55 posts tagged “gis”
OpenTimes (via) Spectacular new open geospatial project by Dan Snow:
OpenTimes is a database of pre-computed, point-to-point travel times between United States Census geographies. It lets you download bulk travel time data for free and with no limits.
Here's what I get for travel times by car from El Granada, California:
The technical details are fascinating:
- The entire OpenTimes backend is just static Parquet files on Cloudflare's R2. There's no RDBMS or running service, just files and a CDN. The whole thing costs about $10/month to host and costs nothing to serve. In my opinion, this is a great way to serve infrequently updated, large public datasets at low cost (as long as you partition the files correctly).
Sure enough, R2 pricing charges "based on the total volume of data stored" - $0.015 / GB-month for standard storage, then $0.36 / million requests for "Class B" operations which include reads. They charge nothing for outbound bandwidth.
- All travel times were calculated by pre-building the inputs (OSM, OSRM networks) and then distributing the compute over hundreds of GitHub Actions jobs. This worked shockingly well for this specific workload (and was also completely free).
Here's a GitHub Actions run of the calculate-times.yaml workflow which uses a matrix to run 255 jobs!
Relevant YAML:
year: ${{ fromJSON(needs.setup-jobs.outputs.years) }}
state: ${{ fromJSON(needs.setup-jobs.outputs.states) }}
Where those JSON files were created by the previous step, which reads in the year and state values from this params.yaml file.
- The query layer uses a single DuckDB database file with views that point to static Parquet files via HTTP. This lets you query a table with hundreds of billions of records after downloading just the ~5MB pointer file.
This is a really creative use of DuckDB's feature that lets you run queries against large data from a laptop using HTTP range queries to avoid downloading the whole thing.
The README shows how to use that from R and Python - I got this working in the duckdb
client (brew install duckdb
INSTALL httpfs;
LOAD httpfs;
ATTACH 'https://data.opentimes.org/databases/0.0.1.duckdb' AS opentimes;
SELECT origin_id, destination_id, duration_sec
FROM opentimes.public.times
WHERE version = '0.0.1'
AND mode = 'car'
AND year = '2024'
AND geography = 'tract'
AND state = '17'
AND origin_id LIKE '17031%' limit 10;
In answer to a question about adding public transit times Dan said:
In the next year or so maybe. The biggest obstacles to adding public transit are:
- Collecting all the necessary scheduling data (e.g. GTFS feeds) for every transit system in the county. Not insurmountable since there are services that do this currently.
- Finding a routing engine that can compute nation-scale travel time matrices quickly. Currently, the two fastest open-source engines I've tried (OSRM and Valhalla) don't support public transit for matrix calculations and the engines that do support public transit (R5, OpenTripPlanner, etc.) are too slow.
GTFS is a popular CSV-based format for sharing transit schedules - here's an official list of available feed directories.
OpenStreetMap embed URL.
I just found out OpenStreetMap have a "share" button which produces HTML for an iframe targetting https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html
, making it easy to drop an OpenStreetMap map onto any web page that allows iframes.
As far as I can tell the supported parameters are:
then min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitudemarker=
optional latitude, longitude coordinate for a marker (only a single marker is supported)layer=mapnik
- other values I've found that work arecyclosm
(for humanitarian)
Here's HTML for embedding this on a page using a sandboxed iframe - the allow-scripts
is necessary for the map to display.
style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 20em;"
Thanks to this post I learned that iframes are rendered correctly in NetNewsWire, NewsExplorer, NewsBlur and Feedly on Android.
Foursquare Open Source Places: A new foundational dataset for the geospatial community (via) I did not expect this!
[...] we are announcing today the general availability of a foundational open data set, Foursquare Open Source Places ("FSQ OS Places"). This base layer of 100mm+ global places of interest ("POI") includes 22 core attributes (see schema here) that will be updated monthly and available for commercial use under the Apache 2.0 license framework.
The data is available as Parquet files hosted on Amazon S3.
