Simon Willison’s Weblog


13 items tagged “mistral”

Mistral AI release both openly licensed and API-hosted Language Models.


Mistral Large 2 (via) The second release of a GPT-4 class open weights model in two days, after yesterday's Llama 3.1 405B.

The weights for this one are under Mistral's Research License, which "allows usage and modification for research and non-commercial usages" - so not as open as Llama 3.1. You can use it commercially via the Mistral paid API.

Mistral Large 2 is 123 billion parameters, "designed for single-node inference" (on a very expensive single-node!) and has a 128,000 token context window, the same size as Llama 3.1.

Notably, according to Mistral's own benchmarks it out-performs the much larger Llama 3.1 405B on their code and math benchmarks. They trained on a lot of code:

Following our experience with Codestral 22B and Codestral Mamba, we trained Mistral Large 2 on a very large proportion of code. Mistral Large 2 vastly outperforms the previous Mistral Large, and performs on par with leading models such as GPT-4o, Claude 3 Opus, and Llama 3 405B.

They also invested effort in tool usage, multilingual support (across English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi) and reducing hallucinations:

One of the key focus areas during training was to minimize the model’s tendency to “hallucinate” or generate plausible-sounding but factually incorrect or irrelevant information. This was achieved by fine-tuning the model to be more cautious and discerning in its responses, ensuring that it provides reliable and accurate outputs.

Additionally, the new Mistral Large 2 is trained to acknowledge when it cannot find solutions or does not have sufficient information to provide a confident answer.

I went to update my llm-mistral plugin for LLM to support the new model and found that I didn't need to - that plugin already uses llm -m mistral-large to access the mistral-large-latest endpoint, and Mistral have updated that to point to the latest version of their Large model.

Ollama now have mistral-large quantized to 4 bit as a 69GB download.

# 24th July 2024, 3:56 pm / ai, generative-ai, llms, mistral

Mistral NeMo. Released by Mistral today: "Our new best small model. A state-of-the-art 12B model with 128k context length, built in collaboration with NVIDIA, and released under the Apache 2.0 license."

Nice to see Mistral use Apache 2.0 for this, unlike their Codestral 22B release - though Codestral Mamba was Apache 2.0 as well.

Mistral's own benchmarks but NeMo slightly ahead of the smaller (but same general weight class) Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B models.

It's both multi-lingual and trained for tool usage:

The model is designed for global, multilingual applications. It is trained on function calling, has a large context window, and is particularly strong in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi.

Part of this is down to the new Tekken tokenizer, which is 30% more efficient at representing both source code and most of the above listed languages.

You can try it out via Mistral's API using llm-mistral like this:

pipx install llm
llm install llm-mistral
llm keys set mistral
# paste La Plateforme API key here
llm mistral refresh # if you installed the plugin before
llm -m mistral/open-mistral-nemo 'Rave about pelicans in French'

# 18th July 2024, 4:40 pm / ai, generative-ai, llms, llm, mistral, llm-tool-use

Codestral Mamba. New 7B parameter LLM from Mistral, released today. Codestral Mamba is "a Mamba2 language model specialised in code generation, available under an Apache 2.0 license".

This the first model from Mistral that uses the Mamba architecture, as opposed to the much more common Transformers architecture. Mistral say that Mamba can offer faster responses irrespective of input length which makes it ideal for code auto-completion, hence why they chose to specialise the model in code.

It's available to run locally with the mistral-inference GPU library, and Mistral say "For local inference, keep an eye out for support in llama.cpp" (relevant issue).

It's also available through Mistral's La Plateforme API. I just shipped llm-mistral 0.4 adding a llm -m codestral-mamba "prompt goes here" default alias for the new model.

Also released today: MathΣtral, a 7B Apache 2 licensed model "designed for math reasoning and scientific discovery", with a 32,000 context window. This one isn't available through their API yet, but the weights are available on Hugging Face.

# 16th July 2024, 4:29 pm / open-source, ai, generative-ai, llms, llm, mistral

Codestral: Hello, World! Mistral's first code-specific model, trained to be "fluent" in 80 different programming languages.

The weights are released under a new Mistral AI Non-Production License, which is extremely restrictive:

3.2. Usage Limitation

  • You shall only use the Mistral Models and Derivatives (whether or not created by Mistral AI) for testing, research, Personal, or evaluation purposes in Non-Production Environments;
  • Subject to the foregoing, You shall not supply the Mistral Models or Derivatives in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge, in any medium or form, including but not limited to through a hosted or managed service (e.g. SaaS, cloud instances, etc.), or behind a software layer.

To Mistral's credit at least they don't misapply the term "open source" in their marketing around this model - they consistently use the term "open-weights" instead. They also state that they plan to continue using Apache 2 for other model releases.

Codestral can be used commercially when accessed via their paid API.

# 30th May 2024, 7:19 am / open-source, ai, generative-ai, llms, mistral

mistralai/mistral-common. New from Mistral: mistral-common, an open source Python library providing "a set of tools to help you work with Mistral models".

So far that means a tokenizer! This is similar to OpenAI's tiktoken library in that it lets you run tokenization in your own code, which crucially means you can count the number of tokens that you are about to use - useful for cost estimates but also for cramming the maximum allowed tokens in the context window for things like RAG.

Mistral's library is better than tiktoken though, in that it also includes logic for correctly calculating the tokens needed for conversation construction and tool definition. With OpenAI's APIs you're currently left guessing how many tokens are taken up by these advanced features.

