Simon Willison’s Weblog


77 items tagged “search”


tantivy-cli (via) I tried out this Rust based search engine today and I was very impressed.

Tantivy is the core project - it's an open source (MIT) Rust library that implements Lucene-style full text search, with a very full set of features: BM25 ranking, faceted search, range queries, incremental indexing etc.

tantivy-cli offers a CLI wrapper around the Rust library. It's not actually as full-featured as I hoped: it's intended as more of a demo than a full exposure of the library's features. The JSON API server it runs can only be used to run simple keyword or phrase searches for example, no faceting or filtering.

Tantivy's performance is fantastic. I was able to index the entire contents of my link blog in a fraction of a second.

I found this post from 2017 where Tantivy creator Paul Masurel described the initial architecture of his new search side-project that he created to help him learn Rust. Paul went on to found Quickwit, an impressive looking analytics platform that uses Tantivy as one of its core components.

The Python bindings for Tantivy look well maintained, wrapping the Rust library using maturin. Those are probably the best way for a developer like myself to really start exploring what it can do.

Also notable: the Hacker News thread has dozens of posts from happy Tantivy users reporting successful use on their projects.

# 13th June 2024, 6:03 am / rust, search, fulltextsearch

How do I opt into full text search on Mastodon? (via) I missed this new Mastodon feature when it was released in 4.2.0 last September: you can now opt-in to a new setting which causes all of your future posts to be marked as allowed to be included in the Elasticsearch index provided by Mastodon instances that enable search.

It only applies to future posts because it works by adding an "indexable" flag to those posts, which can then be obeyed by other Mastodon instances that the post is syndicated to.

You can turn it on for your own account from the /settings/privacy page on your local instance.

The release notes for 4.2.0 also mention new search operators:

from:me, before:2022-11-01, after:2022-11-01, during:2022-11-01, language:fr, has:poll, or in:library (for searching only in posts you have written or interacted with)

# 4th June 2024, 6:14 am / mastodon, fediverse, search

But where the company once limited itself to gathering low-hanging fruit along the lines of “what time is the super bowl,” on Tuesday executives showcased generative AI tools that will someday plan an entire anniversary dinner, or cross-country-move, or trip abroad. A quarter-century into its existence, a company that once proudly served as an entry point to a web that it nourished with traffic and advertising revenue has begun to abstract that all away into an input for its large language models.

Casey Newton

# 15th May 2024, 10:23 pm / generative-ai, google, ethics, search, ai, llms, google-io

The challenge [with RAG] is that most corner-cutting solutions look like they’re working on small datasets while letting you pretend that things like search relevance don’t matter, while in reality relevance significantly impacts quality of responses when you move beyond prototyping (whether they’re literally search relevance or are better tuned SQL queries to retrieve more appropriate rows). This creates a false expectation of how the prototype will translate into a production capability, with all the predictable consequences: underestimating timelines, poor production behavior/performance, etc.

Will Larson

# 10th April 2024, 11:09 pm / generative-ai, will-larson, search, ai, llms, rag

More than an OpenAI Wrapper: Perplexity Pivots to Open Source. I’m increasingly impressed with—I’m using it on a daily basis now. It’s by far the best implementation I’ve seen of LLM-assisted search—beating Microsoft Bing and Google Bard at their own game.

A year ago it was implemented as a GPT 3.5 powered wrapper around Microsoft Bing. To my surprise they’ve now evolved way beyond that: Perplexity has their own search index now and is running their own crawlers, and they’re using variants of Mistral 7B and Llama 70B as their models rather than continuing to depend on OpenAI.

# 13th January 2024, 6:12 am / perplexity, generative-ai, search, ai, llms


ast-grep (via) There are a lot of interesting things about this year-old project.

sg (an alias for ast-grep) is a CLI tool for running AST-based searches against code, built in Rust on top of the Tree-sitter parsing library. You can run commands like this:

sg -p ’await await_me_maybe($ARG)’ datasette --lang python

To search the datasette directory for code that matches the search pattern, in a syntax-aware way.

It works across 19 different languages, and can handle search-and-replace too, so it can work as a powerful syntax-aware refactoring tool.

My favourite detail is how it’s packaged. You can install the CLI utility using Homebrew, Cargo, npm or pip/pipx—each of which will give you a CLI tool you can start running. On top of that it provides API bindings for Rust, JavaScript and Python!

