Simon Willison’s Weblog


OpenStreetMap embed URL. I just found out OpenStreetMap have a "share" button which produces HTML for an iframe targetting, making it easy to drop an OpenStreetMap map onto any web page that allows iframes.

As far as I can tell the supported parameters are:

  • bbox= then min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude
  • marker= optional latitude, longitude coordinate for a marker (only a single marker is supported)
  • layer=mapnik - other values I've found that work are cyclosm, cyclemap, transportmap and hot (for humanitarian)

Here's HTML for embedding this on a page using a sandboxed iframe - the allow-scripts is necessary for the map to display.

  style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 20em;"

Thanks to this post I learned that iframes are rendered correctly in NetNewsWire, NewsExplorer, NewsBlur and Feedly on Android.