Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for microformats

32 posts tagged “microformats”


[whatwg] Annotating structured data that HTML has no semantics for. Hixie’s proposal for microdata, a simplified RDFa to be included in the HTML5 spec which allows self-contained communities to invent their own microformat-style spec and use it to add structured semantics to their markup. Whether or not you like the proposal itself the explanation is a fascinating read.

# 11th May 2009, 2:41 pm / microformats, microdata, markup, html5, ian-hickson, rdf, rdfa, semantics, whatwg

Revving up. Jeremy Keith advocates adding the revcanonical attribute to regular A elements as well as / instead of hiding it in the head of the document, following the microformats design principle that invisible metadata is less valuable than augmenting visible links. I’ve updated my shorten bookmarklet to handle this case.

# 12th April 2009, 12:29 pm / jeremy-keith, microformats, revcanonical, metadata

When APIs go dark, how do you do a data backup? (Answer: you often can't.) With public, microformatted content, there will likely be a public archive that can be used to reconstitute at least portions of the service. With dynamic APIs and proprietary data formats, all bets are off.

Chris Messina

# 9th February 2009, 8:46 pm / chris-messina, data-portability, microformats, archiving, apis

Much like an oral agreement, publishing microformats is an informal agreement between you and (hopefully) a developer community that sets up a relationship with plenty of vagueness, inertial resistance to change, and potential landmines to step on. Would you create a real developer API without a TOS, agreement, or at the very least, guidelines? [...] are you prepared to announce all frontend markup changes? Does publishing a microformat without a special agreement mean that you are implicitly allowing comprehensive scraping of your web data?

Gordon Luk

# 5th February 2009, 10:46 pm / microformats, gordonluk, apis


Portable Social Networks, The Building Blocks Of A Social Web. Ben Ward’s tour de force of practical tools and techniques for building out the distributed social web, using XFN and hCard to represent the data. If you only read one article on portable social networks, make it this one.

# 3rd July 2008, 9:08 am / ben-ward, microformats, xfn, hcard, portablesocialnetworks

Microformats and accessibility: the soap opera that never ends. “Be sure to tune in next week, when we’ll drown a leading accessibility expert to see if she’s a witch.”

# 29th June 2008, 8:44 am / microformats, accessibility, funny, witch, mark-pilgrim

Removing Microformats from “Until these issues are resolved the BBC semantic markup standards have been updated to prevent the use of non-human-readable text in abbreviations.”

# 23rd June 2008, 9:04 pm / bbc, microformats, abbr, accessibility

Internet Explorer 8 Readiness Toolkit. The new built-in development tools look similar enough to Firebug to make me very happy. Also of interest: Selectors API (for fast getElementsBySelector), CSS 2.1 support, support for XHTML style namespaces in HTML, an interesting Web Slices feature based on the hAtom microformat and 6 connections per host (up from 2) which should make Comet easier.

# 5th March 2008, 6:28 pm / comet, javascript, css, standards, ie8, selectors, namespaces, hatom, microformats

Django People: OpenID and microformats

In hindsight, it was a mistake to launch Django People without support for OpenID. It was on the original feature list, but in the end I decided to cut any feature that wasn’t completely essential in order to get the site launched before it drowned in an ocean of “wouldn’t-it-be-cool-ifs”.

[... 626 words]

The technological future of the Web is in micro and macro structure. The approach to the micro is akin to proteins and surface binding--or, to put it another way, phenotropics and pattern matching. Massively parallel agents need to be evolved to discover how to bind onto something that looks like a blog post; a crumb-trail; a right-hand nav; a top 10 list; a review; an event description; search boxes.

Matt Webb

# 1st January 2008, 12:13 pm / matt-webb, web, microformats, phenotropics, patternmatching, ai-agents


Unobtrusively Mapping Microformats with jQuery

Microformats are everywhere. You can’t shake an electronic stick these days without accidentally poking a microformat-enabled site, and many developers use microformats as a matter of course. And why not? After all, why invent your own class names when you can re-use pre-defined ones that give your site extra functionality for free?

[... 2,277 words]

Unobtrusively Mapping Microformats with jQuery. My contribution to 24 ways: using Mapstraction to geocode hCards (extracted with jQuery) and plot them on a Google Map.

