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64 items tagged “mysql”


Announcing DuckDB 0.10.0. Somewhat buried in this announcement: DuckDB has Fixed-Length Arrays now, along with array_cross_product(a1, a2), array_cosine_similarity(a1, a2) and array_inner_product(a1, a2) functions.

This means you can now use DuckDB to find related content (and other tricks) using vector embeddings!

Also notable:

DuckDB can now attach MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite databases in addition to databases stored in its own format. This allows data to be read into DuckDB and moved between these systems in a convenient manner, as attached databases are fully functional, appear just as regular tables, and can be updated in a safe, transactional manner.

# 13th February 2024, 5:57 pm / embeddings, sql, duckdb, databases, mysql, postgresql, sqlite


Upgrading to MySQL 8.0 (via) I love a good zero-downtime upgrade story, and this is a fine example of the genre. GitHub spent a year upgrading MySQL from 5.7 to 8 across 1200+ hosts, covering 300+ TB that was serving 5.5 million queries per second. The key technique was extremely carefully managed replication, plus tricks like leaving enough 5.7 replicas available to handle a rollback should one be needed.

# 10th December 2023, 8:36 pm / mysql, replication, ops, github, zero-downtime


Scaling Datastores at Slack with Vitess (via) Slack spent three years migrating 99% of their MySQL query load to run against Vitess, the open source MySQL sharding system originally built by YouTube. “Today, we serve 2.3 million QPS at peak. 2M of those queries are reads and 300K are writes. Our median query latency is 2 ms, and our p99 query latency is 11 ms.”

# 1st December 2020, 9:30 pm / youtube, slack, scaling, mysql, sharding, vitess

Generated Columns in SQLite (via) SQLite 3.31.0 released today, and generated columns are the single most notable new feature. PostgreSQL 12 added these in October 2019, and MySQL has had them since 5.7 in October 2015. MySQL and SQLite both offer either “stored” or “virtual” generated columns, with virtual columns being calculated at runtime. PostgreSQL currently only supports stored columns.

# 24th January 2020, 4:20 am / mysql, sql, postgresql, sqlite


db-to-sqlite 1.0 release. I’ve released version 1.0 of my db-to-sqlite tool, which lets you create a SQLite database copy of any database supported by SQLAlchemy (I’ve tested it against MySQL and PostgreSQL). The tool has a bunch of new features: you can use --redact to redact specific columns, specify --table multiple times to copy a subset of tables, and the --all option now efficiently adds all foreign keys at the end of the import. The project now has unit tests which run against MySQL and PostgreSQL in Travis CI. Also included in the README: a shell one-liner for creating a local SQLite copy of a remote Heroku Postgres database based on extracting the connection string from a Heroku config environment variable.

# 1st July 2019, 1:35 am / projects, datasette, sqlite, mysql, postgresql, heroku

MySQL: How to get the top N rows for each group. MySQL doesn’t support the row_number() window function that’s available in PostgreSQL (and recent SQLite), which means it can’t easily answer questions like “for each of these authors, give me the most recent three blog entries they have written” in a single query. Only it turns out it can, if you abuse MySQL session variables in a devious way. This isn’t a new feature: MySQL has had this for over a decade, and in my rough testing it works quickly even on tables with millions of rows.

# 4th March 2019, 11:38 pm / mysql

Vitess (via) I remember looking at Vitess when it was first released by YouTube in 2012. The idea of a proven horizontally scalable sharding mechanism for MySQL was exciting, but I was put off by the need for a custom Go or Java client library. Apparently that changed with Vitess 2.1 in April 2017, the first version to introduce a MySQL protocol compatible proxy which can be connected to by existing code written in any language. Vitess 3.0 came out last December so now the MySQL proxy layer is much more stable. Vitess is used in production by a bunch of other companies now (including Slack and Square) so it’s definitely worth a closer look.

# 14th February 2019, 5:35 am / youtube, sharding, mysql, scaling, slack, vitess


Migrating Messenger storage to optimize performance (via) Fascinating case-study of a truly gargantuan migration. Messenger has over a billion users, and Facebook successfully migrated its backend storage from HBase to their MyRocks database (a fork of MySQL with a storage engine built on their SSD-optimized RocksDB key/value library) without any user-visible downtime. They ended up using two migration paths: one for the 99.9% of regular accounts, and a separate path for extremely high volume accounts (businesses with very active chat bots or support systems).

# 27th June 2018, 3:05 pm / facebook, migration, scaling, mysql, zero-downtime

MySQL High Availability at GitHub. Cutting edge high availability case-study: GitHub are now using Consul, raft, their own custom load balancer and their own custom orchestrator replication management toolkit to achieve cross-datacenter failover for their MySQL master/replica clusters.

# 20th June 2018, 11:05 pm / shlominoach, highavailability, mysql, scaling, github

github/gh-ost: Thoughts on Foreign Keys? The biggest challenge I’ve seen with foreign key constraints at scale (at least with MySQL) is how they conflict with online schema migrations using tools like pt-online-schema-change or GitHub’s gh-ost. This is a good explanation of the issue by Shlomi Noach, one of the gh-ost maintainers.

