Simon Willison’s Weblog


54 items tagged “management”


We respect wildlife in the wilderness because we’re in their house. We don’t fully understand the complexity of most ecosystems, so we seek to minimize our impact on those ecosystems since we can’t always predict what outcomes our interactions with nature might have.

In software, many disastrous mistakes stem from not understanding why a system was built the way it was, but changing it anyway. It’s super common for a new leader to come in, see something they see as “useless”, and get rid of it – without understanding the implications. Good leaders make sure they understand before they mess around.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

# 13th July 2024, 2:12 pm / jacob-kaplan-moss, software-engineering, management

(Blaming something on “politics” is usually a way of accidentally confessing that you don’t actually understand the constraints someone is operating under, IMO.)

Charity Majors

# 14th June 2024, 8:30 pm / charitymajors, management

Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For You (via) This barnstormer of an essay is a long read by Charity Majors, and I find myself wanting to quote almost every paragraph.

It thoroughly and passionately debunks the idea that generative AI means that teams no longer need to hire junior programmers.

This is for several key reasons. First is the familiar pipeline argument - we need juniors in order to grow new intermediate and senior engineers:

Software is an apprenticeship industry. You can’t learn to be a software engineer by reading books. You can only learn by doing…and doing, and doing, and doing some more. No matter what your education consists of, most learning happens on the job—period. And it never ends! Learning and teaching are lifelong practices; they have to be, the industry changes so fast.

It takes a solid seven-plus years to forge a competent software engineer. (Or as most job ladders would call it, a “senior software engineer”.) That’s many years of writing, reviewing, and deploying code every day, on a team alongside more experienced engineers. That’s just how long it seems to take.

What does it mean to be a senior engineer? It’s a lot more than just writing code:

To me, being a senior engineer is not primarily a function of your ability to write code. It has far more to do with your ability to understand, maintain, explain, and manage a large body of software in production over time, as well as the ability to translate business needs into technical implementation. So much of the work is around crafting and curating these large, complex sociotechnical systems, and code is just one representation of these systems.


People act like writing code is the hard part of software. It is not. It never has been, it never will be. Writing code is the easiest part of software engineering, and it’s getting easier by the day. The hard parts are what you do with that code—operating it, understanding it, extending it, and governing it over its entire lifecycle.

But I find the most convincing arguments are the ones about team structure itself:

Hiring engineers is about composing teams. The smallest unit of software ownership is not the individual, it’s the team


Have you ever been on a team packed exclusively with staff or principal engineers? It is not fun. That is not a high-functioning team. There is only so much high-level architecture and planning work to go around, there are only so many big decisions that need to be made. These engineers spend most of their time doing work that feels boring and repetitive, so they tend to over-engineer solutions and/or cut corners—sometimes at the same time. They compete for the “fun” stuff and find reasons to pick technical fights with each other. They chronically under-document and under-invest in the work that makes systems simple and tractable.


The best teams are ones where no one is bored, because every single person is working on something that challenges them and pushes their boundaries. The only way you can get this is by having a range of skill levels on the team.

Charity finishes with advice on hiring juniors, including ensuring that your organization is in the right shape to do so effectively.

The only thing worse than never hiring any junior engineers is hiring them into an awful experience where they can’t learn anything.

Seriously though, read the whole thing. It contains such a density of accumulated engineering management wisdom.

# 12th June 2024, 3:11 pm / charitymajors, management, generative-ai, ai, llms

Engineering leaders, especially at large companies, are managing a team of a couple hundred people. That team might cost $50 to 100 million in salary a year. So as a CEO, when you hear from your eng leaders that ‘Engineering is an art, and you can’t predict how it’s going to work,’ it’s frustrating. They’re sitting there thinking, ‘They’re telling me this is art, but I’m spending $100 million on this art each year.’ That’s not reassuring.

Will Larson

# 31st May 2024, 7:53 pm / management, will-larson

The leader of a team - especially a senior one - is rarely ever the smartest, the most expert or even the most experienced.

Often it’s the person who can best understand individuals’ motivations and galvanize them towards an outcome, all while helping them stay cohesive.

Nivia Henry

# 24th May 2024, 6:09 am / management, leadership

I think most people have this naive idea of consensus meaning “everyone agrees”. That’s not what consensus means, as practiced by organizations that truly have a mature and well developed consensus driven process.

