Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for mysql

64 posts tagged “mysql”


Semi-synchronous replication for MySQL (via) Google’s patch for MySQL which enables more reliable master-slave replication (a transaction isn’t committed until at least one slave has replicated the data).

# 5th June 2007, 10:07 pm / mysql, google, open-source, philippearson, replication, masterslave

Capacity Planning for LAMP (via) John Allspaw’s MySQL Conf 2007 talk on capacity planning (John is Operations Engineering Manager at Flickr).

# 27th April 2007, 8:41 pm / john-allspaw, mysql, scaling, capacityplanning, flickr


TurboDbAdmin. Ajax phpMyAdmin clone built on Dojo. Worth trying the live demo.

# 4th November 2005, 3:27 pm / dojo, ajax, javascript, phpmyadmin, mysql


DevShed stuff

DevShed have published two useful new articles—MySQL Connectivity With Python and Understanding SQL Joins. They also now provide nice looking printer-friendly PDF versions of articles, which appear to be dynamically generated. Having found this article on Google I suspect they are using HTMLDOC to create the PDFs.