-boyd 3 danny-obrien 5 dare-obasanjo 12 data 21 data-journalism 50 data-portability 6 data-science 14 data-structures 5 databases 102 datablog 3 datagov 3 datagovuk 3 datasette 429 datasette-cloud 45 datasette-desktop 6 datasette-lite 17 datasette-public-office-hours 6 datastore 7 datauri 6 dates 6 datetime 7 dave-shea 3 dave-thomas 5 dave-winer 24 david-beazley 7 david-cramer 8 david-recordon 6 dconstruct 5 deanedwards 4 debian 6 debugger 5 debugging 34 decentralisation 4 decorators 6 deepseek 20 delicious 9 denialofservice 3 deno 22 denormalisation 3 deployment 25 derek-willis 6 design 65 design-patterns 4 developers 3 development 4 devfort 4 devops 3 dewitt-clinton 4 dhh 3 dick-costolo 4 diff 5 digg 16 digitalocean 4 dion-almaer 3 directedidentity 5 discord 9 diversity 3 django 567 django-book 5 django-debug-toolbar 3 django-people 12 django-snippets 6 django-sql-dashboard 13 djangocon 22 djangocon08 3 djangoorm 3 djangopony 4 djp 5 djugl 4 dns 27 docker 48 documentary 3 documentation 52 documentcloud 4 dogpile 7 dogsheep 31 dojo 40 dojox 4 dom 13 dom-scripting 3 domains 11 domcontentloaded 4 dontbeevil 3 dopplr 12 dotnet 4 douglas-crockford 14 draganddrop 3 dragndrop 5 drawing 4 dreamhost 5 drew-breunig 12 drew-mclellan 5 drizzle 3 drm 15 dropbox 10 drupal 8 dsf 10 dsl 5 duckdb 17 duncanrobertson 4 dustin-diaz 5 dustin-ingram 3 dynamiclanguages 3 ebs 3 ec2 43 ecmascript 5 ecommerce 8 economics 3 edddumbill 4 edeliot 3 edfelten 6 edge-llms 69 editor 3 education 20 effbot 4 egypt 3 ekranoplans 4 elasticsearch 13 elections 11 electron 8 electronicvoting 3 elementtree 4 elliotte-rusty-harold 7 email 33 embedding 3 embeddings 47 emoji 5 encoding 5 encryption 9 energy 3 enrichments 8 enterprise 8 entrepreneurship 54 eric-florenzano 3 eric-holscher 9 eric-meyer 6 erlang 26 errors 3 escaping 4 etags 5 etech 4 ethan-mollick 21 etherpad 3 ethics 147 etiquette 3 eu 3 eurooscon 3 europe 5 europython 4 evals 15 eventio 5 eventlet 5 eventmachine 3 events 108 everyblock 8 evoting 3 excel 4 explorables 24 extensions 5 fabric 8 facebook 116 facebookgraphsearch 3 facetedsearch 4 facets 4 fakestevejobs 3 faq 4 fastai 4 fastcgi 3 fastly 4 favicon 8 feature-flags 9 fediverse 10 feedburner 4 feeds 6 ffs 3 filippo-valsorda 3 film 3 fine-tuning 17 firebug 22 firecracker 4 fireeagle 15 firefox 58 firefox3 7 flash 69 flask 6 flex 7 flickr 74 flickrplaces 3 fluiddb 4 fly 29 follow 3 fonts 12 foocamp 3 food 11 forms 10 forrest-brazeal 3 forums 3 foursquare 3 fowa 12 fowa2007 3 fowa2008 5 framebusting 6 frameworks 29 francois-chollet 9 fredrik-lundh 7 freebase 12 friendfeed 11 friends 3 frontend 18 full-text-search 21 functional 4 functional-programming 6 funding 41 funny 68 fuse 4 future-of-web-apps 12 gadgets 3 game-design 