Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 24th September 2007

gefingerpoken. Michal Migurski shows how to implement the algorithm for two-finger deforming drag using affine transformation matrices in Flash.

# 8:50 am / affinetransformations, algorithm, flash, matrices, michalmigurski, multitouch

OLPC: Give 1 Get 1. The long rumoured “buy two OLPCs, donate one to the third world” scheme is actually happening. I plan to get one; the robustness, battery life and WiFi range should make for an excellent conference / outdoor machine.

# 11:07 am / charity, conferences, hardware, olpc

IEContentLoaded. An alternative method of detecting DOMContentLoaded on IE; works by polling until the doScroll() method on an unattached element stops throwing errors.

# 12:10 pm / domcontentloaded, domscripting, hedgerwang, ie, iecontentloaded, javascript, unobtrusivejavascript

Becoming PHP 6 Compatible. According to this article, I’ve been writing PHP 6 compatible code since about 2002.

# 12:13 pm / php, php6

mySociety Disruptive Technology Talks. Four great talks coming up in London this Autumn, courtesy of the lovely folk at mySociety.

# 5:51 pm / london, mysociety, talks

lxml.cssselect (via) lxml includes an implementation of CSS 3 selectors, which compiles them to XPath expressions. Should be a useful tool for parsing Microformats from Python.

# 11:57 pm / css, css3, libxml2, lxml, microformats, python, selectors, xpath