Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for bookmarklets

12 items tagged “bookmarklets”


rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs

I’ve watched the proliferation of URL shortening services over the past year with a certain amount of dismay. I care about the health of the web and try to ensure that URLs I am responsible will last for as long as possible, and I think it’s very unlikely that all of these new services will still be around in twenty years time. Last month I suggested that the Internet Archive start mirroring redirect databases, and last week I was pleased to hear that Archiveteam, a different organisation, had already started crawling.

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Updated jQuery Bookmarklet. Nicer than my own “Inject jQuery” bookmarklet because it drops in a temporary message confirming that jQuery has been imported (or telling you that jQuery was already present).

# 8th June 2008, 8:46 pm / bookmarklets, javascript, jquery, karl-swedberg


Design. A very fancy suite of design tools wrapped up in a bookmarklet (that loads an external script). Includes grids, rulers, measurements and a crosshair.

# 20th December 2007, 4:53 pm / allan-jardine, bookmarklets, design, grids

Insert Dojo and YUI bookmarklets. Combine with Jash for interactive API experimentation on any web page.

# 9th December 2007, 12:38 pm / bookmarklets, dojo, gareth-rushgrove, jash, javascript, shell, yui

google-axsjax (via) “The AxsJAX framework can inject accessibility enhancements into existing Web 2.0 applications using any of several standard Web techniques”—including bookmarklets and Greasemonkey. The enhancements conform to W3C ARIA, supported by Firefox 2.0 and later.

# 14th November 2007, 5:18 pm / accessibility, ajax, aria, axsjax, bookmarklets, firefox, google, greasemonkey, javascript, w3c

Django documentation bookmarklets. James Bennett continues his month-long series of daily Django tutorials with documentation for one of Django’s best kept secrets: application introspection HTTP headers and bookmarklets that make use of them.

# 8th November 2007, 10:59 am / bookmarklets, django, introspection, james-bennett, python

Microformats Bookmarklet. Microformats bookmarklet, targetted at Safari. Uses jQuery CSS selectors for parsing, and generates .vcf vCard files using data: uris.

# 27th February 2007, 11:43 pm / bookmarklets, datauris, jquery, microformats, safari, vcard


Patterns of Intermediation. Design patterns for bookmarklets, greasemonkey and similar.

# 3rd April 2005, 7:16 pm / bookmarklets, design-patterns, greasemonkey


The bookmarklet solution to the password problem

Anyone who makes heavy use of the internet has run in to the password problem: dozens of user accounts on sites with varying degrees of trustability, leading to an unmanageable proliferation of username and password combinations. The temptation is to use the same combination on multiple sites, but doing so opens you up to the horrifying prospect of a security flaw in one site compromising al of your other accounts.

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A myriad of markup systems

It’s hard to avoid the legions of custom markup systems out there these days. Every Wiki has it’s own syntactical quirks, while packages like Markdown, Textile, BBCode (in dozens of variants), reStructuredText offer easy ways of hooking markup conversion in to existing applications. When it comes to being totally over-implemented and infuratingly inconsistent, markup systems are rapidly catching up with template packages. Never one to miss out on an opportunity to reinvent the wheel, I’ve worked on several of each ;)

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Using bookmarklets to experiment with CSS

I’m in the middle of a whole bunch of exams at the moment, but here’s a quick tip that should make experimenting with and learning CSS a great deal easier. It involves bookmarklets. If you haven’t seen them before, bookmarklets are bookmarks that embed javascript; when you click the bookmark, the javascript is executed in the context of the currently loaded page. What that means is that in a suitably advanced browser bookmarklets can be used to modify pages, analyse their structure and do a whole host of other useful things.

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Image Drag bookmarklet

I got a good response to yesterday’s call for help on finding an HTML element’s co-ordinates on a page. I ended up using PPK’s findPos functions which seemed to do the trick just fine.

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