8 games 20 gaming 4 gareth-rushgrove 8 gcap 7 gearman 3 gears 7 gecko 4 geeks 3 gemini 55 generative-ai 938 generators 7 genetics 5 geo 12 geocoding 11 geodata 3 geodjango 8 geoffrey-litt 8 geoip 4 geojson 15 geolocation 6 geonames 7 geoplanet 7 geospatial 12 gergely-orosz 4 getlatlon 3 gif 4 gifs 4 gil 14 gis 54 git 49 git-history 6 git-scraping 29 github 139 github-actions 48 github-codespaces 10 github-copilot 13 glitch 11 glyph 6 gmail 23 go 36 google 346 google-charts 9 google-code 5 google-docs 7 google-gears 8 google-io 6 google-maps 53 google-maps-api 4 google-reader 7 google-video 5 google-wave 3 googleappengine 14 googledoctype 3 gov-uk 7 governance 3 government 9 gpl 4 gps 10 gpt-2 12 gpt-3 67 gpt-4 43 gpus 14 grahamdumpleton 4 graphics 9 graphing 6 graphql 19 graphs 7 greasemonkey 54 gregwilson 5 groq 3 guardian 48 guido-van-rossum 16 gwt 7 gzip 8 h264 4 hack 3 hackathons 4 hackday 10 hackdaylondon 3 hacker-news 24 hacking 12 hacks 10 hadoop 9 haki-benita 4 half-moon-bay 4 ham-radio 3 hamel-husain 4 haproxy 5 hardware 10 hardware-hacking 7 hashbanghell 4 hashes 3 hashing 12 haystack 4 hcard 6 heatmaps 3 henrisivonen 5 heroku 16 highavailability 5 highlights 3 highrise 6 history 39 hixie 11 homebrew 7 hosting 24 hotmail 6 hotstandby 3 html 80 html5 83 http 96 http2 5 httponly 3 https 12 httpx 4 hugging-face 14 hynek-schlawack 7 i18n 13 ian-bicking 15 ian-hickson 22 ian-mansfield 3 ibm 11 icalendar 8 ideas 8 identity 14 identitytheft 4 idproxy 7 ie 63 ie6 14 ie7 8 ie8 25 ietf 4 iframes 21 imagemagick 3 images 14 inaturalist 4 inference-scaling 29 infographics 7 information-architecture 19 inheritance 3 innodb 3 inspiring 3 internationalisation 9 internet 26 internet-archive 13 internet-explorer 25 interpretability 5 interview 6 interviews 7 introspection 3 investing 4 io 7 ios 22 ip 4 ipad 13 iphone 62 iphones 3 iplayer 5 ipod 6 irc 5 ironpython 12 iso 4 it 3 itunes 3 ixr 8 jack-clark 10 jacob-kaplan-moss 52 jailbreaking 9 jake-archibald 3 jakob-nielsen 5 james-bennett 19 james-bridle 3 james-tauber 3 janrain 7 japan 4 jargon 4 jason-calacanis 5 jason-koebler 6 jason-kottke 8 jason-scott 5 java 89 javafx 3 javascript 696 javascript-libraries 3 jeff-atwood 10 jeff-barr 4 jeff-croft 4 jeff-lindsay 3 jeff-triplett 7 jeffrey-zeldman 8 jeremiah-grossman 3 jeremy-ashkenas 4 jeremy-howard 13 jeremy-keith 15 jeremy-zawodny 5 jetty 4 jina 7 jinja 6 jit 7 jo-kristian-bergum 3 jobs 14 joe-clark 3 joe-gregorio 9 joe-walker 3 joel-spolsky 9 joel-veitch 3 johann-rehberger 13 john-graham-cumming 4 john-gruber 29 john-resig 32 john-siracusa 3 jon-hicks 9 jon-udell 21 jonathan-delacour 5 josh-berkus 3 josh-comeau 3 journalism 39 jpstacey 3 jq 11 jquery 101 jqueryui 3 jruby 3 jsk 8 json 141 jsonhead 3 