Anthropic haven't published any form of tokenizer at all - it's the feature I'd most like to see from them next.

Here's how to explore the vocabulary of the tokenizer:


['<unk>', '<s>', '</s>', '[INST]', '[/INST]', '[TOOL_CALLS]', '[AVAILABLE_TOOLS]', '[/AVAILABLE_TOOLS]', '[TOOL_RESULTS]', '[/TOOL_RESULTS]']

# 18th April 2024, 12:39 am / python, ai, openai, prompt-engineering, generative-ai, llms, anthropic, mistral, rag

Mistral tweet a magnet link for mixtral-8x22b. Another open model release from Mistral using their now standard operating procedure of tweeting out a raw torrent link.

This one is an 8x22B Mixture of Experts model. Their previous most powerful openly licensed release was Mixtral 8x7B, so this one is a whole lot bigger (a 281GB download)—and apparently has a 65,536 context length, at least according to initial rumors on Twitter.

# 10th April 2024, 2:31 am / ai, generative-ai, homebrew-llms, llms, mistral

The GPT-4 barrier has finally been broken

Four weeks ago, GPT-4 remained the undisputed champion: consistently at the top of every key benchmark, but more importantly the clear winner in terms of “vibes”. Almost everyone investing serious time exploring LLMs agreed that it was the most capable default model for the majority of tasks—and had been for more than a year.

[... 717 words]

Mistral Large. Mistral Medium only came out two months ago, and now it’s followed by Mistral Large. Like Medium, this new model is currently only available via their API. It scores well on benchmarks (though not quite as well as GPT-4) but the really exciting feature is function support, clearly based on OpenAI’s own function design.

Functions are now supported via the Mistral API for both Mistral Large and the new Mistral Small, described as follows: “Mistral Small, optimised for latency and cost. Mistral Small outperforms Mixtral 8x7B and has lower latency, which makes it a refined intermediary solution between our open-weight offering and our flagship model.”

# 26th February 2024, 11:23 pm / ai, generative-ai, llms, mistral

Representation Engineering: Mistral-7B on Acid (via) Theia Vogel provides a delightfully clear explanation (and worked examples) of control vectors—a relatively recent technique for influencing the behaviour of an LLM by applying vectors to the hidden states that are evaluated during model inference.

These vectors are surprisingly easy to both create and apply. Build a small set of contrasting prompt pairs—“Act extremely happy” v.s. “Act extremely sad” for example (with a tiny bit of additional boilerplate), then run a bunch of those prompts and collect the hidden layer states. Then use “single-component PCA” on those states to get a control vector representing the difference.

The examples Theia provides, using control vectors to make Mistral 7B more or less honest, trippy, lazy, creative and more, are very convincing.

# 18th February 2024, 3:49 am / ai, generative-ai, llms, mistral

Mixtral of Experts. The Mixtral paper is out, exactly a month after the release of the Mixtral 8x7B model itself. Thanks to the paper I now have a reasonable understanding of how a mixture of experts model works: each layer has 8 available blocks, but a router model selects two out of those eight for each token passing through that layer and combines their output. “As a result, each token has access to 47B parameters, but only uses 13B active parameters during inference.”

The Mixtral token context size is an impressive 32k, and it compares extremely well against the much larger Llama 70B across a whole array of benchmarks.

Unsurprising but disappointing: there’s nothing in the paper at all about what it was trained on.

# 9th January 2024, 4:03 am / ai, generative-ai, llms, mistral


Many options for running Mistral models in your terminal using LLM

Visit Many options for running Mistral models in your terminal using LLM

Mistral AI is the most exciting AI research lab at the moment. They’ve now released two extremely powerful smaller Large Language Models under an Apache 2 license, and have a third much larger one that’s available via their API.

[... 2,063 words]

Mixtral of experts (via) Mistral have firmly established themselves as the most exciting AI lab outside of OpenAI, arguably more exciting because much of their work is released under open licenses.

On December 8th they tweeted a link to a torrent, with no additional context (a neat marketing trick they’ve used in the past). The 87GB torrent contained a new model, Mixtral-8x7b-32kseqlen—a Mixture of Experts.

Three days later they published a full write-up, describing “Mixtral 8x7B, a high-quality sparse mixture of experts model (SMoE) with open weights”—licensed Apache 2.0.

They claim “Mixtral outperforms Llama 2 70B on most benchmarks with 6x faster inference”—and that it outperforms GPT-3.5 on most benchmarks too.

This isn’t even their current best model. The new Mistral API platform (currently on a waitlist) refers to Mixtral as “Mistral-small” (and their previous 7B model as “Mistral-tiny”—and also provides access to a currently closed model, “Mistral-medium”, which they claim to be competitive with GPT-4.

# 11th December 2023, 5:20 pm / ai, generative-ai, gpt4, llms, mistral

The EU AI Act now proposes to regulate “foundational models”, i.e. the engine behind some AI applications. We cannot regulate an engine devoid of usage. We don’t regulate the C language because one can use it to develop malware. Instead, we ban malware and strengthen network systems (we regulate usage). Foundational language models provide a higher level of abstraction than the C language for programming computer systems; nothing in their behaviour justifies a change in the regulatory framework.

Arthur Mensch, Mistral AI

# 16th November 2023, 11:29 am / politics, ai, llms, mistral