Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 3rd April 2007

phpsh. An interactive shell for PHP, developed at Facebook and written mostly in Python. Facebook are really pushing their open-source stuff at the moment.

# 9:43 am / facebook, php, phpsh, python

Ekranoplan! Crazy awesome Soviet “ground effect” vehicle, visible in dry dock on Google Maps.

# 10:04 am / bill-humphries, ekranoplans, google-maps, soviet

Lawrence Journal-World Marketplace (via) While other newspapers complain about competition from the internet, my former employer is embracing it. This is why local newspapers still matter.

# 10:15 am / jeff-croft, lawrence, ljworld, marketplace

Ext JS. Jack Slocum is building a business around his excellent Ext JavaScript library (which can now run on top of YUI, jQuery or Prototype). The library itself is LGPL, but you can pay for a commercial license and support.

# 10:11 pm / jack-slocum, javascript, jquery, prototype, yui, yuiext

mail rail on Flickr (via) Photos of the Royal Mail’s private underground railway, sadly closed in 2003.

# 11:02 pm / flickr, royalmail

Mass Video Conversion Using AWS. How to use S3, SQS, EC2, ffmpeg and some Python to bulk convert videos with Amazon Web Services.

# 11:44 pm / amazon, aws, ec2, ffmpeg, python, s3, sqs

2007 » April