Here's how to list the available files:
aws s3 ls s3://fsq-os-places-us-east-1/release/dt=2024-11-19/places/parquet/
I got back places-00000.snappy.parquet
through places-00024.snappy.parquet
, each file around 455MB for a total of 10.6GB of data.
I ran duckdb
and then used DuckDB's ability to remotely query Parquet on S3 to explore the data a bit more without downloading it to my laptop first:
select count(*) from 's3://fsq-os-places-us-east-1/release/dt=2024-11-19/places/parquet/places-00000.snappy.parquet';
This got back 4,180,424 - that number is similar for each file, suggesting around 104,000,000 records total.
Update: DuckDB can use wildcards in S3 paths (thanks, Paul) so this query provides an exact count:
select count(*) from 's3://fsq-os-places-us-east-1/release/dt=2024-11-19/places/parquet/places-*.snappy.parquet';
That returned 104,511,073 - and Activity Monitor on my Mac confirmed that DuckDB only needed to fetch 1.2MB of data to answer that query.
I ran this query to retrieve 1,000 places from that first file as newline-delimited JSON:
copy (
select * from 's3://fsq-os-places-us-east-1/release/dt=2024-11-19/places/parquet/places-00000.snappy.parquet'
limit 1000
) to '/tmp/places.json';
Here's that places.json file, and here it is imported into Datasette Lite.
Finally, I got ChatGPT Code Interpreter to convert that file to GeoJSON and pasted the result into this Gist, giving me a map of those thousand places (because Gists automatically render GeoJSON):
OpenStreetMap vector tiles demo
Long-time OpenStreetMap developer Paul Norman has been working on adding vector tile support to OpenStreetMap for quite a while. Paul recently announced that vector.openstreetmap.org
is now serving vector tiles (in Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVT) format) - here's his interactive demo for seeing what they look like.
Visualizing local election results with Datasette, Observable and MapLibre GL
Alex Garcia and myself hosted the first Datasette Open Office Hours on Friday—a live-streamed video session where we hacked on a project together and took questions and tips from community members on Discord.
[... 3,390 words]Conflating Overture Places Using DuckDB, Ollama, Embeddings, and More.
Drew Breunig's detailed tutorial on "conflation" - combining different geospatial data sources by de-duplicating address strings such as RESTAURANT LOS ARCOS,3359 FOOTHILL BLVD,OAKLAND,94601
Drew uses an entirely offline stack based around Python, DuckDB and Ollama and finds that a combination of H3 geospatial tiles and mxbai-embed-large
embeddings (though other embedding models should work equally well) gets really good results.
Towards Standardizing Place. Overture Maps announced General Availability of its global maps datasets last week, covering places, buildings, divisions, and base layers.
Drew Breunig demonstrates how this can be accessed using both the Overture Explorer tool and DuckDB, and talks about Overture's GERS IDs - reminiscent of Who's On First IDs - which provide stable IDs for all kinds of geographic places.
The many lives of Null Island (via) Stamen's custom basemaps have long harbored an Easter egg: zoom all the way in on 0, 0 to see the outline of the mystical "null island", the place where GIS glitches and data bugs accumulate, in the Gulf of Guinea south of Ghana.
Stamen's Alan McConchie provides a detailed history of the Easter egg - first introduced by Mike Migurski in 2010 - along with a definitive guide to the GIS jokes and traditions that surround it.
Here's Null Island on Stamen's Toner map. The shape (also available as GeoJSON) is an homage to the island from 1993's Myst, hence the outline of a large docked ship at the bottom.
Alan recently gave a talk about Stamen's updated custom maps at State of the Map US 2024 (video, slides) - their Toner and Terrain maps are now available as vector tiles served by Stadia Maps (here's the announcement), but their iconic watercolor style is yet to be updated to vectors, due to the weird array of raster tricks it used to achieve the effect.