Consensus is not “everyone agrees”, but [a model where] people are more aligned with the process than they are with any particular outcome, and they’ve all agreed on how decisions will be made.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

# 21st March 2024, 12:45 am / jacob-kaplan-moss, management


Create a culture that favors begging forgiveness (and reversing decisions quickly) rather than asking permission. Invest in infrastructure such as progressive / cancellable rollouts. Use asynchronous written docs to get people aligned (“comment in this doc by Friday if you disagree with the plan”) rather than meetings (“we’ll get approval at the next weekly review meeting”).

Stay SaaSy

# 8th December 2023, 6:21 pm / management

The thing nobody talks about with engineering management is this:

Every 3-4 months every person experiences some sort of personal crisis. A family member dies, they have a bad illness, they get into an argument with another person at work, etc. etc. Sadly, that is just life. Normally after a month or so things settle down and life goes on.

But when you are managing 6+ people it means there is always a crisis you are helping someone work through. You are always carrying a bit of emotional burden or worry around with you.

Chris Albon

# 27th October 2023, 6:18 am / management

Solving the Engineering Strategy Crisis (via) Will Larson’s 49m video discussing engineering strategy: what one is and how to build one. He defines an engineering strategy as having two key components: an honest diagnosis of the way things currently work, and a practical approach to making things better.

Towards the end of the talk he suggests that there are two paths to developing a new strategy. The first is to borrow top-down authority from a sponsor such as a CTO, and the second is to work without any borrowed authority, instead researching how things work at the moment and, through documenting that, write a strategy document into existence!

# 22nd October 2023, 9:18 pm / management, will-larson

Patrick Newman’s Software Engineering Management Checklist (via) This tiny document may have the highest density of good engineering management advice I’ve ever encountered.

# 22nd October 2023, 9:16 pm / management

Should you give candidates feedback on their interview performance? Jacob provides a characteristically nuanced answer to the question of whether you should provide feedback to candidates you have interviewed. He suggests offering the candidate the option to email asking for feedback early in the interview process to avoid feeling pushy later on, and proposes the phrase “you failed to demonstrate...” as a useful framing device.

# 24th September 2023, 10:25 pm / jacob-kaplan-moss, management

On Endings: Why & How We Retired Elm at Culture Amp (via) Culture Amp made extensive use of Elm—a ML-like functional language that compiles to JavaScript—between 2016 and 2020 while building their company’s frontend. They eventually decided to move away from it, for reasons described at length in this post primarily relating to its integration with React. This piece is worth reading mainly as a thoughtful approach to engineering management challenge of deprecating a well-loved piece of technology from the recommended stack at a company.

# 10th April 2023, 2:11 am / functionalprogramming, react, management, javascript, kevinyank

Just a reminder, the way you evaluate yourself as a leader is how much both the individuals and teams in your organization grow in their capacity to achieve hard goals. Everything else is a distraction.

Kellan Elliott-McCrea

# 27th February 2023, 8:12 pm / kellan-elliott-mccrea, management, leadership


People are complex, and they get energy in complex ways. Some managers get energy from writing some software. That’s great, particularly if you avoid writing software with strict dependencies. Some managers get energy from coaching others. That’s great. Some get energy from doing exploratory work. Others get energy from optimizing existing systems. That’s great, too. Some get energy from speaking at conferences. Great. Some get energy from cleaning up internal wiki’s. You get the idea: that’s great. All these things are great, not because managers should or shouldn’t program/speak at conferences/clean up wiki’s/etc, but because folks will accomplish more if you let them do some energizing work, even if that work itself isn’t very important.

Will Larson

# 1st December 2022, 6:35 pm / management, will-larson

Building Layoffs on a Healthy Foundation (via) Kellan provides some valuable guidance for running layoffs in as humane a way as possible.

# 1st September 2022, 6:11 pm / kellan-elliott-mccrea, management

Reduce Friction. Outstanding essay on software engineering friction and development team productivity by C J Silverio: it explains the concept of “friction” (and gives great definitions of “process”, “ceremony” and “formality” in the process) as it applies to software engineering, lays out the challenges involved in getting organizations to commit to reducing it and then provides actionable advice on how to get consensus and where to invest your efforts in order to make things better.

