Simon Willison’s Weblog

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8 items tagged “web-standards-project”


Somebody should write up how the early-2000s push for open standards and the Web Standards Project’s advocacy are a major factor in why Apple was able to create its enormously valuable comeback. Put another way, one of the killer moments of the first iPhone demo was Jobs saying it had the “real” web, not the “baby” web, by demonstrating the NYT homepage. That would’ve been IE-only & Windows-only if not for effective advocacy from the web standards community.

Anil Dash

# 7th May 2018, 1:28 pm / anil-dash, apple, web-standards, web-standards-project



Acid3 is out. The third Acid test, again compiled by Ian Hickson. This one viciously tests DOM Scripting standards compliance and currently exposes flaws in every browser.

# 5th March 2008, 12:34 am / acid3, ian-hickson, javascript, standards, web-standards-project


WaSP Street Team. A new Web Standards Project initiative to encourage the promotion of Web standards in local communities. Your help needed!

# 13th March 2007, 1:40 pm / web-standards-project


WaSP Survey (via) Tell us how to help you!

# 9th June 2004, 5:10 am / surveys, web-standards-project


Getting my stripes

Well colour me yellow and black, I’ve just become the latest member of the web standards project! I’ve been an avid supporter of the web standards movement for over a year now—in fact, my first ever entry linked to their launch of Phase II. It’s a great honour to be a part of something I’ve supported for so long and I hope to become heavily involved in the Learn campaign, which aims to provide resources to developers who want to learn to use web standards effectively. I’m joining a truly talented team and I look forward to helping encourage web professionals to adopt standards and make the web a more interoperable place.


Hixie on WaSP

Hixie has been poking around the new Web Standards Project site, and he is not impressed. His analysis of the site makes interesting reading, with complaints including CSS colour and background not being set at the same time and the content-type of the document being set as “text/html” rather than the more correct “text/xml” required for XHTML documents.

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WaSP Phase II

The Web Standards project has launched Phase II.