Simon Willison’s Weblog


5 items tagged “rye”


uv: Python packaging in Rust (via) “uv is an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust, and designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-tools workflows.”

From Charlie Marsh and Astral, the team behind Ruff, who describe it as a milestone in their pursuit of a “Cargo for Python”.

Also in this announcement: Astral are taking over stewardship of Armin Ronacher’s Rye packaging tool, another Rust project.

uv is reported to be 8-10x faster than regular pip, increasing to 80-115x faster with a warm global module cache thanks to copy-on-write and hard links on supported filesystems—which saves on disk space too.

It also has a --resolution=lowest option for installing the lowest available version of dependencies—extremely useful for testing, I’ve been wanting this for my own projects for a while.

Also included: “uv venv”—a fast tool for creating new virtual environments with no dependency on Python itself.

# 15th February 2024, 7:57 pm / arminronacher, pip, python, rust, rye, ruff

Rye: Added support for marking virtualenvs ignored for cloud sync (via) A neat feature in the new Rye 0.22.0 release. It works by using an xattr Rust crate to set the attributes “com.dropbox.ignored” and “” on the folder.

# 10th February 2024, 6:50 am / python, dropbox, rust, rye

Rye lets you get from no Python on a computer to a fully functioning Python project in under a minute with linting, formatting and everything in place.

[...] Because it was demonstrably designed to avoid interference with any pre-existing Python configurations, Rye allows for a smooth and gradual integration and the emotional barrier of picking it up even for people who use other tools was shown to be low.

Armin Ronacher

# 4th February 2024, 3:12 pm / arminronacher, python, rye


Weeknotes: Miscellaneous research into Rye, ChatGPT Code Interpreter and openai-to-sqlite

I gave myself some time off stressing about my core responsibilities this week after PyCon, which meant allowing myself to be distracted by some miscellaneous research projects.

[... 891 words]

Rye. Armin Ronacher’s take on a Python packaging tool. There are a lot of interesting ideas in this one—it’s written in Rust, configured using pyproject.toml and has some very strong opinions, including completely hiding pip from view and insisting you use “rye add package” instead. Notably, it doesn’t use the system Python at all: instead, it downloads a pre-compiled standalone Python from Gregory Szorc’s python-build-standalone project—the same approach I used for the Datasette Desktop Electron app.

Armin warns that this is just an exploration, with no guarantees of future maintenance—and even has an issue open titled “Should Rye exist?”

# 24th April 2023, 4:02 am / arminronacher, packaging, pypi, python, rust, rye