Simon Willison’s Weblog


3 items tagged “logincsrf”


Web Security Horror Stories: The Director’s Cut. Slides from the talk on web application security I gave this morning at <head>, the worldwide online conference. I just about managed to resist the temptation to present in my boxers. Topics include XSS, CSRF, Login CSRF and Clickjacking.

# 26th October 2008, 12:15 pm / clickjacking, csrf, logincsrf, security, xss

Logout/Login CSRF. Alf Eaton built an example page (this link goes to his description, not the page itself) that uses a login CSRF attack to log you in to Google using an account he has created. Scary.

# 24th September 2008, 10:18 pm / alf-eaton, csrf, google, logincsrf, security

Robust Defenses for Cross-Site Request Forgery [PDF]. Fascinating report which introduces the “login CSRF” attack, where an attacker uses CSRF to log a user in to a site (e.g. PayPal) using the attacker’s credentials, then waits for them to submit sensitive information or bind the account to their credit card. The paper also includes an in-depth study of potential protection measures, including research that shows that 3-11% of HTTP requests to a popular ad network have had their referer header stripped. Around 0.05%-0.10% of requests have custom HTTP headers such as X-Requested-By stripped.

# 24th September 2008, 9:40 am / csrf, http, logincsrf, paypal, pdf, phishing, security, xrequestedby