Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged git

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uv pip install --exclude-newer example (via) A neat new feature of the uv pip install command is the --exclude-newer option, which can be used to avoid installing any package versions released after the specified date.

Here's a clever example of that in use from the typing_extensions packages CI tests that run against some downstream packages:

uv pip install --system -r test-requirements.txt --exclude-newer $(git show -s --date=format:'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' --format=%cd HEAD)

They use git show to get the date of the most recent commit (%cd means commit date) formatted as an ISO timestamp, then pass that to --exclude-newer. # 10th May 2024, 4:35 pm

Use an llm to automagically generate meaningful git commit messages. Neat, thoroughly documented recipe by Harper Reed using my LLM CLI tool as part of a scheme for if you’re feeling too lazy to write a commit message—it uses a prepare-commit-msg Git hook which runs any time you commit without a message and pipes your changes to a model along with a custom system prompt. # 11th April 2024, 4:06 am

How I use git worktrees (via) TIL about worktrees, a Git feature that lets you have multiple repository branches checked out to separate directories at the same time.

The default UI for them is a little unergonomic (classic Git) but Bill Mill here shares a neat utility script for managing them in a more convenient way.

One particularly neat trick: Bill’s “worktree” Bash script checks for a node_modules folder and, if one exists, duplicates it to the new directory using copy-on-write, saving you from having to run yet another lengthy “npm install”. # 6th March 2024, 3:21 pm

Figure out who’s leaving the company: dump, diff, repeat (via) Rachel Kroll describes a neat hack for companies with an internal LDAP server or similar machine-readable employee directory: run a cron somewhere internal that grabs the latest version and diffs it against the previous to figure out who has joined or left the company.

I suggest using Git for this—a form of Git scraping—as then you get a detailed commit log of changes over time effectively for free.

I really enjoyed Rachel’s closing thought: “Incidentally, if someone gets mad about you running this sort of thing, you probably don’t want to work there anyway. On the other hand, if you’re able to build such tools without IT or similar getting ”threatened“ by it, then you might be somewhere that actually enjoys creating interesting and useful stuff. Treasure such places. They don’t tend to last.” # 9th February 2024, 5:44 am

Inside .git. This single diagram filled in all sorts of gaps in my mental model of how git actually works under the hood. # 25th January 2024, 2:59 pm

See the History of a Method with git log -L (via) Neat Git trick from Caleb Hearth that I hadn’t seen before, and it works for Python out of the box:

git log -L

That command displays a log (with diffs) of just the portion of commits that changed the path_with_format function in the file. # 5th November 2023, 8:16 pm

Tracking SQLite Database Changes in Git (via) A neat trick from Garrit Franke that I hadn’t seen before: you can teach “git diff” how to display human readable versions of the differences between binary files with a specific extension using the following:

git config diff.sqlite3.binary true
git config diff.sqlite3.textconv “echo .dump | sqlite3”

That way you can store binary files in your repo but still get back SQL diffs to compare them.

I still worry about the efficiency of storing binary files in Git, since I expect multiple versions of a text text file to compress together better. # 1st November 2023, 6:53 pm

A tiny CI system (via) Christian Ştefănescu shares a recipe for building a tiny self-hosted CI system using Git and Redis. A post-receive hook runs when a commit is pushed to the repo and uses redis-cli to push jobs to a list. Then a separate bash script runs a loop with a blocking “redis-cli blpop jobs” operation which waits for new jobs and then executes the CI job as a shell script. # 26th April 2022, 3:39 pm

Commits are snapshots, not diffs (via) Useful, clearly explained revision of some Git fundamentals. # 17th December 2020, 10:01 pm

nyt-2020-election-scraper. Brilliant application of git scraping by Alex Gaynor and a growing team of contributors. Takes a JSON snapshot of the NYT’s latest election poll figures every five minutes, then runs a Python script to iterate through the history and build an HTML page showing the trends, including what percentage of the remaining votes each candidate needs to win each state. This is the perfect case study in why it can be useful to take a “snapshot if the world right now” data source and turn it into a git revision history over time. # 6th November 2020, 2:24 pm

