Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for rss

37 items tagged “rss”


Footnotes that work in RSS readers. Chris Coyier explained the mechanism used by Feedbin to render custom footnotes back in 2019.

I stumbled upon this after I spotted an inline footnote rendered in NetNewsWire the other day (from this post by Drew Breunig):

NetNewsWire screenshot. A post by Drew Breunig is shown, and a small number one in a pill reveals an overlay displaying a footnote.

Since feed readers generally strip JavaScript and CSS and only allow a subset of HTML tags I was intrigued to figure out how that worked.

I found this code in the NetNewsWire source (it's MIT licensed) which runs against elements matching this CSS selector:

sup > a[href*='#fn'], sup > div > a[href*='#fn']

So any link with an href attribute containing #fn that is a child of a <sup> (superscript) element.

In Drew's post the HTML looks like this:

<!-- Footnote link: -->
<sup id="fnref:precision" role="doc-noteref">
  <a href="#fn:precision" class="footnote" rel="footnote">1</a>
<!-- Then at the bottom: -->
<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
    <li id="fn:precision" role="doc-endnote">
      <p>This is the footnote.
        <a href="#fnref:precision" class="reversefootnote" role="doc-backlink">&#8617;</a>

Where did this convention come from? It doesn't seem to be part of any specific standard. Chris linked to (no longer resolving) which was the site for the bigfoot.js jQuery plugin, so my best guess is the convention came from that.

# 1st August 2024, 9:57 pm / atom, jquery, rss, netnewswire

“Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement. Anil Dash points out that podcasts are one of the few cases where the dream really did work out:

“[...] what it represents is the triumph of exactly the kind of technology that’s supposed to be impossible: open, empowering tech that’s not owned by any one company, that can’t be controlled by any one company, and that allows people to have ownership over their work and their relationship with their audience.”

# 9th February 2024, 5:18 am / web-standards, rss, podcasts, anil-dash A page for every blog. I hadn’t checked in on Phil Gyford’s blog directory since it first launched in November 2022. I’m delighted to see that it’s thriving—2,117 blogs have now been carefully curated, and the latest feature is a page for each blog showing its categories, description, an activity graph and the most recent posts syndicated via RSS/Atom.

# 9th January 2024, 10:15 pm / atom, blogs, syndication, phil-gyford, rss


Twitter, reformatted. I wrote a Yahoo! Pipe to clean up Twitter’s RSS feeds—removing the username prefix and filtering out items that begin with “@” or “RT”..

# 18th March 2010, 1:10 am / rss, pipes, twitter, yahoopipes


If you’re just linking to the stuff that people are all talking about on Twitter or that floats to the top of Hacker News, you may as well give up on your blog, as far as I’m concerned. Everybody already sees that stuff. You have to dig deeper to offer more interesting information, and an RSS reader is the best tool you can use for that purpose.

Rafe Colburn

# 22nd December 2009, 11:03 am / blogging, rss, rafecolburn


Inside Upgrading our RSS feeds. The Guardian now offers full-content RSS feeds of pretty much everything for which we have the necessary rights (no ads yet, but they’ll be added soon). Adding “/rss” to the URL in various places on the site will get you feeds for sections, subjects, contributors and more.

# 24th October 2008, 11:08 am / rss, guardian, fullcontent, syndication

FriendFeed Blog: Simple Update Protocol. FriendFeed infamously poll RSS feeds on the 43 services they support millions of times an hour in an effort to keep their content as real-time as possible. SUP is a new proposal by FriendFeed for a sort of “master feed” of changes to a site—instead of hitting the Flickr feed for each of their users they would just poll Flickr’s SUP feed every minute or so to find out who had uploaded a new photo, and only retrieve the RSS feed for those users.

# 28th August 2008, 12:16 pm / friendfeed, sup, feeds, atom, rss, flickr, polling

Flickr Developer Blog: API Responses as Feeds (via) Flickr API calls that return a “standard photos response” (e.g. and flickr.favorites.getList) can now output eight different feed formats as well, including Atom, RSS flavours, geoatom, geordf and KML. Error codes are returned as X-FlickrErrCode HTTP headers.

# 25th August 2008, 10:20 pm / flickr, apis, feeds, kml, atom, geordf, rss, geoatom, http

Film + Food & drink | (via) The Guardian’s publishing system supports tag intersections based on the URL; this page shows all film stories that also mention food. There’s even an RSS feed.

