Simon Willison’s Weblog


3 items tagged “surveys”


A bad survey won’t tell you it’s bad. It’s actually really hard to find out that a bad survey is bad — or to tell whether you have written a good or bad set of questions. Bad code will have bugs. A bad interface design will fail a usability test. It’s possible to tell whether you are having a bad user interview right away. Feedback from a bad survey can only come in the form of a second source of information contradicting your analysis of the survey results.

Most seductively, surveys yield responses that are easy to count and counting things feels so certain and objective and truthful.

Even if you are counting lies.

Erika Hall

# 24th April 2024, 12:31 am / surveys, usability, userexperience


Off the shelf question database/management system for repeated surveys?

I’ve been using Airtable for some personal projects recently and I could not be more impressed with it. It makes building a relatively sophisticated database trivial, the collaboration features are outstanding (live updates, full history tracking on everything) and it’s fully cross platform—I’ve designed new databases on my iPhone!

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Findings From the Web Design Survey (via) 32,831 people responded to A List Apart’s survey, and the conclusions have been packaged up in an elegant PDF. You can also download the (anonymized) raw data and run your own analysis.

# 17th October 2007, 4:02 pm / alistapart, eric-meyer, graphs, surveys