Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged llm, projects

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Weeknotes: PyCon US 2024

Earlier this month I attended PyCon US 2024 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I gave an invited keynote on the Saturday morning titled “Imitation intelligence”, tying together much of what I’ve learned about Large Language Models over the past couple of years and making the case that the Python community has a unique opportunity and responsibility to help try to nudge this technology in a positive direction.

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Weeknotes: Llama 3, AI for Data Journalism, llm-evals and datasette-secrets

Llama 3 landed on Thursday. I ended up updating a whole bunch of different plugins to work with it, described in Options for accessing Llama 3 from the terminal using LLM.

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Options for accessing Llama 3 from the terminal using LLM

Llama 3 was released on Thursday. Early indications are that it’s now the best available openly licensed model—Llama 3 70b Instruct has taken joint 5th place on the LMSYS arena leaderboard, behind only Claude 3 Opus and some GPT-4s and sharing 5th place with Gemini Pro and Claude 3 Sonnet. But unlike those other models Llama 3 70b is weights available and can even be run on a (high end) laptop!

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AI for Data Journalism: demonstrating what we can do with this stuff right now

I gave a talk last month at the Story Discovery at Scale data journalism conference hosted at Stanford by Big Local News. My brief was to go deep into the things we can use Large Language Models for right now, illustrated by a flurry of demos to help provide starting points for further conversations at the conference.

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Building files-to-prompt entirely using Claude 3 Opus

files-to-prompt is a new tool I built to help me pipe several files at once into prompts to LLMs such as Claude and GPT-4.

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llm cmd undo last git commit—a new plugin for LLM

I just released a neat new plugin for my LLM command-line tool: llm-cmd. It lets you run a command to to generate a further terminal command, review and edit that command, then hit <enter> to execute it or <ctrl-c> to cancel.

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Weeknotes: a Datasette release, an LLM release and a bunch of new plugins

I wrote extensive annotated release notes for Datasette 1.0a8 and LLM 0.13 already. Here’s what else I’ve been up to this past three weeks.

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LLM 0.13: The annotated release notes

I just released LLM 0.13, the latest version of my LLM command-line tool for working with Large Language Models—both via APIs and running models locally using plugins.

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Many options for running Mistral models in your terminal using LLM

Mistral AI is the most exciting AI research lab at the moment. They’ve now released two extremely powerful smaller Large Language Models under an Apache 2 license, and have a third much larger one that’s available via their API.

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ospeak: a CLI tool for speaking text in the terminal via OpenAI

I attended OpenAI DevDay today, the first OpenAI developer conference. It was a lot. They released a bewildering array of new API tools, which I’m just beginning to wade my way through fully understanding.

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DALL-E 3, GPT4All, PMTiles, sqlite-migrate, datasette-edit-schema

I wrote a lot this week. I also did some fun research into new options for self-hosting vector maps and pushed out several new releases of plugins.

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Execute Jina embeddings with a CLI using llm-embed-jina

Berlin-based Jina AI just released a new family of embedding models, boasting that they are the “world’s first open-source 8K text embedding model” and that they rival OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 in quality.

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Weeknotes: the Datasette Cloud API, a podcast appearance and more

Datasette Cloud now has a documented API, plus a podcast appearance, some LLM plugins work and some geospatial excitement.

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Weeknotes: Embeddings, more embeddings and Datasette Cloud

Since my last weeknotes, a flurry of activity. LLM has embeddings support now, and Datasette Cloud has driven some major improvements to the wider Datasette ecosystem.

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Build an image search engine with llm-clip, chat with models with llm chat

LLM is my combination CLI tool and Python library for working with Large Language Models. I just released LLM 0.10 with two significant new features: embedding support for binary files and the llm chat command.

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LLM now provides tools for working with embeddings

LLM is my Python library and command-line tool for working with language models. I just released LLM 0.9 with a new set of features that extend LLM to provide tools for working with embeddings.

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Datasette 1.0a4 and 1.0a5, plus weeknotes

Two new alpha releases of Datasette, plus a keynote at WordCamp, a new LLM release, two new LLM plugins and a flurry of TILs.

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Datasette Cloud, Datasette 1.0a3, llm-mlc and more

Datasette Cloud is now a significant step closer to general availability. The Datasette 1.03 alpha release is out, with a mostly finalized JSON format for 1.0. Plus new plugins for LLM and sqlite-utils and a flurry of things I’ve learned.

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Weeknotes: Plugins for LLM, sqlite-utils and Datasette

The principle theme for the past few weeks has been plugins.

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Run Llama 2 on your own Mac using LLM and Homebrew

Llama 2 is the latest commercially usable openly licensed Large Language Model, released by Meta AI a few weeks ago. I just released a new plugin for my LLM utility that adds support for Llama 2 and many other llama-cpp compatible models.

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Accessing Llama 2 from the command-line with the llm-replicate plugin

The big news today is Llama 2, the new openly licensed Large Language Model from Meta AI. It’s a really big deal:

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Weeknotes: Self-hosted language models with LLM plugins, a new Datasette tutorial, a dozen package releases, a dozen TILs

A lot of stuff to cover from the past two and a half weeks.

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My LLM CLI tool now supports self-hosted language models via plugins

LLM is my command-line utility and Python library for working with large language models such as GPT-4. I just released version 0.5 with a huge new feature: you can now install plugins that add support for additional models to the tool, including models that can run on your own hardware.

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Weeknotes: symbex, LLM prompt templates, a bit of a break

I had a holiday to the UK for a family wedding anniversary and mostly took the time off... except for building symbex, which became one of those projects that kept on inspiring new features.

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llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs

I’ve been building out a small suite of command-line tools for working with ChatGPT, GPT-4 and potentially other language models in the future.

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Weeknotes: A new llm CLI tool, plus automating my weeknotes and newsletter

I started publishing weeknotes in 2019 partly as a way to hold myself accountable but mainly as a way to encourage myself to write more.

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