Simon Willison’s Weblog

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12 items tagged “fowa”


TypePad Motion. Launched today at FOWA, Motion is a microblogging application written in Django that uses the TypePad API for all persistent storage—which means you can deploy it as server-side code on your own site, but scaling horizontally is handled by TypePad (you just need to scale out the state-free front end).

# 1st October 2009, 3:51 pm / django, fowa, motion, python, sixapart, typepad


FOWA sketchnotes. Kai Chan Vong’s sketch notes from this year’s Future of Web Apps.

# 15th October 2008, 2:47 pm / fowa, fowa2008, future-of-web-apps, kaichanvong, sketchnotes

FOWA pre-interview: Andrew Turner. I’ve started to post pre-interviews with speakers to the FOWA blog, in advance of the conference next week. First up is Andrew Turner of Mapufacture.

# 4th October 2008, 9:44 am / andrew-turner, fowa, interviews, mapufacture

Mark Zuckerberg speaking at FOWA. The Future of Web Apps Expo is just a few weeks away, and Mark Zuckerberg is the surprise keynote. I’m chairing the developer track again this year.

# 24th September 2008, 1:11 pm / carsonified, events, facebook, fowa, future-of-web-apps, mark-zuckerberg


Future of Web Apps—Past Events. MP3s of talks at the Future of Web Apps Expo are starting to trickle on to the official site.

# 14th October 2007, 12:14 pm / conferences, fowa, fowaexpo, future-of-web-apps, mp3s

SlideShare Groups: Future Of Web Apps. Some of the presentations from the Future of Web Apps conference.

# 5th October 2007, 11:58 pm / fowa, fowa2007, future-of-web-apps, presentations, slideshare

YSlow: Bug (fix) in Firebug’s Net Panel. The latest release of the YSlow page analysis plugin (announced at FOWA) also fixes a misleading bug in Firebug’s Net panel.

# 5th October 2007, 10:26 pm / firebug, firefox, fowa, profiling, steve-souders, yahoo, yslow

identity-matcher. Dopplr’s social network importing code (for Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and sites supporting Microformats), implemented as a Rails ActiveRecord plugin.

# 4th October 2007, 2:53 pm / dopplr, facebook, fowa, fowa2007, gmail, identitymatcher, matt-biddulph, microformats, openid, plugins, portablesocialnetwork, rails, ruby, socialgraph, twitter

Google Maps, HTML version. Google’s mostly undocumented accessible version of Google Maps. Robin Christopherson demonstrated this yesterday at FOWA.

# 4th October 2007, 9:31 am / accessibility, fowa, fowa2007, google, google-maps, robin-christopherson

Vitamin Interviews: Simon Willison. Bobbie Johnson pointed a camera at me after my Future of Web Apps talk and interviewed me for eight minutes on OpenID.

# 23rd March 2007, 1:41 am / bobbiejohnson, fowa, future-of-web-apps, interview, openid

phpbb-openid: Your AIM screen name is your OpenID. Log in to a phpBB board with an AOL OpenID and it will try to associate your OpenID with an account that lists that AIM in the profile. This is the kind of behaviour I talked about in my FOWA talk.

# 6th March 2007, 7:57 am / aim, aol, fowa, openid, phpbb, phpbbopenid