In researching this post I searched for null island on Google Maps and was delighted to learn that a bunch of entrepreneurs in Western Africa have tapped into the meme for their own businesses:
Searching an aerial photo with text queries. Robin Wilson built a demo that lets you search a large aerial photograph of Southampton for things like "roundabout" or "tennis court". He explains how it works in detail: he used the SkyCLIP model, which is trained on "5.2 million remote sensing image-text pairs in total, covering more than 29K distinct semantic tags" to generate embeddings for 200x200 image segments (with 100px of overlap), then stored them in Pinecone.
tiny-world-map (via) I love this project. It’s a JavaScript file (694K uncompressed, 283KB compressed) which can be used with the Leaflet mapping library and provides a SVG base map of the world with country borders and labels for every world city with a population more than 48,000—10,000 cities total.
This means you can bundle an offline map of the world as part of any application that doesn’t need a higher level of detail. A lot of smaller island nations are missing entirely though, so this may not be right for every project.
It even includes a service worker to help implement offline mapping support, plus several variants of the map with less cities that are even smaller.
A POI Database in One Line (via) Overture maps offer an extraordinarily useful freely licensed databases of POI (point of interest) listings, principally derived from partners such as Facebook and including restaurants, shops, museums and other locations from all around the world.
Their new "overturemaps" Python CLI utility makes it easy to quickly pull subsets of their data... but requires you to provide a bounding box to do so.
Drew Breunig came up with this delightful recipe for fetching data using LLM and gpt-3.5-turbo to fill in those bounding boxes:
overturemaps download --bbox=$(llm 'Give me a bounding box for Alameda, California expressed as only four numbers delineated by commas, with no spaces, longitude preceding latitude.') -f geojsonseq --type=place | geojson-to-sqlite alameda.db places - --nl --pk=id
mapshaper.org (via) It turns out the mapshaper CLI tool for manipulating geospatial data—including converting shapefiles to GeoJSON and back again—also has a web UI that runs the conversions entirely in your browser. If you need to convert between those (and other) formats it’s hard to imagine a more convenient option.
Claude and ChatGPT for ad-hoc sidequests
Here is a short, illustrative example of one of the ways in which I use Claude and ChatGPT on a daily basis.
[... 1,754 words]How to make self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing. Chris Amico provides a detailed roundup of the state of web mapping in 2024. It’s never been easier to entirely host your own mapping infrastructure, thanks to OpenStreetMap, Overture, MBTiles, PMTiles, Maplibre and a whole ecosystem of other fine open source projects.
I like Protomaps creator Brandon Liu’s description of this: “post-scarcity web mapping”.
Database generated columns: GeoDjango & PostGIS. Paolo Melchiorre advocated for the inclusion of generated columns, one of the biggest features in Django 5.0. Here he provides a detailed tutorial showing how they can be used with PostGIS to create database tables that offer columns such as geohash that are automatically calculated from other columns in the table.
Geospatial SQL queries in SQLite using TG, sqlite-tg and datasette-sqlite-tg. Alex Garcia built sqlite-tg—a SQLite extension that uses the brand new TG geospatial library to provide a whole suite of custom SQL functions for working with geospatial data.
Here are my notes on trying out his initial alpha releases. The extension already provides tools for converting between GeoJSON, WKT and WKB, plus the all important tg_intersects() function for testing if a polygon or point overlap each other.
It’s pretty useful already. Without any geospatial indexing at all I was still able to get 700ms replies to a brute-force point-in-polygon query against 150MB of GeoJSON timezone boundaries stored as JSON text in a table.
TG: Polygon indexing (via) TG is a brand new geospatial library by Josh Baker, author of the Tile38 in-memory spatial server (kind of a geospatial Redis). TG is written in pure C and delivered as a single C file, reminiscent of the SQLite amalgamation.
TG looks really interesting. It implements almost the exact subset of geospatial functionality that I find most useful: point-in-polygon, intersect, WKT, WKB, and GeoJSON—all with no additional dependencies.
The most interesting thing about it is the way it handles indexing. In this documentation Josh describes two approaches he uses to speeding up point-in-polygon and intersection using a novel approach that goes beyond the usual RTree implementation.
I think this could make the basis of a really useful SQLite extension—a lighter-weight alternative to SpatiaLite.
