Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 3rd July 2007

I can't say enough good things about Django. Professionally, it was one of the best technical decisions that I got to make early on at Tabblo.

Antonio Rodriguez

# 1:38 am / antonio-rodriguez, django, tabblo

HTML Entity Character Lookup. Look up HTML entities by characters that are a similar shape.

# 3:41 pm / html, tool, unicode

Google Translate (beta). Google’s beta translator based on statistical analysis of things like the United Nations corpus. I have no idea how long this has been available; it isn’t linked from their homepage.

# 4:43 pm / google, i18n, internationalisation, languages, translation

The Geni “contact us” form. As you type your message, Geni pulls in likely entries from their FAQ using Ajax—with pretty decent results.

# 9 pm / ajax, faq, geni

Lego Millenium Falcon Stop Motion. This introduced me to a whole world of YouTube Star Wars lego stop motion videos.

# 11:03 pm / animation, lego, milleniumfalcon, starwars, stopmotion, youtube

2007 » July
