Simon Willison’s Weblog


13 items tagged “web”


We can have a different web (via) Molly White’s beautifully optimistic manifesto for creating a better web. Read the whole thing, or even better, find some headphones and a dog and go for a walk listening to the audio version.

# 2nd May 2024, 2:41 am / web, molly-white


Farmbound, or how I built an app in 2022. Stuart Langridge describes the architecture and decision process behind his new mobile web game, Farmbound.

# 31st August 2022, 11:23 pm / stuart-langridge, web

Working with the web platform is dealing with history, with the accumulated matter of quirksmode and good-enough standards. In exchange for the ability to deliver instantly-updating software directly to customers with no middlemen and no installation, you have to absorb a great deal of nearly-useless information that’s entirely about dodging meaningless traps.

Tom MacWright

# 4th March 2022, 4:11 pm / web, tom-macwright


Breaking Changes to the Web Platform (via) “Over the years there have been necessary changes to the web platform that caused legacy websites to break.”—this list is thankfully very short, only 11 items so far. Let’s hope it stays that way!

# 6th August 2021, 6:32 am / web


2020 Web Milestones (via) A lot of stuff is happening in 2020! Mike Sherov rounds it up—highlights include the release of Chromium Edge (Microsoft’s Chrome-powered browser for Windows 7+), Web Components supported in every major browser, Deno 1.x, SameSite Cookies turned on by default (which should dramatically reduce CSRF exposure) and Python 2 and Flash EOLs.

# 24th January 2020, 4:43 am / chrome, csrf, flash, ie, javascript, python, web, deno


When you’re pump­ing mes­sages around the In­ter­net be­tween het­ero­ge­neous code­bas­es built by peo­ple who don’t know each oth­er, shit is gonna hap­pen. That’s the whole ba­sis of the We­b: You can safe­ly ig­nore an HTTP head­er or HTML tag you don’t un­der­stand, and noth­ing break­s. It’s great be­cause it al­lows peo­ple to just try stuff out, and the use­ful stuff catch­es on while the bad ideas don’t break any­thing.

Tim Bray

# 1st September 2018, 1:41 am / web, tim-bray, messaging


Want to know if your ‘HTML application’ is part of the web? Link me into it. Not just link me to it; link me into it. Not just to the black-box frontpage. Link me to a piece of content. Show me that it can be crawled, show me that we can draw strands of silk between the resources presented in your app. That is the web: The beautiful interconnection of navigable content

Ben Ward

# 6th May 2010, 8:53 pm / ben-ward, html, links, web, webapps, recovered


Play framework for Java. I’m genuinely impressed by this—it’s a full stack web framework for Java that actually does feel a lot like Django or Rails. Best feature: code changes are automatically detected and reloaded by the development web server, giving you the same save-and-refresh workflow you get in Django (no need to compile and redeploy to try out your latest changes).

# 25th October 2009, 11:21 pm / django, frameworks, java, play, rails, web

I propose that the World Wide Web would serve well as a framework for structuring much of the academic Computer Science curriculum. A study of the theory and practice of the Web’s technologies would traverse many key areas of our discipline.

Tim Bray

# 16th July 2009, 10:16 am / web, tim-bray, computerscience, education

The Web vs. the Fallacies. Tim Bray on how the architecture of the Web helps developers handle the Fallacies of Distributed Computing.

# 25th May 2009, 11:49 pm / fallacies, tim-bray, web


The technological future of the Web is in micro and macro structure. The approach to the micro is akin to proteins and surface binding--or, to put it another way, phenotropics and pattern matching. Massively parallel agents need to be evolved to discover how to bind onto something that looks like a blog post; a crumb-trail; a right-hand nav; a top 10 list; a review; an event description; search boxes.

Matt Webb

# 1st January 2008, 12:13 pm / matt-webb, web, microformats, phenotropics, patternmatching, agents


Getting from point A to B (the right way)

If your laptop is relatively recent it might have hardware support for virtualization (Intel Core Duo chips do, for example). If so, it’s worth looking in to using VMWare or Parallels to run a virtual linux server locally on your machine. You’ll need a fair amount of RAM for this as well—2 GB minimum probably.

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How is Google giving me access to this page?

Google have an open URL redirector, so you can craft a link that uses that:

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