# 19th June 2018, 4:12 pm / mysql, sql, scaling, databases, shlominoach

mycli. Really neat auto-complete enabled MySQL terminal client, built using the excellent python-prompt-toolkit. Has a sister-project for PostgreSQL called pgcli.

# 11th June 2018, 7:08 pm / mysql, postgresql, python

Showdown: MySQL 8 vs PostgreSQL 10 (via) MySQL 8 makes comparisons between PostgreSQL and MySQL far more interesting, as it closes some of the key feature gaps. Meanwhile the PostgreSQL replication story (long one of MySQL’s key advantages) has improved dramatically in recent versions. This article offers a useful overview of the current differences, including diving into some of the less obvious implementation details that differ between the two.

# 23rd May 2018, 5:02 pm / mysql, postgresql, databases

How to number rows in MySQL. MySQL’s user variables can be used to add a “rank” or “row_number” column to a database query that shows the ranking of a row against a specific unique value. This means you can return the first N rows for any given column—for example, given a list of articles return just the first three tags for each article. I’ve recently found myself using this trick for a few different things—once you know it, chances to use it crop up surprisingly often.

# 16th May 2018, 9:06 pm / mysql

What’s New in MySQL 8.0. MySQL 8 has lots of exciting improvements: Window functions, SRS aware spatial types for GIS, utf8mb4 by default, a ton of JSON improvements and atomic DDL. I no longer feel at a significant disadvantage when I have to use MySQL in place of PostgreSQL.

# 19th April 2018, 4:03 pm / mysql


What are the key insights in mastering SQL queries?

You may find this article useful (despite the list-o-matic name): 10 Easy Steps to a Complete Understanding of SQL—I’ve been using SQL for years but I found that some of the concepts explained there helped firm up my fundamental understanding of how to use it effectively.

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How was FriendFeed’s schema less db faster than pure MySQL?

The principle reason they switched to a schemaless DB was to work around the challenges of having to make schemes changes in MySQL, which can lock the table and take hours if bit days to complete in large tables.

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Is there a maximum number of records one can fetch with a MySQL query?

To my knowledge there is no upper limit—that’s why good database libraries provide abstractions that let you iterate over large queries without loading the entire result set in to memory at once.

[... 54 words]

Should I store markdown instead of HTML into database fields?

You should store the exact format that was entered by the user.

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How can I detect manual record insert from mysql cansole into my code in django .?

You can’t. The best you can do is have Django periodically poll MySQL to see if anything has changed (maybe with a custom management command run by cron)—having a TIMESTAMP field on every table which will be automatically set to the current time when a record is inserted will help you spot things that have changed.

[... 80 words]

What tools and techniques are used for relational database version control (structure and data)?

The term you are looking for is database migrations (sometimes called database change scripts).

[... 308 words]

Any source available to download sample data (in 10+ GB) for testing?

Wikipedia has some pretty interesting dumps, in both XML and SQL format:

[... 100 words]

What is the most efficient way to lookup an object (e.g. a user) by only a string?

Yes—an index on a varchar column is exactly how you would implement this.

[... 38 words]

Python Django load MySQL database from csv files performance issue?

Don’t use the Django ORM for bulk imports—the performance overhead is pretty small for regular web page stuff, but it adds up if you are running millions of inserts.

[... 63 words]

How can you build a search engine for a website built in PHP/MySQL?

There are a bunch of options.

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What are XML feed best practices?

It sounds like you’re pretty much screwed already, if you’re dealing with companies that still think FTPing XML around is a sensible thing to do.

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Has anyone implemented a message queue with mysql and many workers?

Flickr built their own message queue on top of MySQL:

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Is a relational database with many-to-many relationships difficult to develop into a web app?

Many to Many tables can be a bit of a pain to deal with using regular SQL, but a good ORM can abstract away any potential complexity almost entirely. I find using the Django ORM means I’m much less likely to shy away from a design that involves a many-to-many relationship because I know it won’t increase the complexity of the application. I imagine the Rails ORM has the same effect.

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What are the pros and cons of switching from MySQL to one of the NoSQL databases?

Pro: If your own benchmarks tell you you need to switch to a specific NoSQL solution, you’ll know exactly what the pro is.

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Using MySQL as a NoSQL—A story for exceeding 750,000 qps on a commodity server. Very interesting approach: much of the speed difference between MySQL/InnoDB and memcached is due to the overhead involved in parsing and processing SQL, so the team at DeNA wrote their own MySQL plugin, HandlerSocket, which exposes a NoSQL-style network protocol for directly calling the low level MySQL storage engine APIs—resulting in a 7.5x performance increase.

# 27th October 2010, 11:10 pm / mysql, nosql, scaling, recovered

When should one switch from MySQL to Oracle or PostgreSQL?

When your own benchmarks prove that your application’s particular load characteristics will perform better on another database—and the difference is large enough that it’s worth the cost involved in retargeting your code. If that cost is high (and it probably will be) it may be worth paying for some expert consultants to ensure that your implementations against the different databases are properly optimised.

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