Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2022

Sept. 1, 2022

Notes on the SQLite DuckDB paper

SQLite: Past, Present, and Future is a newly published paper authored by Kevin P. Gaffney, Martin Prammer and Jignesh M. Patel from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and D. Richard Hipp, Larry Brasfield and Dan Kennedy from the core SQLite engineering team.

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Run Stable Diffusion on your M1 Mac’s GPU. Ben Firshman provides detailed instructions for getting Stable Diffusion running on an M1 Mac.

# 5:41 pm / stable-diffusion, ben-firshman, macosx, machine-learning, ai, generative-ai, text-to-image

Building Layoffs on a Healthy Foundation (via) Kellan provides some valuable guidance for running layoffs in as humane a way as possible.

# 6:11 pm / kellan-elliott-mccrea, management

Open every CSV file in a GitHub repository in Datasette Lite (via) I built an Observable notebook that accepts a GitHub repository as input, scans it for CSV files and generates a link to open all of those CSV files in Datasette Lite.

# 7:24 pm / datasette-lite, projects, observable, github

Sept. 2, 2022

Discord History Tracker. Very interestingly shaped piece of software. You install and run a localhost web application on your own machine, then paste some JavaScript into the Discord Electron app’s DevTools console (ignoring the prominent messages there warning you not to paste anything into it). The JavaScript scrapes messages you can see in Discord and submits them back to that localhost application, which writes them to a SQLite database for you. It’s written in C# with ASP.NET Core, but complied executables are provided for Windows, macOS and Linux. I had to allow execution of four different unsigned binaries to get this working on my Mac.

# 9:37 pm / discord, security, sqlite

Sept. 4, 2022

Grokking Stable Diffusion (via) Jonathan Whitaker built this interactive Jupyter notebook that walks through how to use Stable Diffusion from Python step-by-step, and then dives deep into helping understand the different components of the implementation, including how text is encoded, how the diffusion loop works and more. This is by far the most useful tool I’ve seen yet for understanding how this model actually works. You can run Jonathan’s notebook directly on Google Colab, with a GPU.

# 6:50 pm / jupyter, stable-diffusion, generative-ai, text-to-image

For these reasons, I don’t think I’ll be using Midjourney or any similar tool to illustrate my newsletter going forward (an exception would be if I were writing about the technology at a later date and wanted to show examples). Even though the job wouldn’t go to a different, deserving, human artist, I think the optics are shitty, and I do worry about having any role in helping to set any kind of precedent in this direction.

Charlie Warzel

# 9:06 pm / ai, ethics, midjourney, generative-ai, text-to-image, ai-ethics

Sept. 5, 2022

Exploring the training data behind Stable Diffusion

Visit Exploring the training data behind Stable Diffusion

Two weeks ago, the Stable Diffusion image generation model was released to the public. I wrote about this last week, in Stable Diffusion is a really big deal—a post which has since become one of the top ten results for “stable diffusion” on Google and shown up in all sorts of different places online.

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Should You Use Upper Bound Version Constraints? (via) Should you pin your library's dependencies using "click>=7,<8" or "click~=7.0"? Henry Schreiner's short answer is no, and his long answer is an exhaustive essay covering every conceivable aspect of this thorny Python packaging problem.

# 5:42 pm / packaging, pypi, python

r/MachineLearning: What is the SOTA explanation for why deep learning works? The thing I find fascinating about this Reddit conversation is that it makes it clear that the machine learning research community has very little agreement on WHY the state of the art techniques that are being used today actually work as well as they do.

# 5:46 pm / machine-learning, reddit, ai, generative-ai

The Amazon Builders’ Library (via) “How Amazon builds and operates software”—an extraordinarily valuable collection of detailed articles about how AWS works and operates under the hood.

# 5:50 pm / aws, software-architecture

Over the years, across multiple deployments, DynamoDB has learned that it’s not just the end state and the start state that matter; there could be times when the newly deployed software doesn’t work and needs a rollback. The rolled-back state might be different from the initial state of the software. The rollback procedure is often missed in testing and can lead to customer impact. DynamoDB runs a suite of upgrade and downgrade tests at a component level before every deployment. Then, the software is rolled back on purpose and tested by running functional tests. DynamoDB has found this process valuable for catching issues that otherwise would make it hard to rollback if needed.

Amazon DynamoDB: A Scalable, Predictably Performant, and Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service

# 6:49 pm / aws, ops

Spevktator: OSINT analysis tool for VK. This is a really cool project that came out of a recent Bellingcat hackathon. Spevktator takes 67,000 posts from five popular Russian news channels on VK (a popular Russian social media platform) and makes them available in Datasette, along with automated translations to English, post sharing metrics and sentiment analysis scores. This README includes some detailed analysis of the data, plus a link to an Observable notebook that implements custom visualizations against queries run directly against the Datasette instance.

# 8:48 pm / political-hacking, bellingcat, datasette, observable

Feeding AI systems on the world’s beauty, ugliness, and cruelty, but expecting it to reflect only the beauty is a fantasy

Ruha Benjamin

# 9:42 pm / ai, ethics, ai-ethics

Sept. 6, 2022

karpathy/minGPT (via) A “minimal PyTorch re-implementation” of the OpenAI GPT training and inference model, by Andrej Karpathy. It’s only a few hundred lines of code and includes extensive comments, plus notebook demos.

# 2:52 pm / machine-learning, gpt-3, ai, andrej-karpathy, generative-ai, llms

dolthub/jsplit (via) Neat Go CLI tool for working with truly gigantic JSON files. This assumes files will be an object with one or more keys that are themselves huge lists of objects—it than extracts those lists out into one or more newline-delimited JSON files (capping their size at 4GB) which are much easier to work with as streams of data.

