Simon Willison’s Weblog


9 items tagged “geospatial”


Geospatial SQL queries in SQLite using TG, sqlite-tg and datasette-sqlite-tg. Alex Garcia built sqlite-tg—a SQLite extension that uses the brand new TG geospatial library to provide a whole suite of custom SQL functions for working with geospatial data.

Here are my notes on trying out his initial alpha releases. The extension already provides tools for converting between GeoJSON, WKT and WKB, plus the all important tg_intersects() function for testing if a polygon or point overlap each other.

It’s pretty useful already. Without any geospatial indexing at all I was still able to get 700ms replies to a brute-force point-in-polygon query against 150MB of GeoJSON timezone boundaries stored as JSON text in a table.

# 25th September 2023, 7:45 pm / geospatial, gis, sqlite, geojson, datasette, alex-garcia, tg

TG: Polygon indexing (via) TG is a brand new geospatial library by Josh Baker, author of the Tile38 in-memory spatial server (kind of a geospatial Redis). TG is written in pure C and delivered as a single C file, reminiscent of the SQLite amalgamation.

TG looks really interesting. It implements almost the exact subset of geospatial functionality that I find most useful: point-in-polygon, intersect, WKT, WKB, and GeoJSON—all with no additional dependencies.

The most interesting thing about it is the way it handles indexing. In this documentation Josh describes two approaches he uses to speeding up point-in-polygon and intersection using a novel approach that goes beyond the usual RTree implementation.

I think this could make the basis of a really useful SQLite extension—a lighter-weight alternative to SpatiaLite.

# 23rd September 2023, 4:32 am / c, geospatial, gis, spatialite, sqlite, geojson, tg


lon lat lon lat lon. Tom MacWright’s definitive guide to the (latitude, longitude) v.s. (longitude, latitude) debate. The answer is frustrating: both orders are used by significant software, so there’s no single answer that will satisfy everyone. I’ve recently been mostly convinced over to the longitude, latitude side mainly because that’s a better fit for the non-geospatial x, y pattern.

# 10th February 2022, 4:32 pm / geospatial, tom-macwright

2019 Uber built this open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets, and they offer it as a free hosted online tool—just click Get Started on the site. I uploaded two CSV files with 30,000+ latitude/longitude points in them just now and used Kepler to render them as images.

# 25th October 2019, 4:16 am / geospatial, gis, visualization


Building a location to time zone API with SpatiaLite, OpenStreetMap and Datasette

Given a latitude and longitude, how can we tell what time zone that point lies within? Here’s how I built a simple JSON API to answer that question, using a combination of data from OpenStreetMap, the SpatiaLite extension for SQLite and my Datasette API tool.

[... 2,185 words]


Geospatial Indexing in MongoDB (via) New in version 1.3.3. Handles “order by distance from” queries using a geohash approach under the hood, automatically searching nearby grid squares until the correct number of results have been gathered. Bounding box search is planned for a future release.

# 2nd March 2010, 8:12 pm / geohash, geospatial, gis, mongodb


JS-Placemaker—geolocate texts in JavaScript. Chris Heilmann exposed Placemaker to JavaScript (JSONP) using a YQL execute table. Try his examples—I’m impressed that “My name is Jack London, I live in Ontario” returns just Ontario, demonstrating that Placemaker’s NLP is pretty well tuned.

# 23rd May 2009, 12:36 am / christian-heilmann, geocoding, geospatial, javascript, jsonp, nlp, placemaker, yahoo, yql, yqlexecute

Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0. Another awesome Geo dataset from the Yahoo! stable—this time it’s Flickr releasing shapefiles (geometrical shapes) for hundreds of thousands of places around the world, under the CC0 license which makes them essentially public domain. The shapes themselves have been crowdsourced from geocoded photos uploaded to Flickr, where users can “correct” the textual location assigned to each photo. Combine this with the GeoPlanet WOE data and you get a huge, free dataset describing the human geography of the world.

# 22nd May 2009, 6:12 pm / creativecommons, crowdsourcing, flickr, geo, geoplanet, geospatial, maps, shapefiles, yahoo

Yahoo! Geo: Announcing GeoPlanet Data. The Yahoo! WhereOnEarth geographic data set is fantastic, but I’ve always felt slightly uncomfortable about building applications against it in case the API went away. That’s not an issue any more—the entire dataset is now available to download and use under a Creative Commons Attribution license. It’s not entirely clear what the attribution requirements are—do you have to put “data from GeoPlanet” on every page or can you get away with just tucking the attribution away in an “about this site” page? UPDATE: The data doesn’t include latitude/longitude or bounding boxes, which severely reduces its utility.

# 20th May 2009, 9:12 pm / attribution, creativecommons, data, geoplanet, geospatial, gis, whereonearth, yahoo