# 23rd August 2008, 11:18 am / intersection, feeds, guardian, rss, tags

RSS Duplicate Detection. “Detecting duplicate items in an RSS feed is something of a black art”. I hadn’t realised quite how involved such a basic function of an aggregator could be.

# 22nd January 2008, 8:11 pm / rss, syndication, atom, duplicates, aggregator, blackart, james-holderness


Updates to template_utils. James Bennett’s Django template_utils library now provides tags for consuming external RSS and Atom feeds. Combine with template fragment caching for an instant mashup written just using templates.

# 10th December 2007, 3:25 pm / james-bennett, django, templateutils, rss, atom, feeds, universalfeedparser, python

Does the idea of redefining the role of the Internet browser appeal to you? Do the terms HTTP, RSS, Microformats, and OpenID, excite you? If so, then this just might be the opportunity for you.

IE Team Job Ad

# 18th July 2007, 7:43 am / http, rss, openid, microformats, ie, microsoft

If you write a spec, write a validator alongside. How much pain could have been spared with early versions of RSS if we'd had a common, agreed upon validator. In short, it's the test suite that ultimately decides the spec.

Joe Heck

# 30th May 2007, 1:48 am / rss, validator, joe-heck, tim-bray, specifications

Feedwhip. Create an RSS feed or e-mail alert for changes made to any Web page.

# 27th May 2007, 8:43 pm / rss, diff, feedwhip

Google AJAX Feed API (via) Simple cross-domain proxy to allow JavaScript to access any publically addressable syndication feed, with the same logic as Google Reader providing normalisation.

# 18th April 2007, 5:29 pm / google-reader, ajax, javascript, crossdomain, google, rss, feed, atom, syndication

Triplr. Ultra simple GET-based web service for converting RSS / Atom / RDF / Microformats+GRDDL to HTML / ntriples / RDF / RSS / JSON / Turtle. Small pieces, loosely joined.

# 30th March 2007, 3:30 pm / triplr, rss, atom, rdf, microformats, grddl, html, ntriples, json, turtle, semanticweb

Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes. Smart hack from Kent Brewster. Uses Yahoo! Pipes’ JSON output plus a few lines of JavaScript to create a badge from any RSS feed.

# 16th February 2007, 8:21 am / badger, pipes, yahoo, json, rss, kentbrewster

Pipes. New Yahoo! service for combining and remixing Atom/RSS feeds using a really sophisticated drag-and-drop UI.

# 8th February 2007, 7:52 am / draganddrop, pipes, atom, rss, syndication

Subtlety (via) Instantly create an RSS feed from a public subversion repository.

# 22nd January 2007, 8:20 am / subversion, rss, syndication


HOWTO: Adding an RSS feed to a Subversion Server. Using post-commit hooks and some Python.

# 17th August 2006, 11:17 pm / rss, python, subversion


RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP (via) A solution to the RSS bandwidth problem?

# 13th September 2004, 11:09 pm / rfc, http, rss

Photo Matt: RSS Bandwidth Usage. Matt makes the case for RSS scaling just fine if you’re smart about it.

# 10th September 2004, 2:48 am / matt-mullenweg, rss, scaling, bandwidth

The myth of RSS compatibility [dive into mark]. Sometimes I think Mark’s raison d etre is to upset Dave Winer

# 4th February 2004, 7:45 pm / dave-winer, mark-pilgrim, rss


PHP Library Tips

Kellan Elliott-McCrea (author of the popular Magpie RSS parser): A Few Tips for Writing Useful Libraries in PHP. Kellan makes the interesting observation that PHP encourages a culture in which most development occurs in the context of either full applications or C extensions, with few people devoting themselves to releasing libraries.


Google oddities

Dave Winer:

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BBC News Feeds

Adrian Holovaty has the scoop on the BBC’s new RSS feeds, one for every news index page of their site. Adrian has also written a bookmarklet to find the feed for any section of the BBC site.

Supporting Conditional GET in PHP

This site’s RSS feeds now support Conditional GET. Since the feeds are dynamically generated on every request, adding support took a bit of hacking around with PHP. Here’s the function I came up with (based on the excellent description provided by Charles Miller in the article linked above):

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Tim Bray on RSS

Tim Bray: RSS Needs Fixing:

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