Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2007

July 8, 2007

MooTools is not compatible with any other javascript framework. If you "definitely need to work with prototype" (which you don't, since the frameworks each provide all the functionality you need to use only one or the other) then learn how to do what you want to do in prototype. Otherwise, learn to use MooTools to do all the things you want to do. They simply do not work together, and I promise they never will.

Tom Occhino

# 7:29 am / libraries, mootools, javascript, prototype A campaign to encourage a mass switchover from PHP 4 to PHP 5 on February 8th 2008, by co-ordinating both hosting companies and PHP projects.

# 10:08 am / hosting, php, php5

Unpacking the Zeitgeist. On WoW corpse spamming: “There are thirty years’ worth of future shock condensed into this one news item [...] a harsh warning about the difficulty of accurately portraying plausible futures in literature.”

# 5:36 pm / worldofwarcraft, science-fiction, futurism, charlie-stross

Proposal for foaf:openid property. It looks like OpenID will be added to the FOAF spec in the not so distant future.

# 10:39 pm / openid, foaf

July 9, 2007

Storm. New Python ORM from Canonical, emphasising multiple database support, intelligent local cache invalidation and a thin layer over the underlying SQL.

# 8:44 am / sql, orm, storm, canonical, python

July 10, 2007

OpenID support in Blinksale (via) Blinksale + Highrise + Basecamp means you can run your small business on OpenID.

# 7:45 am / openid, blinksale, highrise, basecamp, 37-signals, chris-messina

PostgreSQL for Mac (via) Looks like a great way of getting PostgreSQL up and running on a Mac.

# 8:24 am / postgresql, osx, mac

PyCon UK 2007. The weekend of the 8th and 9th of September, currently accepting talk submissions. I’ll be running a Django tutorial session.

# 9:42 am / pycon, pyconuk, conferences, python, django

Bazaar/Avahi mDNS Plugin. Adds ZeroConf support to Bazaar, so you can “bzr share” a branch over the local network and “bzr browse” to discover shared branches. Designed for sprints with a local network but no internet access.

# 10:17 am / sprints, python, bazaar, zeroconf, avahi, plugins

Register for dConstruct 2007 (via) These are likely to sell out within the next couple of hours, so sign up quick! UPDATE: They’ve sold out.

# 11:28 am / dconstruct, conferences, dconstruct2007

July 11, 2007

pybraces. I didn’t know this was possible: a source level filter implemented as a custom -*- encoding: braces -*-

# 2:48 pm / python, encoding, hack, tim-hatch, braces

NestedVM. Provides binary translation from a GCC compiled MIPS binary to a Java class file, letting you run anything supported by GCC on the JVM with no source changes.

# 2:52 pm / nestedvm, java, gcc, compilers

It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not. Are you kidding? You can get the real thing, and you get the same price.

Bill Gates

# 3:09 pm / linux, china, bill-gates, piracy, salon

Return of the HTTP overhead delay. Christian proposes a neat way of improving page performance, by delaying non-essential images such as avatars until after the rest of the page has loaded.

# 3:12 pm / christian-heilmann, performance, http, images, avatars, onload, javascript

gSculpt. Powerful open source modelling software, written in Python and demonstrated (to much applause) as the last lightning talk of EuroPython 2007.

# 11:48 pm / python, 3d, modelling, open-source, europython, europython2007, gsculpt

July 12, 2007

Insert in place without document.write. Very neat trick, but I’d like to see more extensive reports on browser compatibility before committing to it.

# 9:41 am / documentwrite, innerhtml, script, javascript, brothercake

Mobile Device Connectivity to Exchange using IMAP vs Exchange ActiveSync (via) I count 14 instances of “experience” in this 1,000 word blog entry. Do real people talk like this?

# 5:17 pm / experience, weaselwords, communication, writing, microsoft, john-gruber, exchange, imap, activesync

... if you're in an email conversation with one other person and you're both using Gmail, don't bother quoting at all.

Charles Miller

# 5:18 pm / email, charles-miller

Wesabi: Your bank has a REST API now. Excellent—I’ve been saying for a while now that I’d really love to be able to program my bank account.

# 5:20 pm / banking, wesabi, rest, api

You don't need business development people. If you're successful, companies will come to you. The deals will still be distractions and not worth doing, but at least you're not spending any effort trying to get them.

Mark Fletcher

# 5:50 pm / businessdevelopment, deals, mark-fletcher, startups

Could someone please send, to whomever the hell teaches communication skills/techniques at Microsoft, a copy of the Chicago Manual, and perhaps a sixth - grade grammar text? I swear, there's almost no one from that company who can write a proper English sentence.

John C. Welch

# 6:23 pm / microsoft, john-c-welch, writing, english

Natalie Downe: Lithuania 07. Nat’s been blogging our adventures in Lithuania.

# 6:33 pm / lithuania, natalie-downe, travel

Partial OpenID provider implementation from It’ll take a while to package up provider support for django-openid, but in the meantime here’s some partial, incomplete, poorly documented example code ripped from Hopefully this will give people trying to figure out the JanRain Python library a bit of a leg up.

# 6:48 pm / idproxy, openid, django, python, partial, europython, europython07

J4P5: Javascript For PHP 5 (via) “J4P5 is a JavaScript interpreter written in PHP 5, that allows to run untrusted scripts in a sandbox on your server. It aims to implement most of Ecma-262 3rd edition.”

# 10:24 pm / ecmascript, php, php5, javascript, j4p5

Debunking 5 Business Myths about Second Life. Around half a million active monthly users, marketing islands make up just 6% of revenue, only 18% of the world is designated “mature”.

# 10:47 pm / secondlife, myths

Crowdvine, iCalico, Pathable, a Study in Collusion. Stitching sites together around a single user database using subdomains and simple signed cookies.

# 11:09 pm / kellan-elliott-mccrea, foocamp, crowdvine, icalico, collusion, pathable, sso, signedcookies

July 13, 2007

An OpenID provider should catalogue the sites that a user logs into and automatically construct a homepage for them. That way, not only do the users have the convenience of having their favourite websites automatically bookmarked and readily available, but (with a little help from the consumers), they don't have to log into the individual sites at all.


# 7:26 am / openid, ideas, reddit

Making OpenID really really easy. I’ve been thinking along very similar lines: OpenID providers can construct a user’s OpenID URL for them by asking for a site that they use (AOL / LiveJournal / WordPress etc) and their username on that service.

# 7:28 am / openid

Virgin Mobile Botches Creative Commons-Driven Ad Campaign. Virgin Mobile Australia used CC Flickr photos (and added offensive captions) for an ad campaign, but failed to get model releases from the people in the photos. Hopefully this won’t result in a backlash against CC; it’s Virgin who are at fault.

# 4:57 pm / creativecommons, virginmobile, flickr, virgin, areyouwithusorwhat

July 14, 2007

I heard that Foxconn - the place that makes the iPods and iPhones - consumes 3,000 pigs a day.

Bunnie Huang

# 12:59 pm / ipod, iphone, china, bunniehuang, apple, pigs

2007 » July