# 12th December 2007, 12:28 am / 24-ways, mapstraction, microformats, hcard, jquery, javascript, google-maps, geocoding

DiSo: Distributed Social Networking applications (via) New project to prototype a decentralised social network on top of WordPress, using OpenID, microformats and social whitelisting.

# 6th December 2007, 5:48 pm / socialwhitelisting, microformats, openid, diso, prortablesocialnetworks

Portable Social Networks: Take Your Friends with You. Brian Suda explains how OpenID, XFN and hCard can be used together to bootstrap portable social networks.

# 23rd November 2007, 11:56 pm / hcard, brian-suda, microformats, openid, xfn, portablesocialnetworks

identity-matcher. Dopplr’s social network importing code (for Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and sites supporting Microformats), implemented as a Rails ActiveRecord plugin.

# 4th October 2007, 2:53 pm / identitymatcher, plugins, microformats, matt-biddulph, facebook, gmail, dopplr, openid, portablesocialnetwork, rails, ruby, socialgraph, twitter, fowa, fowa2007

lxml.cssselect (via) lxml includes an implementation of CSS 3 selectors, which compiles them to XPath expressions. Should be a useful tool for parsing Microformats from Python.

# 24th September 2007, 11:57 pm / python, lxml, libxml2, css, selectors, xpath, css3, microformats

Satisfaction signup page. Check out the box on the right: it lets you use hCard to instantly import your public profile data (including a user icon) from Flickr, Twitter, Upcoming and more.

# 18th September 2007, 11:25 am / satisfaction, hcard, microformats, portablesocialnetworks, signup

Does the idea of redefining the role of the Internet browser appeal to you? Do the terms HTTP, RSS, Microformats, and OpenID, excite you? If so, then this just might be the opportunity for you.

IE Team Job Ad

# 18th July 2007, 7:43 am / http, rss, openid, microformats, ie, microsoft

Importing your social network from other sites. Dopplr now does this from GMail, Twitter, vCard or hCard and XFN. I’m convinced that contact import is a killer app for OpenID.

# 26th June 2007, 1:46 am / openid, dopplr, contactimport, xfn, microformats, hcard, twitter, gmail, vcard

hAccessibility. The use of the abbr element in hCalendar causes screen readers to read out an incomprehensible number instead of a date.

# 27th April 2007, 1:07 pm / microformats, hcalendar, accessibility

Triplr. Ultra simple GET-based web service for converting RSS / Atom / RDF / Microformats+GRDDL to HTML / ntriples / RDF / RSS / JSON / Turtle. Small pieces, loosely joined.

# 30th March 2007, 3:30 pm / triplr, rss, atom, rdf, microformats, grddl, html, ntriples, json, turtle, semanticweb

soupselect. My simple extension to BeautifulSoup that allows you to grab elements using CSS selectors; should be useful for parsing microformats.

# 28th February 2007, 1:47 pm / soupselect, beautifulsoup, python, css, microformats

Microformats Bookmarklet. Microformats bookmarklet, targetted at Safari. Uses jQuery CSS selectors for parsing, and generates .vcf vCard files using data: uris.

# 27th February 2007, 11:43 pm / microformats, bookmarklets, safari, jquery, vcard, datauris

OpenID and microformats support on XTech site. “A single-sign on solution like OpenID solves an important problem for us, as most people tend to interact with our conference web sites in only one or two time periods each year.”

# 27th February 2007, 12:46 pm / xtech, openid, microformats

Tutorials on Microformats. Roger Costello’s 11 tutorials on microformats, covering hCard, hCalendar, hReview and more.

# 14th February 2007, 4:45 pm / microformats, tutorial

Sumo! A Generic Microformats Parser For JavaScript. Dan Webb’s BarCamp talk on Metaprogramming JavaScript will be a must-see.

# 9th February 2007, 10:57 am / dan-webb, microformats, sumo, javascript, barcamp


Introducing Operator. New microformat detecting Firefox extension, developed at IBM and released by Mozilla Labs. Examples are from Yahoo! Local, Upcoming and Flickr.

# 18th December 2006, 4:36 pm / extension, firefox, ibm, microformats, flickr, mozilla, mozillalabs, upcoming, yahoo


MagicLine. Greasemonkey + microformats killer app. You just HAVE to check this out.

# 4th August 2005, 4:32 pm / microformats, greasemonkey