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11 items tagged “ibm”


A computer can never be held accountable. This legendary page from an internal IBM training in 1979 could not be more appropriate for our new age of AI.


A computer can never be held accountable

Therefore a computer must never make a management decision

Back in June 2024 I asked on Twitter if anyone had more information on the original source.

Jonty Wareing replied:

It was found by someone going through their father's work documents, and subsequently destroyed in a flood.

I spent some time corresponding with the IBM archives but they can't locate it. Apparently it was common for branch offices to produce things that were not archived.

Here's the reply Jonty got back from IBM:

Dear Jonty Wareing, This is Max Campbell from the IBM Corporate Archives responding to your request. Unfortunately, I've searched the collection several times for this presentation and I am unable to find it. I will take another look today and see if I can find it, but since there is so little information to go on, l'm not sure I will be successful. Sincerely, Max Campbell, Reference Desk, IBM Corporate Archives, 2455 South Rd, Bldg 04-02 Room CSC12, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

I believe the image was first shared online in this tweet by @bumblebike in February 2017. Here's where they confirm it was from 1979 internal training.

Here's another tweet from @bumblebike from December 2021 about the flood:

Unfortunately destroyed by flood in 2019 with most of my things. Inquired at the retirees club zoom last week, but there’s almost no one the right age left. Not sure where else to ask.

# 3rd February 2025, 1:17 pm / ibm, history, ai, ethics


Docling. MIT licensed document extraction Python library from the Deep Search team at IBM, who released Docling v2 on October 16th.

Here's the Docling Technical Report paper from August, which provides details of two custom models: a layout analysis model for figuring out the structure of the document (sections, figures, text, tables etc) and a TableFormer model specifically for extracting structured data from tables.

Those models are available on Hugging Face.

Here's how to try out the Docling CLI interface using uvx (avoiding the need to install it first - though since it downloads models it will take a while to run the first time):

uvx docling mydoc.pdf --to json --to md

This will output a mydoc.json file with complex layout information and a Markdown file which includes Markdown tables where appropriate.

The Python API is a lot more comprehensive. It can even extract tables as Pandas DataFrames:

from docling.document_converter import DocumentConverter
converter = DocumentConverter()
result = converter.convert("document.pdf")
for table in result.document.tables:
    df = table.export_to_dataframe()

I ran that inside uv run --with docling python. It took a little while to run, but it demonstrated that the library works.

# 3rd November 2024, 4:57 am / ocr, ai, pdf, python, ibm, hugging-face, uv


Scaling Django web apps on Apache. Cool to see this kind of article cropping up on IBM developerWorks, but it’s a shame they don’t mention mod_wsgi.

# 10th April 2009, 9:23 am / modwsgi, python, django, ibm, apache

DB2 support for Django is coming. From IBM, under the Apache 2.0 License. I’m not sure if this makes it hard to bundle it with the rest of Django, which uses the BSD license.

# 18th February 2009, 10:58 pm / bsd, open-source, licenses, ibm, db2, django, python, databases, orm, antonio-cangiano


Damien Katz: New Gig. IBM have employed Damien Katz to work full time on CouchDB. The work will be under the Apache license with the ASF owning the copyright.

# 2nd January 2008, 8:35 pm / couchdb, ibm, damien-katz, apache, asf


Introducing Operator. New microformat detecting Firefox extension, developed at IBM and released by Mozilla Labs. Examples are from Yahoo! Local, Upcoming and Flickr.

# 18th December 2006, 4:36 pm / extension, firefox, ibm, microformats, flickr, mozilla, mozillalabs, upcoming, yahoo


IBM poop heads say LAMP users need to “grow up”. Ryan blows away a ton of the myths surrounding LAMP.

Nope. We call bullshit. After wasting years of our lives trying to implement physical three tier architectures that "scale" and failing miserably time after time, we're going with something that actually works.

# 30th May 2005, 9:34 am / ibm, lamp, ryan-tomayko

IBM: ’LAMP’ users need to grow up (via) Which is why Friendster switched from JSP to PHP. Pfft.

# 26th May 2005, 11:41 pm / ibm, lamp

IBM to Free Java—Next Week? The question mark means it’s a rumour.

# 19th January 2005, 4:54 pm / java, ibm


Linux on the desktop at IBM

Spotted on Slashdot, IBM’s Open Source Desktop—Directions for today... and Tomorrow presentation includes one slide that really caught my attention:

[... 95 words]


IBM accessibility center

IBM’s Accessibility Center has a plethora of useful information and resources, including a free 30 day trial of their Home Page Reader text-to-speech browser software.