Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 9th September 2007

wikimarkup (via) “MediaWiki markup in Python”. I’ve always suspected that MediaWiki was like Perl; the only thing that can parse MediaWiki is MediaWiki. Not sure how faithful this Python port is but I’d love my theory to be proved wrong.

# 12:33 am / cursegaming, david-cramer, mediawiki, perl, python, wiki, wikimarkup

django-sphinx (via) More code from Curse Gaming; this time a really nice API for adding Sphinx full-text search to a Django model.

# 12:35 am / cursegaming, david-cramer, django, fulltext, orm, python, search, sphinx-search

Building the Social Web with OpenID. Slides from my keynote at yesterday’s PyCon UK.

# 12:36 am / keynote, openid, pyconuk, pyconuk2007, python, slides, slideshare, socialweb, talks

The Tale of the Mechanical Virus. “What I had discovered, in essence, was a mechanical virus. It infects Mac laptops and speads via the DVI adapters.”—I really hope this isn’t why my DVI adapter is on the blink.

# 12:11 pm / apple, dvi, mac, mechanicalvirus, virus