jsonp 23 jsonschema 4 julia-evans 26 jupyter 43 justine-tunney 4 jvm 4 jwt 3 jwz 5 jython 12 ka-ping-yee 5 kafka 8 kansas 5 kellan-elliott-mccrea 18 kevinyank 6 keynote 3 keyvaluepairs 9 keyvaluestores 4 kml 8 korea 3 kriszyp 3 kubernetes 7 l10n 5 ladybird 5 laion 4 lambda 9 lamp 3 language 5 lanyrd 16 large-hadron-collider 3 lastfm 9 latex 3 laurie-voss 5 law 4 lawrence 7 lawrence-journal-world 4 leadership 6 leah-culver 3 leanstartups 6 legal 3 lego 4 leonardlin 6 leopard 14 les-orchard 9 libevent 4 libraries 22 libxml2 6 licenses 7 lifehacks 5 lightning-talks 6 lighttpd 5 lilypond 3 limbo 3 lindenlab 4 linguistics 4 linkedin 7 links 6 linus-torvalds 4 linux 44 lisp 8 lit-html 4 litestream 10 livejournal 9 ljworld 7 llama 67 llama-cpp 21 llamafile 6 llm 135 llm-pricing 19 llm-tool-use 14 llms 926 llvm 5 load-balancing 13 load-testing 3 loading 3 local 5 localisation 4 location 14 lockin 3 logan-kilpatrick 3 logging 18 login 3 logincsrf 3 logs 4 london 56 london2 3 long-context 10 longpolling 3 lua 10 lucene 12 lugradio 4 lugradiolive 3 lukasz-langa 4 lukeplant 10 lxml 7 mac 11 macbook 3 macbookpro 3 macfuse 3 machine-learning 66 machinetags 5 maciejceglowski 5 macosx 15 magic 3 magnolia 3 mailinator 3 make 6 malcolmtredinnick 8 management 57 manyeyes 3 mapping 54 mapreduce 10 maps 43 marimo 4 mark-nottingham 14 mark-pilgrim 61 mark-ramm 3 mark-shuttleworth 4 mark-zuckerberg 5 markdown 26 markdown-exfiltration 16 marketing 18 markup 8 marsphoenix 3 martinatkins 7 martinbelam 3 mashup 5 mashups 7 masterslave 6 mastodon 32 mathematics 9 mathml 5 matt-biddulph 12 matt-croydon 3 matt-holt 3 matt-levine 4 matt-mullenweg 5 matt-webb 18 matt-westcott 4 matthew-somerville 4 max-woolf 15 md5 4 me 6 media 5 mediawiki 4 meetings 6 meetup 3 meetups 8 megpickard 4 memcache 7 memcached 32 memcachedb 3 memes 3 memory 6 memoryleaks 4 mercurial 4 message-queues 21 messaging 7 meta 26 metaclasses 3 metadata 10 metafilter 11 michael-trier 4 michal-migurski 15 michal-zalewski 3 microformats 32 microservices 7 microsoft 117 middleware 13 midjourney 5 migration 3 migrations 16 migueldeicaza 8 mike-bostock 6 mike-butcher 3 mike-malone 4 mike-shaver 3 mikel-maron 4 military 3 minification 4 misinformation 6 mistral 22 mit 3 mitchell-hashimoto 3 mlc 10 mlx 10 mobile 39 mobileweb 4 models 3 moderation 17 modpython 7 modwsgi 13 molly-white 9 money 3 mongodb 11 mongrel 3 monitoring 8 monkeypatching 6 mono 8 moonlight 3 mootools 6 motivation 4 movies 9 mozilla 50 mp3 5 multi-modal-output 10 multidb 5 multiprocessing 3 museums 20 music 22 mvc 4 mymaps 3 myopenid 4 mypy 9 mysociety 13 myspace 19 mysql 64 namespaces 4 naming-things 3 nasa 4 natalie-downe 35 nathan-borror 3 neal-stephenson 4 ned-batchelder 17 neil-fraser 8 nelsonminar 