# 8:27 pm / json, go

Sept. 7, 2022

CROSS JOIN and virtual tables in SQLite. Learned today on the SQLite forums that the SQLite CROSS JOIN in SQLite is a special case of join where the provided table order is preserved when executing the join. This is useful for advanced cases where you might want to use a SQLite virtual table to perform some kind of custom operation—searching against an external search engine for example—and then join the results back against other tables in a predictable way.

# 12:15 am / sqlite

How the SQLite Virtual Machine Works. The latest entry in Ben Johnson’s series about SQLite internals.

# 8:49 pm / ben-johnson, sqlite, databases

TIL: You Can Build Portable Binaries of Python Applications (via) Hynek Schlawack on the brilliant PyOxidizer by Gregory Szorc.

# 9:41 pm / python, hynek-schlawack

Sept. 12, 2022

In a previous iteration of the machine learning paradigm, researchers were obsessed with cleaning their datasets and ensuring that every data point seen by their models is pristine, gold-standard, and does not disturb the fragile learning process of billions of parameters finding their home in model space. Many began to realize that data scale trumps most other priorities in the deep learning world; utilizing general methods that allow models to scale in tandem with the complexity of the data is a superior approach. Now, in the era of LLMs, researchers tend to dump whole mountains of barely filtered, mostly unedited scrapes of the internet into the eager maw of a hungry model.


# 4:57 pm / machine-learning

Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project (via) Conventional wisdom is that building a new browser engine from scratch is impossible without enormous capital outlay and many people working together for many years. Andreas Kling has been disproving that for a while now with his SerenityOS from-scratch operating system project, which includes a brand new browser implemented in C++. Now Andreas is announcing his plans to extract that browser as Ladybird and make it run across multiple platforms. Andreas is a former WebKit engineer (at Nokia and then Apple) and really knows his stuff: Ladybird already passes the Acid3 test!

# 7:34 pm / acid3, browsers, webkit, andreas-kling, ladybird

Prompt injection attacks against GPT-3

Visit Prompt injection attacks against GPT-3

Riley Goodside, yesterday:

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Sept. 15, 2022

APSW is now available on PyPI. News I missed from June: the venerable (17+ years old) APSW SQLite library for Python is now officially available on PyPI as a set of wheels, built using cibuildwheel. This is a really big deal: APSW is an extremely well maintained library which exposes way more low-level SQLite functionality than the standard library’s sqlite3 module, and to-date one of the only disadvantages of using it was the need to install it independently of PyPI. Now you can just run “pip install apsw”.

# 10:18 pm / sqlite, pypi, python, apsw

Sept. 16, 2022

[SQLite is] a database that in full-stack culture has been relegated to "unit test database mock" for about 15 years that is (1) surprisingly capable as a SQL engine, (2) the simplest SQL database to get your head around and manage, and (3) can embed directly in literally every application stack, which is especially interesting in latency-sensitive and globally-distributed applications.

Reason (3) is clearly our ulterior motive here, so we're not disinterested: our model user deploys a full-stack app (Rails, Elixir, Express, whatever) in a bunch of regions around the world, hoping for sub-100ms responses for users in most places around the world. Even within a single data center, repeated queries to SQL servers can blow that budget. Running an in-process SQL server neatly addresses it.

Thomas Ptacek

# 1:49 am / thomas-ptacek, sqlite, fly, sql

Weeknotes: Datasette Lite, s3-credentials, shot-scraper, datasette-edit-templates and more

Visit Weeknotes: Datasette Lite, s3-credentials, shot-scraper, datasette-edit-templates and more

Despite distractions from AI I managed to make progress on a bunch of different projects this week, including new releases of s3-credentials and shot-scraper, a new datasette-edit-templates plugin and a small but neat improvement to Datasette Lite.

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I don’t know how to solve prompt injection

Visit I don't know how to solve prompt injection

Some extended thoughts about prompt injection attacks against software built on top of AI language models such a GPT-3. This post started as a Twitter thread but I’m promoting it to a full blog entry here.

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Twitter pranksters derail GPT-3 bot with newly discovered “prompt injection” hack. I’m quoted in this Ars Technica article about prompt injection and the Twitter bot.

# 6:33 pm / twitter, prompt-engineering, prompt-injection, gpt-3, security, openai, generative-ai, llms

Retrospection and Learnings from Dgraph Labs (via) I was excited about Dgraph as an interesting option in the graph database space. It didn’t work out, and founder Manish Rai Jain provides a thoughtful retrospective as to why, full of useful insights for other startup founders considering projects in a similar space.

# 6:43 pm / entrepreneurship, startups, graphql

Sept. 17, 2022

The Changelog: Stable Diffusion breaks the internet. I’m on this week’s episode of The Changelog podcast, talking about Stable Diffusion, AI ethics and a little bit about prompt injection attacks too.

# 2:14 am / stable-diffusion, ai, prompt-engineering, prompt-injection, generative-ai, llms, podcasts, text-to-image, podcast-appearances

However, six digits is a very small space to search through when you are a computer. The biggest problem is going to be getting lucky, it's quite literally a one-in-a-million shot. Turns out you can brute force a TOTP code in about 2 hours if you are careful and the remote service doesn't have throttling or rate limiting of authentication attempts.

Push notification two-factor auth considered harmful

# 2:45 pm / security, rate-limiting

2022 » September