# 25th July 2022, 10:25 pm / software-engineering, management


At critical moments in time, you can raise the aspirations of other people significantly, especially when they are relatively young, simply by suggesting they do something better or more ambitious than what they might have in mind.  It costs you relatively little to do this, but the benefit to them, and to the broader world, may be enormous.

Tyler Cowen

# 23rd August 2021, 8:02 pm / inspiring, management

The way you motivate someone who doesn’t need the money is the same way you should motivate people who do need the money: by giving them meaningful roles with real responsibility where they can see how their efforts contribute to a larger whole, giving them an appropriate amount of ownership over their work and input into decisions that involve that work, providing useful feedback, recognizing their contributions, helping them feel they’re making progress toward things that matter to them, and — importantly — not doing things that de-motivate people (like yelling or constantly shifting goals or generally being a jerk).

Alison Green (Ask a Manager)

# 17th August 2021, 11:01 pm / motivation, management

Product Hunt Engineering Principles (via) Product Hunt implement “Collaborative Single Player Mode”, which they define as “A developer should be able to execute a feature from start to finish -- from the database to the backend, API, frontend, and CSS. The goal is never to get blocked.” I’ve encountered this principle applied to teams before (which I really like) but not for individual developers, which I imagine is more likely to work well for smaller organizations. Intriguing approach.

They also practice trunk driven development with feature flags: “Always start a feature with a feature flag and try to get something to production on day 1.”

And “If a product decision is missing, try to make this decision yourself—it’s better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.”

# 16th August 2021, 3:35 pm / management, feature-flags

There’s three ways to handle work assigned to you. If you say you’ll do it, do it. If you say you can’t, that’s ok. But if you sign up for work and drop the ball, the team fails. Learn to say no.

Chris Jones, original Internet Explorer team

# 14th August 2021, 8:16 pm / management

GitLab Culture: The phases of remote adaptation. GitLab claim to be “the world’s largest all-remote company”—1300 employees across 65 countries, with not a single physical office. Lots of interesting thinking in this article about different phases a company can go through to become truly remote-first. “Maximally efficient remote environments will do as little work as possible synchronously, instead focusing the valuable moments where two or more people are online at the same time on informal communication and bonding.” They also expire their Slack messages after 90 days to force critical project information into documents and issue threads.

# 22nd June 2021, 12:37 am / remote, management, gitlab

An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding. By Camille Fournier, author of my favourite book on engineering management “The Manager’s Path”. Number one is “How to run a meeting, and no, being the person who talks the most in the meeting is not the same thing as running it”.

# 6th June 2021, 10:17 pm / management, careers, camillefournier

I strongly suspect that the single most impactful thing I did during my 5+ years at Linden Lab was shortly before I left: set up a weekly meeting between a couple of leads from Support and Engineering to go over the top 10 support issues.

Yoz Grahame

# 23rd February 2021, 4:49 am / support, management

People, processes, priorities. Twitter thread from Adrienne Porter Felt outlining her model for thinking about engineering management. I like this trifecta of “people, processes, priorities” a lot.

# 22nd February 2021, 5:21 pm / management

One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn is that humans aren’t pure functions: an input that works one day and gets one result, then again another day and get an entirely different result.

Sarah Drasner

# 19th February 2021, 12 am / management

Finally, remember that whatever choice is made, you’re going to need to get behind it! You should be able to make a compelling positive case for any of the options you present. If there’s an option you can’t support, don’t present it.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

# 8th February 2021, 3:21 pm / jacob-kaplan-moss, management

Generally, product-aligned teams deliver better products more rapidly. Again, Conway’s Law is inescapable; if delivering a new feature requires several teams to coordinate, you’ll struggle compared to an org where a single team can execute on a new feature.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

# 5th January 2021, 4:33 pm / management, jacob-kaplan-moss


Build v.s. buy: how billing models affect your internal culture

Something to pay attention to when making a build v.s. buy decision is the impact that billing models will have on your usage of a tool.

[... 410 words]

Stories of reaching Staff-plus engineering roles (via) Extremely useful collection of career stories from staff-level engineers at a variety of different companies, collected by Will Larson.

# 11th September 2020, 3:30 am / careers, management, will-larson

Simply put, if you’re in a position of power at work, you’re unlikely to see workplace harassment in front of you. That’s because harassment and bullying are attempts to exert power over people with less of it. People who behave improperly don’t tend to do so with people they perceive as having power already.

Sarah Milstein

# 1st September 2020, 3:10 pm / management