3 netflix 4 netnewswire 3 netscape 4 networking 22 new-york 4 new-york-times 21 new-yorker 6 newforms 12 newformsadmin 3 news 9 newspapers 18 nginx 39 niallkennedy 7 nicar 8 nicholas-carlini 3 nilay-patel 4 nlp 10 node 29 nodejs 47 nofollow 3 nomic 5 noscript 4 nose 5 nosql 28 notebooklm 5 nous-research 3 npm 19 nsa 3 numpy 5 nvidia 6 nyc 5 o1 29 o3 9 oauth 52 objectivec 8 observability 8 observable 48 observable-framework 3 observable-plot 9 ocr 19 offline 10 ogg 3 ollama 17 olpc 6 onload 5 oop 5 ooxml 4 opacity 4 open-data 13 open-source 238 openai 256 opencv 3 openid 213 openid2 7 openlibrary 3 openplatform 11 openrightsgroup 5 opensearch 3 opensocial 8 openstreetmap 49 opentech 3 opentech2008 3 openweb 6 opera 31 operations 5 ops 17 optfunc 3 optimisation 6 oracle 7 orange 3 orbited 3 ordinancesurvey 3 ordnancesurvey 3 oreilly 4 org 3 orm 40 ormcaching 4 oscon 8 oscon07 4 osx 80 overture 6 owasp 4 owlsnearyou 3 oxford 14 oxford-geek-nights 20 oxfordgeeknight2 7 oxfordgeeks 7 oxide 5 packaging 35 pagerank 6 pagni 3 pandas 16 panels 5 parallels 6 paris 3 parquet 6 parrot 3 parsing 11 passwordantipattern 7 passwords 31 paste 3 patents 5 patrick-mckenzie 5 patterns 5 paul-ford 13 paul-gauthier 6 paul-graham 9 paul-hammond 4 paypal 4 pdb 6 pdf 33 pelican-riding-a-bicycle 14 performance 88 perl 25 perlbal 3 permissions 6 perplexity 3 personal 5 personalnews 8 pete-michaux 4 peter-norvig 3 peter-van-dijck 10 phi 9 phil-gyford 8 phil-ringnalda 4 phishing 52 photography 20 photos 16 photosynth 3 php 90 php5 4 physics 4 pil 4 pingback 22 pip 14 pipes 7 piracy 3 pitching 4 pixelart 4 placemaker 3 play 3 playwright 7 pleias 3 plugins 104 plurk 3 png 8 pngs 4 podcasts 47 political-hacking 8 politics 33 pony 3 popfly 3 portablesocialnetworks 12 portland 3 post 7 postelslaw 3 postgis 6 postgresql 131 postmortem 3 power 3 powerpoint 3 pownce 9 ppk 6 pr 6 presentations 7 presenting 4 pricing 3 privacy 48 process 6 processes 3 processing 3 product-management 9 productivity 23 profiler 3 profiling 13 programmers 13 programming 155 programming-languages 32 progressive-enhancement 11 project-management 6 projects 454 prompt-caching 9 prompt-engineering 120 prompt-injection 89 protocolbuffers 5 prototype 16 proxies 3 proxy 15 psf 13 psychology 5 publishing 4 pubs 3 pubsub 3 pubsubhubbub 6 puppeteer 6 pycon 21 pyconuk 6 pydantic 9 pylons 6 pyobjc 3 pyodide 18 pypi 30 pypy 9 pysqlite 3 pytest 18 python 1095 python3 21 pythoncard 4 pytorch 7 qemu 3 queryset 4 querysetrefactor 4 queue 5 queues 13 quora 1005 qwen 14 rabbitmq 7 radio 8 rafecolburn 6 rag 32 rails 72 rands 3 rasmus-lerdorf 6 rate-limiting 8 rdbms 4 rdf 5 react 35 read-the-docs 6 reading 3 realtime 9 realtimeweb 5 recall 4 recommendations 3 recovered 