Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 25th April 2007

The Web Design Survey, 2007. A List Apart is trying to learn more about our community.

# 1:47 am / alistapart, survey

The sliding scale. Jeremy’s write-up of my panel at the Web 2.0 Expo, with illustrative photograph.

# 7:09 pm / ajax, javascript, jeremy-keith, speaking, web2expo

Scribd. This appears to be social software for the huge population of people who can’t imagine creating anything without using Word.

# 7:22 pm / bemused, scribd, socialsoftware, word

Oxford Geek Night videos. The videos from the last Oxford Geek Night have now been posted.

# 9:01 pm / oxfordgeeknight2, oxford-geek-nights

The joy of pdb.set_trace(). I use nosetests --pdb-failures as my main entrypoint for Python debugging—it starts the debugger at the first failing test.

# 11:37 pm / debugging, nose, pdb, python, testing

Introducing http:BL (via) Project Honey Pot announce a new blacklist service for blocking comment spammers and e-mail spiders using information from their network of honey pots.

# 11:39 pm / blacklist, commentspam, honeypot, security, spam

2007 » April
