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115 items tagged “facebook”


Facebook Security Advice: Never Ever Enter Your Passwords On Another Site, Unless We Ask You To. Nice to see TechCrunch highlighting the hypocrisy of Facebook advising their users to never enter their Facebook credentials on another site, then asking them for their webmail provider password so they can scrape their address book.

# 9th August 2008, 10:18 am / facebook, security, hypocrisy, techcrunch, passwordantipattern, passwords

simple-thrift-queue (via) Phillip Pearson’s surprisingly concise in-memory message queue written in Python using Facebook’s Thrift library (which is similar to Protocol Buffers, but was open sourced much earlier on). Handles 4,000 requests per second on a laptop.

# 4th August 2008, 12:27 pm / messaging, phillip-pearson, python, facebook, thrift, protocolbuffers, message-queues

Dark Launches, Gradual Ramps and Isolation: Testing the Scalability of New Features on your Web Site. Smart advice from Dare Obasanjo that extend the “dark launch” idea illustrated by Facebook chat a few weeks ago.

# 29th June 2008, 2:22 pm / dare-obasanjo, scaling, darklaunches, gradualramps, isolation, systemarchitecture, facebook

He/She/They: Grammar and Facebook. Facebook are going to start requiring gender information because foreign language translations wind up being too confusing when that information is not available. Aside: I wish they’d implement proper title elements on their blog posts.

# 27th June 2008, 9:06 am / i18n, grammar, gender, facebook, l10n, usability

Facebook Open Platform. Facebook have open-sourced (under a modified MPL, does it still fit the OSI definition?) the code for the Facebook Platform, including their implementations of FBML, FQL and FBJS. This is no small release; the tarball weighs in at 40MB and includes libfbml, which depends on Firefox for its HTML parser!

# 3rd June 2008, 12:21 am / facebook, open-source, firefox, fbml, php, fql, fbjs

Engineering @ Facebook: Facebook Chat. The new Facebook Chat uses Comet (long polling with a hidden iframe) against a custom web / chat server written in Erlang, designed to handle a launch to all 70 million users at once. It was tested using a “dark launch” period where live pages simulated chat request traffic without showing any visible UI.

# 15th May 2008, 7:55 am / facebook, comet, javascript, erlang, darklaunch, scaling

The real roadblocks to data portability on social networks. A bunch of smart questions posed by Facebook’s Dave Morin. This is why I think data portability is the wrong framing—moving data between sites is really hard. Importing social relationships between sites is much more viable (hence my interest in social network portability). Also, the complaints about systems sharing e-mail addresses are neatly addressed by using OpenID as the GUID for a user instead. OpenIDs can’t be spammed.

# 26th March 2008, 7:53 pm / openid, facebook, dave-morin, robert-scoble, data-portability, guid, portablesocialnetworks

The GigaOM Interview: Mark Zuckerberg. Some interesting titbits on Facebook’s architecture.

# 11th March 2008, 5:41 am / facebook, architecture, mark-zuckerberg, scaling

For me, the big problem with Facebook is the plain fact that it's an extremely annoying piece of software. [...] The central issue for me is that Facebook suffers a severe reverse network effect: the more people who join, the less useful it becomes.

Ben Brown

# 3rd January 2008, 4:50 pm / facebook, ben-brown


Two-Faced Django. Excellent Django tutorial by Will Larson that shows how to build a polling application with an interface both on the Web and in Facebook. Also touches on unit testing and Ajax using jQuery.

# 14th December 2007, 2:44 pm / ajax, jquery, javascript, django, python, tutorial, facebook, pyfacebook

Deconstructing Facebook Beacon JavaScript. How Facebook’s new Beacon service (also known as “Facebook ruined Christmas”) actually works.

# 25th November 2007, 9:20 pm / javascript, facebook, beacon, privacy

Is Facebook Really Censoring Search When It Suits Them? Apparently MoveOn’s group “Petition: Facebook, stop invading my privacy!” stopped showing up in search results for “privacy”—the search claimed 17 results but suspiciously only showed 16.

# 23rd November 2007, 7:50 am / facebook, censorship, conspiracy, moveon, privacy

New on Dopplr: The Past (with Pictures). Dopplr’s trip pages automatically display your Flickr/Facebook photos that were taken during the duration of the trip—simple and smart integration of third party sites.

# 20th October 2007, 11:25 am / dopplr, facebook, flickr, apis, integration

identity-matcher. Dopplr’s social network importing code (for Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and sites supporting Microformats), implemented as a Rails ActiveRecord plugin.

# 4th October 2007, 2:53 pm / identitymatcher, plugins, microformats, matt-biddulph, facebook, gmail, dopplr, openid, portablesocialnetwork, rails, ruby, socialgraph, twitter, fowa, fowa2007

Right now Facebook's position on 3rd party developers is amazing and I'm sure they are genuine in their support. However, give Facebook two missed quarters as a public company and they might not have no choice but to squeeze every ounce of revenue out of Facebook. That squeeze might include competing with the current crop of Facebook developers.

Jason Calacanis

# 1st October 2007, 8:55 pm / facebook, jason-calacanis, facebookplatform, lockin

Announcing the Dopplr 100. Similar to how Facebook used to only allow college e-mail addresses, Dopplr is now open to holders of e-mail accounts from 100 large corporations. The blog release doesn’t specify if each corporation gets its own special “group” within the application; that would be a neat touch.

# 26th September 2007, 4:34 pm / dopplr, facebook, email, invitations

Facebook Bankruptcy. I have exactly the same problem.

# 29th July 2007, 9:11 pm / facebook, bankruptcy, jason-calacanis

Washington Post and Facebook. Deryck Hodge on hacking against Facebook API using Django.

# 19th June 2007, 10:33 am / django, deryckhodge, facebook, api, washington-post

iLike: Holy cow... 6mm users and growing 300k/day! (via) Facebook platform offers a viral distribution mechanism for free. Downside: you have to double your capacity every few days.

# 13th June 2007, 9:02 am / marcandreessen, facebook, f8, ilike, scaling

The Facebook Platform wiki (via) Not very well promoted yet.

# 13th June 2007, 8:52 am / facebook, wiki, f8

Top XSS exploits by PageRank. Yahoo!, MSN, Google, YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook all feature.

# 29th May 2007, 10:07 pm / yahoo, msn, google, youtube, facebook, xss, pagerank, security

... Facebook has roughly 200 dedicated memcached servers in its production environment, plus a small number of others for development and so on. A few of those 200 are hot spares. They are all 16GB 4-core AMD64 boxes, just because that's where the price/performance sweet spot is for us right now.

Steve Grimm

# 3rd May 2007, 10:36 pm / memcached, facebook, scaling, steve-grimm

phpsh. An interactive shell for PHP, developed at Facebook and written mostly in Python. Facebook are really pushing their open-source stuff at the moment.

# 3rd April 2007, 9:43 am / php, facebook, python, phpsh

Facebook Query Language. The Facebook API now lets you run SQL-like queries. You can’t do joins but you can perform very simple subselects.

# 25th February 2007, 12:06 pm / apis, facebook, sql, webapis