213 recruiting 8 red-hat 4 redbean 5 reddit 24 redis 54 redpajama 4 refactoring 6 regex 7 registration 5 regular-expressions 12 releasenotes 12 releases 26 remote 3 remysharp 3 replicate 6 replication 30 research 4 resolved 7 rest 35 restaurants 8 restful 4 restructuredtext 4 revcanonical 9 rewrites 3 rfc 10 richard-crowley 5 richard-jones 3 richskrenta 5 richtext 3 riley-goodside 7 ripgrep 5 roberto-callahan 4 robin-sloan 4 robots 5 robots-txt 10 royalmail 3 rss 38 ruby 71 rubyonrails 3 ruff 5 russell-beattie 3 russell-keith-magee 5 rust 72 ryan-dahl 7 ryan-tomayko 13 rye 7 s3 57 s3-credentials 9 saas 15 safari 41 salvatore-sanfilippo 12 sam-ruby 14 samedomain 3 samesite 5 san-francisco 27 sandboxing 13 sanfranciscobayarea 9 sanic 5 satellite 3 scala 6 scalability 3 scaling 139 scams 5 science 20 science-fiction 4 scipy 4 scott-kveton 4 scott-schiller 3 scraping 22 screen-readers 6 screen-scraping 7 screen-writing 6 screencast 4 screencasts 4 scribd 4 search 84 search-engines 12 secondlife 10 security 504 securitytheatre 3 selectors 13 selenium 4 semantic 3 semanticweb 8 sentry 8 seo 32 serialization 3 serverless 6 servers 6 serviceworkers 4 servo 4 sessions 6 settings 4 setuptools 5 sha1 4 shapefiles 7 sharding 12 sharecropping 8 shell 8 shot-scraper 25 sidechannel 3 sidekiq 4 signedcookies 5 signing 6 siliconvalley 6 silverlight 15 simon-brunning 5 simon-wardley 3 simpledb 7 sinatra 3 sitepen 5 sitepoint 12 sitespecificbrowsers 7 sixapart 6 sizzle 4 skillswap 3 skype 3 slack 10 slashdot 3 slidecast 3 slides 12 slideshare 10 slop 18 small-data 4 smollm 5 sms 4 snowleopard 3 soap 9 social 4 social-media 28 socialgraph 11 socialnetworks 15 socialsoftware 6 socialwhitelisting 4 software 10 software-architecture 7 software-engineering 57 solr 22 sourceforge 3 south 4 soviet 3 space 6 spam 23 spatialite 11 speaking 107 specification 3 sphinx-docs 9 sphinx-search 7 spidermonkey 5 spiderverse 3 spongmonkeys 4 sports 4 spreadsheets 6 sql 94 sql-injection 6 sqlalchemy 6 sqlite 289 sqlite-utils 86 sqlserver 3 sqs 3 squid 6 squirrels 8 ssh 8 ssl 9 sso 3 stable-diffusion 23 stackoverflow 11 stamen-design 4 standards 30 stanford 9 starling 3 startup 5 startups 186 starwars 4 staticanalysis 3 staticgenerator 3 staticmaps 3 statictyping 7 statistics 4 stdlib 3 steampunk 3 stephenfry 3 steve-jobs 11 steve-krouse 4 steve-souders 9 steve-yegge 6 storage 5 streaks 6 streaming 3 streetview 3 strings 5 stripe 7 structured-extraction 6 stuart-colville 4 stuart-langridge 23 stupid 3 subversion 32 sun 14 sunmicrosystems 4 supply-chain 5 support 3 surveys 11 svg 38 swf 4 swyx 6 sxsw 20 symbex 4 syndication 8 syntaxhighlighting 4 sysadmin 26 tables 4 tagging 5 tags 4 tailscale 5 talks 43 tamarin 6 teaching 14 teamfortress2 