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20 items tagged “zeit-now”


Weeknotes: django-sql-dashboard widgets

Visit Weeknotes: django-sql-dashboard widgets

A few small releases this week, for django-sql-dashboard, datasette-auth-passwords and datasette-publish-vercel.

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Weeknotes: Hacking on 23 different projects

I wrote a lot of code this week: 184 commits over 23 repositories! I’ve also started falling for Zeit Now v2, having found workarounds for some of my biggest problems with it.

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Goodbye Zeit Now v1, hello datasette-publish-now—and talking to myself in GitHub issues

This week I’ve been mostly dealing with the finally announced shutdown of Zeit Now v1. And having long-winded conversations with myself in GitHub issues.

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Zeit Now v1 to sunset soon: no new deployments from 1st May, total shutdown 7th August. I posted a thread on Twitter with some thoughts. Zeit Now v1 remains the best hosting platform I’ve ever used given my particular tastes. They’ve handled the shutdown very responsibly, but I’m sad to see it go.

# 4th April 2020, 5:32 am / hosting, zeit-now, datasette


Ministry of Silly Runtimes: Vintage Python on Cloud Run (via) Cloud Run is an exciting new hosting service from Google that lets you define a container using a Dockerfile and then run that container in a “scale to zero” environment, so you only pay for time spent serving traffic. It’s similar to the now-deprecated Zeit Now 1.0 which inspired me to create Datasette. Here Dustin Ingram demonstrates how powerful Docker can be as the underlying abstraction by deploying a web app using a 25 year old version of Python 1.x.

# 9th April 2019, 5:33 pm / cloud, python, zeit-now, docker, datasette, cloudrun


Building smaller Python Docker images

Changes are afoot at Zeit Now, my preferred hosting provider for the past year (see previous posts). They have announced Now 2.0, an intriguing new approach to providing auto-scaling immutable deployments. It’s built on top of lambdas, and comes with a whole host of new constraints: code needs to fit into a 5MB bundle for example (though it looks like this restriction will soon be relaxed a littleupdate November 19th you can now bump this up to 50MB).

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The Now CDN (via) Huge announcement from Zeit Now today: all deployments are now served through the Cloudflare CDN, which means they benefit from 150 worldwide CDN locations that obey HTTP caching headers. This is particularly relevant for Datasette, since it serves far-future cache headers by default and uses Cloudflare-compatible HTTP/2 push hints to accelerate 302 redirects. This means that both the “datasette publish now” CLI command and the Datasette Publish web app will now result in Cloudflare-accelerated deployments.

# 12th July 2018, 3:34 am / cdn, performance, zeit-now, datasette, cloudflare

Continuous Integration with Travis CI—ZEIT Documentation. One of the neat things about Zeit Now is that since deployments are unlimited and are automatically assigned a unique URL you can set up a continuous integration system like Travis to deploy a brand new copy of every commit or every pull request. This documentation also shows how to have commits to master automatically aliased to a known URL. I have quite a few Datasette projects that are deployed automatically to Now by Travis and the pattern seems to be working great so far.

# 1st June 2018, 5:21 pm / continuous-deployment, continuous-integration, zeit-now, travis

Datasette—a talk at Zeit Day SF 2018 (via) Slides from the talk I gave today about Datasette and Datasette Publish at the Zeit Day SF conference.

# 28th April 2018, 9:31 pm / talks, zeit-now, datasette

Make Near Me (via) The natural evolution of—Make Near Me uses the Zeit Now API to allow anyone to deploy their own version of Owls Near Me for any species! I announced this on stage at Zeit Day SF 2018 as part of my talk on Datasette and Datasette Publish.

# 28th April 2018, 9:28 pm / owlsnearyou, projects, zeit-now

Domains Search for Web: Instant, Serverless & Global (via) The team at Zeit are pioneering a whole bunch of fascinating web engineering architectural patterns. Their new domain name autocomplete search uses Next.js and server-side rendering on first load, then switches to client-side rendering from then on. It can then load results asynchronously over a custom WebSocket protocol as the microservices on the backend finish resolving domain availability from the various different TLD providers.

# 26th January 2018, 1:14 am / websockets, zeit-now, microservices

API 2.0: Log-In with ZEIT, New Docs & More. Here’s Zeit’s write-up of their brand new API 2.0, which adds OAuth support and allows anything that can be done with their command-line tools to be achieved via their public API as well. This is the enabling technology that allowed me to build Datasette Publish.

# 17th January 2018, 3:23 pm / zeit-now

Datasette Publish: a web app for publishing CSV files as an online database

I’ve just released Datasette Publish, a web tool for turning one or more CSV files into an online database with a JSON API.

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ftfy—fix unicode that’s broken in various ways (via) I shipped a small web UI wrapper around the excellent Python FTFY library, which can take broken unicode strings and suggest a sequence of operations that can be applied to get back sensible text.

# 9th January 2018, 3:22 am / projects, unicode, zeit-now


gzthermal-web (via) I built a quick web application wrapping the gzthermal gzip visualization tool and deployed it to Zeit Now wrapped up in a Docker container. Give it a URL and it shows you a PNG visualization of how gzip encodes that page.

# 21st November 2017, 6:24 pm / projects, sanic, zeit-now, docker

now-ab. Intriguing example of a Zeit Now microservice: now-ab is a Node.js HTTP proxy which proxies through to one of two or more other Now-deployed applications based on a cookie. If you don’t have the cookie, it picks a backend at random and sets the cookie. Admittedly this is the easiest part of implementing A/B testing (the hard part is the analytics: tracking exposures and conversions) but as an example of a microservice architectural pattern this is fascinating.

# 16th November 2017, 11:03 pm / ab-testing, nodejs, zeit-now, microservices

ZEIT – 6x Faster Now Uploads with HTTP/2 (via) Fantastic optimization write-up by Pranay Prakash. The Now deployment tool works by computing a hash for every local file in a project, then uploading just the ones that are missing. Pranay switched to uploading over HTTP/2 using the fetch-h2 library and got a 6x speedup for larger projects.

# 8th November 2017, 1:04 am / nodejs, zeit-now, http2

Running a load testing Go utility using Docker for Mac

I’m playing around with Zeit Now at the moment (see my previous entry) and decided to hit it with some traffic using Apache Bench. I got this SSL handshake error:

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Carbon (via) Beautiful little tool that you can paste source code into to generate an image of that code with syntax highlighting applied, ready to be tweeted or shared anywhere that lets you share an image. Built in Node and next.js, with image generation handled client-side by the dom-to-image JavaScript library which loads HTML into a SVG foreignObject (sadly not yet supported by Safari) and uses that to populate a canvas and produce a PNG.

# 19th October 2017, 6:31 pm / javascript, nodejs, svg, zeit-now

Deploying an asynchronous Python microservice with Sanic and Zeit Now

Back in 2008 Natalie Downe and I deployed what today we would call a microservice: json-head, a tiny Google App Engine app that allowed you to make an HTTP head request against a URL and get back the HTTP headers as JSON. One of our initial use-scase for this was Natalie’s addSizes.js, an unobtrusive jQuery script that could annotate links to PDFs and other large files with their corresponding file size pulled from the Content-Length header. Another potential use-case is detecting broken links, since the API can be used to spot 404 status codes (as in this example).

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