# 10th December 2023, 7:56 pm / treesitter, rust, tools, javascript, python, search

Wikipedia search-by-vibes through millions of pages offline (via) Really cool demo by Lee Butterman, who built embeddings of 2 million Wikipedia pages and figured out how to serve them directly to the browser, where they are used to implement “vibes based” similarity search returning results in 250ms. Lots of interesting details about how he pulled this off, using Arrow as the file format and ONNX to run the model in the browser.

# 4th September 2023, 9:13 pm / embedding, search, wikipedia, webassembly

Building Search DSLs with Django (via) Neat tutorial by Dan Lamanna: how to build a GitHub-style search feature—supporting modifiers like “is:open author:danlamanna”—using PyParsing and the Django ORM.

# 19th June 2023, 8:30 am / search, parsing, django, python

GitHub code search is generally available. I’ve been a beta user of GitHub’s new code search for a year and a half now and I wouldn’t want to be without it. It’s spectacularly useful: it provides fast, regular-expression-capable search across every public line of code hosted by GitHub—plus code in private repos you have access to.

I mainly use it to compensate for libraries with poor documentation—I can usually find an example of exactly what I want to do somewhere on GitHub.

It’s also great for researching how people are using libraries that I’ve released myself—to figure out how much pain deprecating a method would cause, for example.

# 8th May 2023, 6:52 pm / open-source, search, github

Can We Trust Search Engines with Generative AI? A Closer Look at Bing’s Accuracy for News Queries (via) Computational journalism professor Nick Diakopoulos takes a deeper dive into the quality of the summarizations provided by AI-assisted Bing. His findings are troubling: for news queries, which are a great test for AI summarization since they include recent information that may have sparse or conflicting stories, Bing confidently produces answers with important errors: claiming the Ohio train derailment happened on February 9th when it actually happened on February 3rd for example.

# 18th February 2023, 6:09 pm / bing, search, generative-ai, llms, trust

Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first”

Visit Bing: "I will not harm you unless you harm me first"

Last week, Microsoft announced the new AI-powered Bing: a search interface that incorporates a language model powered chatbot that can run searches for you and summarize the results, plus do all of the other fun things that engines like GPT-3 and ChatGPT have been demonstrating over the past few months: the ability to generate poetry, and jokes, and do creative writing, and so much more.

[... 4,922 words]

The technology behind GitHub’s new code search (via) I’ve been a beta user of the new GitHub code search for a while and I absolutely love it: you really can run a regular expression search across the entire of GitHub, which is absurdly useful for both finding code examples of under-documented APIs and for seeing how people are using open source code that you have released yourself. It turns out GitHub built their own search engine for this from scratch, called Blackbird. It’s implemented in Rust and makes clever use of sharded ngram indexes—not just trigrams, because it turns out those aren’t quite selective enough for a corpus that includes a lot of three letter keywords like “for”.

I also really appreciated the insight into how they handle visibility permissions: they compile those into additional internal search clauses, resulting in things like “RepoIDs(...) or PublicRepo()”

# 6th February 2023, 6:38 pm / rust, search, github

How to implement Q&A against your documentation with GPT3, embeddings and Datasette

Visit How to implement Q&A against your documentation with GPT3, embeddings and Datasette

If you’ve spent any time with GPT-3 or ChatGPT, you’ve likely thought about how useful it would be if you could point them at a specific, current collection of text or documentation and have it use that as part of its input for answering questions.

[... 3,491 words]


Semantic text search using embeddings. Example Python notebook from OpenAI demonstrating how to build a search engine using embeddings rather than straight up token matching. This is a fascinating way of implementing search, providing results that match the intent of the search (“delicious beans” for example) even if none of the keywords are actually present in the text.

# 9th November 2022, 7:57 pm / machine-learning, openai, search, embeddings

Simple, Fast, and Scalable Reverse Image Search Using Perceptual Hashes and DynamoDB. Christopher Bong provides a clear explanation of how perceptual hashes can be used to create a string representing the visual content of an image, such that similar images can be identified by calculating a hamming distance between those hashes. He then explains how they built a large-scale system for this at Canva on top of DynamoDB, by splitting those strings into smaller hash windows and using those for efficient bulk lookups of similar candidates.

# 19th October 2022, 3:04 pm / images, search

Exploring the training data behind Stable Diffusion

Visit Exploring the training data behind Stable Diffusion

Two weeks ago, the Stable Diffusion image generation model was released to the public. I wrote about this last week, in Stable Diffusion is a really big deal—a post which has since become one of the top ten results for “stable diffusion” on Google and shown up in all sorts of different places online.

