Simon Willison’s Weblog


3 items tagged “ruff”


Ruff v0.4.0: a hand-written recursive descent parser for Python. The latest release of Ruff—a Python linter and formatter, written in Rust—includes a complete rewrite of the core parser. Previously Ruff used a parser borrowed from RustPython, generated using the LALRPOP parser generator. Victor Hugo Gomes contributed a new parser written from scratch, which provided a 2x speedup and also added error recovery, allowing parsing of invalid Python—super-useful for a linter.

I tried Ruff 0.4.0 just now against Datasette—a reasonably large Python project—and it ran in less than 1/10th of a second. This thing is Fast.

# 19th April 2024, 5 am / compilers, python, rust, ruff

uv: Python packaging in Rust (via) “uv is an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust, and designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-tools workflows.”

From Charlie Marsh and Astral, the team behind Ruff, who describe it as a milestone in their pursuit of a “Cargo for Python”.

Also in this announcement: Astral are taking over stewardship of Armin Ronacher’s Rye packaging tool, another Rust project.

uv is reported to be 8-10x faster than regular pip, increasing to 80-115x faster with a warm global module cache thanks to copy-on-write and hard links on supported filesystems—which saves on disk space too.

It also has a --resolution=lowest option for installing the lowest available version of dependencies—extremely useful for testing, I’ve been wanting this for my own projects for a while.

Also included: “uv venv”—a fast tool for creating new virtual environments with no dependency on Python itself.

# 15th February 2024, 7:57 pm / arminronacher, pip, python, rust, rye, ruff

Sometimes, performance just doesn't matter. If I make some codepath in Ruff 10x faster, but no one ever hits it, I'm sure it could get some likes on Twitter, but the impact on users would be meaningless.

And yet, it's good to care about performance everywhere, even when it doesn't matter. Caring about performance is cultural and contagious. Small wins add up. Small losses add up even more.

Charlie Marsh

# 4th February 2024, 7:41 pm / performance, ruff