Overture Maps Foundation Releases Its First World-Wide Open Map Dataset. The Overture Maps Foundation is a collaboration lead by Amazon, Meta, Microsoft and TomTom dedicated to producing “reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data”.
Yesterday they put out their first release and it’s pretty astonishing: four different layers of geodata, covering Places of Interest (shops, restaurants, attractions etc), administrative boundaries, building outlines and transportation networks.
The data is available as Parquet. I just downloaded the 8GB places dataset and can confirm that it contains 59 million listings from around the world—I filtered to just places in my local town and a spot check showed that recently opened businesses (last 12 months) were present and the details all looked accurate.
The places data is licensed under “Community Data License Agreement – Permissive” which looks like the only restriction is that you have to include that license when you further share the data.
GPSJam (via) John Wiseman’s “Daily maps of GPS interference” —a beautiful interactive globe (powered by Mapbox GL) which you can use to see points of heaviest GPS interference over a 24 hour period, using data collected from commercial airline radios by ADS-B Exchange. “From what I can tell the most common reason for aircraft GPS systems to have degraded accuracy is jamming by military systems. At least, the vast majority of aircraft that I see with bad GPS accuracy are flying near conflict zones where GPS jamming is known to occur.”
A tiny web app to create images from OpenStreetMap maps
Earlier today I found myself wanting to programmatically generate some images of maps.
[... 1,388 words]Datasette for geospatial analysis (via) I added a new page to the Datasette website describing how Datasette can be used for geospatial analysis, pulling together several of the relevant plugins and tools from the Datasette ecosystem.
geoBoundaries. This looks useful: “The world’s largest open, free and research-ready database of political administrative boundaries.” Founded by the geoLab at William & Mary university, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution license that includes a requirement for a citation. File formats offered include shapefiles, GeoJSON and TopoJSON.
Weeknotes: datasette-tiddlywiki, filters_from_request
I made some good progress on the big refactor this week, including extracting some core logic out into a new Datasette plugin hook. I also got distracted by TiddlyWiki and released a new Datasette plugin that lets you run TiddlyWiki inside Datasette.
[... 1,197 words]Adding GeoDjango to an existing Django project
Work on VIAL for Vaccinate The States continues.
[... 1,503 words]country-coder (via) Given a latitude and longitude, how can you tell what country that point sits within? One way is to do a point-in-polygon lookup against a set of country polygons, but this can be tricky: some countries such as New Zealand have extremely complex outlines, even though for this use-case you don’t need the exact shape of the coastline. country-coder solves this with a custom designed 595KB GeoJSON file with detailed land borders but loosely defined ocean borders. It also comes with a wrapper JavaScript library that provides an API for resolving points, plus useful properties on each country with details like telepohen calling codes and emoji flags.
Spatialite Speed Test. Part of an excellent series of posts about SpatiaLite from 2012—here John C. Zastrow reports on running polygon intersection queries against a 1.9GB database file in 40 seconds without an index and 0.186 seconds using the SpatialIndex virtual table mechanism.
New call queue ready to test. Also geography.
I just shipped the first working preview version of the new /api/requestCall
API [#54]—the API that our caller app uses to get the next location that the caller should be contacting (and lock it so that other users don’t call it at the same time).
Serving map tiles from SQLite with MBTiles and datasette-tiles
Working on datasette-leaflet last week re-kindled my interest in using Datasette as a GIS (Geographic Information System) platform. SQLite already has strong GIS functionality in the form of SpatiaLite and datasette-cluster-map is currently the most downloaded plugin. Most importantly, maps are fun!
[... 1,334 words]Drawing shapes on a map to query a SpatiaLite database (and other weeknotes)
This week I built a Datasette plugin that lets you query a database by drawing shapes on a map!
[... 950 words]Weeknotes: datasette-export-notebook, PyInstaller packaged Datasette, CBSAs
What a terrible week. I’ve found it hard to concentrate on anything substantial. In a mostly futile attempt to distract myself from doomscrolling I’ve mainly been building some experimental output plugins, fiddling with PyInstaller and messing around with shapefiles.
[... 732 words]