Repository driven development (via) I’m already a big fan of keeping documentation and code in the same repo so you can update them both from within the same code review, but this takes it even further: in repository driven development every aspect of the code and configuration needed to define, document, test and ship a service live in the service repository—all the way down to the configurations for reporting dashboards. This sounds like heaven. # 24th July 2019, 8:41 am

isomorphic-git (via) A pure-JavaScript implementation of the git protocol and underlying tools which works both server-side (Node.js) AND in the client, using an emulation of the fs API. Given the right CORS headers it can clone a GitHub repository over HTTPS right into your browser. Impressive. # 16th May 2018, 8:54 pm

Telling stories through your commits. Joel Chippendale’s excellent guide to writing a useful commit history. I spend a lot of time on my commit messages, because when I’m trying to understand code later on they are the only form of documentation that is guaranteed to remain up-to-date against the code at that exact point of time. These tips are clear, concise, teadabale and include some great examples. # 13th January 2018, 7:44 pm

Exploding Git Repositories. Kate Murphy describes how git is vulnerable to a similar attack to the XML “billion laughs” recursive entity expansion attack—you can create a tiny git repository that acts as a “git bomb”, expanding 12 root objects to over a billion files using recursive blob references. # 12th October 2017, 7:43 pm

GitHub: Announcing SVN Support. The best kind of April Fool’s joke: one that works. It’s read-only, but that’s good enough to support referencing GitHub repositories from SVN externals. # 1st April 2010, 11:33 am

A successful Git branching model (via) This looks eminently sensible. The master branch is used for production-ready code, and is only updated by merging from either release branches or emergency hotfix branches. A develop branch is used for integration (from feature branches), and is branched to create release branches when a release is nearly ready. It’s all comprehensively documented and comes with some well-designed diagrams. # 20th January 2010, 7:30 pm

Introducing the YUI 3 Gallery. Write a plugin for YUI3, BSD license it and sign a CLA and Yahoo! will push your module out to their CDN and make it loadable using the YUI().use() statement. They’re coordinating the submissions using GitHub. # 4th November 2009, 11:14 pm

How We Made GitHub Fast. Detailed overview of the new GitHub architecture. It’s a lot more complicated than I would have expected—lots of moving parts are involved in ensuring they can scale horizontally when they need to. Interesting components include nginx, Unicorn, Rails, DRBD, HAProxy, Redis, Erlang, memcached, SSH, git and a bunch of interesting new open source projects produced by the GitHub team such as BERT/Ernie and ProxyMachine. # 21st October 2009, 9:14 pm

homebrew. Exciting alternative to MacPorts for compiling software on OS X—homebrew avoids sudo and defines packages as simple Ruby scripts, shared and distributed using Git. # 21st September 2009, 6:51 pm

Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment. I’m slowly working my way through this stack at the moment—next stop, fabric. # 28th July 2009, 11:56 am on GitHub. I’ve released the source code for Django People, the geographical community site developed last year by myself and Natalie Downe (it hasn’t otherwise been touched since April last year, so it needs porting to Django 1.1). If you want a new feature on the site, implement it and I’ll see about merging it in. # 4th May 2009, 6:12 pm

Dulwich. A pure Python implementation of the Git file format and protocols. Reinforces my impression that a key to Git’s success is stable, well designed and documented on-disk formats. # 16th February 2009, 10:27 pm

Tailor. “Tailor is a tool to migrate or replicate changesets between ArX, Bazaar, Bazaar-NG, CVS, Codeville, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion and Tla repositories.”—written in Python. # 24th June 2008, 9:59 am

Using Git as a versioned data store in Python. gitshelve supports the same interface as Python’s built-in shelve module but stores things to a versioned Git repository instead of just a pickled dictionary. I’ve been casually wondering what a Git-powered CMS would look like. # 15th May 2008, 3:25 pm

A look back: Bram Cohen vs Linus Torvalds. Makes the case that Git has proved Linus Torvald correct on every point of his infamous debate with Bram Cohen back in 2005. # 17th July 2007, 10:29 pm