3 techcrunch 7 technical-debt 6 technology 14 technorati 8 techstars 4 ted 7 ted-chiang 4 ted-leung 3 templates 6 templating 6 tensorflow 6 terence-eden 3 tesseract 3 testing 58 text-to-image 26 text-to-speech 11 text-to-video 4 textmate 7 textual 3 tf2 3 the-guardian 5 the-onion 4 the-register 3 thebigpicture 3 theoschlossnagle 3 thomas-ptacek 10 threading 6 threads 8 thunderbird 3 ticketing 3 tickets 3 tiktok 3 til 9 tim-berners-lee 10 tim-bray 28 tim-oreilly 5 time 3 timemachine 4 timezones 15 tinyurl 6 tls 5 tokyocabinet 7 tokyotyrant 5 tom-armitage 6 tom-christie 4 tom-coates 9 tom-macwright 13 tom-scott 5 tom-steinberg 4 tom-taylor 3 tom-watson 3 tony-hirst 5 tools 29 torchbox 7 tornado 10 trac 3 trackback 10 traefik 3 training-data 50 transactions 5 transformers 8 transformers-js 9 translation 8 travel 44 travis 5 trust 8 tunisia 3 turbogears 4 tutorial 18 tutorials 12 tv 17 twisted 12 twitter 157 typescript 10 typography 16 ubuntu 22 ui 26 uk 16 ukgovernment 4 undo 4 unicode 29 unittesting 4 unittests 13 unix 17 unladenswallow 3 unobtrusive-javascript 9 upcoming 5 uploads 4 upsert 3 urls 76 usa 3 usability 74 userexperience 4 userresearch 3 uuid 4 uv 46 ux 24 v8 9 vaccinate-ca 23 vaccinate-ca-blog 14 vaccines 3 val-town 7 validation 6 validator 3 valve 3 varnish 10 vector-search 7 vercel 3 verisign 5 version-control 11 versioning 7 vicuna 5 video 31 views 4 virtualenv 5 virtualisation 8 virtualization 13 vision-llms 39 vista 7 visualisation 15 visualisations 3 visualization 24 vml 4 vmware 12 vox 5 vps 4 vr 3 vs-code 4 vulnerability 5 w3c 22 ward-cunningham 5 washington-post 9 web 14 web-components 21 web-developers 4 web-development 168 web-performance 20 web-services 26 web-standards 40 web-standards-project 8 web2 5 web20 5 web2expo 3 web3 4 webapis 7 webapps 44 webassembly 74 webdav 3 webfonts 3 webgl 4 webgpu 7 webhooks 21 webkit 28 weblog 3 webrunner 3 webserver 3 webservers 11 webservice 3 websockets 20 webstock 4 webworkers 10 weeknotes 192 whatwg 16 whereonearth 4 whisper 17 whitelisting 7 whoosh 4 whosonfirst 3 whytheluckystiff 6 widgets 4 wifi 13 wii 6 wiki 12 wikileaks 4 wikinear 6 wikipedia 43 wikis 5 wildlife 5 wildlifenearyou 11 will-larson 14 will-mcgugan 3 wilson-miner 5 windows 39 wired 8 wordpress 19 wordpresscom 4 workers 4 workflow 4 worm 5 writing 26 ws-star 4 wsgi 18 xfml 9 xfn 5 xhtml 25 xhtml2 6 xkcd 13 xml 61 xml-rpc 15 xmlhttprequest 7 xmpp 5 xpath 4 xrds 5 xss 59 xtech 11 xtech2007 5 xuacompatible 10 xulrunner 3 y-combinator 52 yadis 3 yagni 5 yahoo 106 yahoopipes 7 yaml 9 ydn 10 yelp 5 youtube 42 yql 12 yrb 3 yui 33 yui3 3 zachary-voase 3 zeit-now 20 zeppelins 17 zero-downtime 17 zeromq 4 zig 5 zsh 4 zstd 4

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