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Abusing AWS Lambda to make an Aussie Search Engine (via) Ben Boyter built a search engine that only indexes .au Australian websites, with the novel approach of directly compiling the search index into 250 different ~40MB large lambda functions written in Go, then running searches across 12 million pages by farming them out to all of the lambdas and combining the results. His write-up includes all sorts of details about how he built this, including how he ran the indexer and how he solved the surprisingly hard problem of returning good-enough text snippets for the results.

# 16th January 2022, 8:52 pm / go, aws, search, lambda


Building a search engine for

Visit Building a search engine for

This week I added a search engine to, using the search indexing tool I’ve been building for Dogsheep.

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sqlite-utils 2.14 (via) I finally figured out porter stemming with SQLite full-text search today—it turns out it’s as easy as adding tokenize=’porter’ to the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement. So I just shipped sqlite-utils 2.14 with a tokenize= option (plus the ability to insert binary file data from stdin).

# 1st August 2020, 9:19 pm / projects, search, sqlite, fulltextsearch, sqlite-utils

PostgreSQL full-text search in the Django Admin. Today I figured out how to use PostgreSQL full-text search in the Django admin for my blog, using the get_search_results method on a subclass of ModelAdmin.

# 25th July 2020, 11:05 pm / postgresql, search, django

Reducing search indexing latency to one second. Really detailed dive into the nuts and bolts of Twitter’s latest iteration of search indexing technology, including a great explanation of skip lists.

# 26th June 2020, 5:06 pm / twitter, data-structures, scaling, search, lucene

datasette-search-all: a new plugin for searching multiple Datasette tables at once

I just released a new plugin for Datasette, and it’s pretty fun. datasette-search-all is a plugin written mostly in JavaScript that executes the same search query against every searchable table in every database connected to your Datasette instance.

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Weeknotes: datasette-ics, datasette-upload-csvs, datasette-configure-fts, asgi-csrf

I’ve been preparing for the NICAR 2020 Data Journalism conference this week which has lead me into a flurry of activity across a plethora of different projects and plugins.

[... 834 words]


Guide To Using Reverse Image Search For Investigations (via) Detailed guide from Bellingcat’s Aric Toler on using reverse image search for investigative reporting. Surprisingly Google Image Search isn’t the state of the art: Russian search engine Yandex offers a much more powerful solution, mainly because it’s the largest public-facing image search engine to integrate scary levels of face recognition.

# 30th December 2019, 10:23 pm / bellingcat, journalism, search

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Search (via) These are great. “When you find the boolean operator ‘OR’, you always know it doesn’t mean Oregon”.

# 29th May 2019, 8:09 pm / search

Discussion about Altavista on Hacker News. Fascinating thread on Hacker News where Bryant Durrell, a former Director from Altavista provides some insider thoughts on how they lost against Google.

# 16th February 2019, 6:57 pm / search, internet-history, google, computer-history

Exploring search relevance algorithms with SQLite

SQLite isn’t just a fast, high quality embedded database: it also incorporates a powerful full-text search engine in the form of the FTS4 and FTS5 extensions. You’ve probably used these a bunch of times already: many iOS, Android and desktop applications use SQLite under-the-hood and use it to implement their built-in search.

[... 1,390 words]


Fast Autocomplete Search for Your Website (via) I wrote a tutorial for the 24 ways advent calendar on building fast autocomplete search for a website on top of Datasette and SQLite. I built the demo against 24 ways itself—I used wget to recursively fetch all 330 articles as HTML, then wrote code in a Jupyter notebook to extract the raw data from them (with BeautifulSoup) and load them into SQLite using my sqlite-utils Python library. I deployed the resulting database using Datasette, then wrote some vanilla JavaScript to implement autocomplete using fast SQL queries against the Datasette JSON API.

# 19th December 2018, 12:26 am / jupyter, 24-ways, sqlite, search, autocomplete, datasette, beautifulsoup

Datasette: Full-text search. I wrote some documentation for Datasette’s full-text search feature, which detects tables which have been configured to use the SQLite FTS module and adds a search input box and support for a _search= querystring parameter.

# 12th May 2018, 12:09 pm / datasette, search, sqlite, fulltextsearch

Typesense (via) A new (to me) open source search engine, with a focus on being “typo-tolerant” and offering great, fast autocomplete—incredibly important now that most searches take place using a mobile phone keyboard. Similar to Elasticsearch or Solr in that it runs as an HTTP server that you serve JSON via POST and GET—and it offers read-only replicas for scaling and high availability. And since it’s 2018, if you have Docker running (I use Docker for Mac) you can start up a test instance with a one-line shell command.

# 6th April 2018, 5:07 pm / open-source, search, autocomplete