Simon Willison’s Weblog


4 items tagged “libevent”


Concurrence. Exciting: a Python framework for “creating massively concurrent network applications” (the tutorial benchmarks a Hello World web server at over 8,000 requests a second). It’s implemented on top of libevent using pyrex, can run on either Stackless Python or Greenlets from the py library and ships with a WSGI server, an HTTP client and a DBAPI 2.0 compliant MySQL driver.

# 15th March 2009, 1:28 pm / greenlets, http, libevent, mysql, pyrex, python, stacklesspython, wsgi


django-evserver. Marek Majkowski got Comet working with Django using a custom WSGI server that wraps libevent using ctypes.

# 19th January 2008, 12:15 pm / comet, ctypes, django, djangoevserver, libevent, marekmajkowski, python, wsgi


Orbited: The Orbit Event Daemon. HTTP daemon designed for long-lasting comet connections, written in Python using pyevent on top of libevent.

# 9th November 2007, 11:01 pm / comet, http, libevent, pyevent, python

pear 0.8. “A libevent/pyevent-based locking session daemon for the web”. Relational databases aren’t particularly well suited to the access characteristics of session data.

# 4th March 2007, 9:19 pm / libevent, python, sessions