Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 17th October 2007

Roy Orbison in Cling-film, the novel. If you missed the original internet meme you might be a bit baffled by this one, but I picked up a copy of the novel today and it completely lives up to the standard set by the short stories.

# 3:58 pm / books, clingfilm, funny, memes, royorbison, royorbisoninclingfilm

Findings From the Web Design Survey (via) 32,831 people responded to A List Apart’s survey, and the conclusions have been packaged up in an elegant PDF. You can also download the (anonymized) raw data and run your own analysis.

# 4:02 pm / a-list-apart, eric-meyer, graphs, surveys

SVG and text/html. Anne van Kesteren discusses the need for SVG and MathML to be embeddable in HTML 5, not just XHTML.

# 4:06 pm / annevankesteren, html, html5, mathml, svg, xhtml

Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers' hands in February.

Steve Jobs

# 6:04 pm / apple, developers, iphone, john-gruber, sdk, steve-jobs

Global Hackers Create a New Online Crime Economy (via) Fascinating, detailed look at the evolution of the hacker service economy. Of particular interest: a web application that sells access to hacked machines to identity thieves on a timeshare basis.

# 9:46 pm / bruce-schneier, hackers, identitytheft, security

Gozi Trojan. The full security paper on the Gozi trojan: how it was discovered, how it was traced and details of the “customer interface for on-line purchases of stolen data” at the other end (which, incidentally, was ridden with security holes).

# 10:03 pm / gozi, security, trojan