Simon Willison’s Weblog


October 2017

Oct. 12, 2017

Dead End Thrills. Duncan Harris Is a photographer who works in the medium of video game screen captures.

# 2:23 am / photography, games

Exploding Git Repositories. Kate Murphy describes how git is vulnerable to a similar attack to the XML “billion laughs” recursive entity expansion attack—you can create a tiny git repository that acts as a “git bomb”, expanding 12 root objects to over a billion files using recursive blob references.

# 7:43 pm / security, git

Oct. 13, 2017

How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human. Some very well thought out advice on giving constructive reviews, including simple but effective language tricks for keeping suggestions positive and helpful.

# 4:36 am / codereviews

Whatever weird thing you imagine might happen, something weirder probably did happen. Reporters tried to keep up, but it was too strange. As Max Read put it in New York Magazine, Facebook is “like a four-dimensional object, we catch slices of it when it passes through the three-dimensional world we recognize.” No one can quite wrap their heads around what this thing has become, or all the things this thing has become.

Alexis C. Madrigal

# 1:09 pm / facebook

The Xi Text Engine CRDT (via) Xi is “a modern editor with a backend written in Rust”—an open-source text editor project from Google built on some very interesting computer science (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types). It’s a native editor with server-backed synchronization as a first-class concept.

# 10:32 pm / editor, google, crdt, rust

What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 62). Some really neat stuff. Highlights include top-level “await” support in the console, the ability to take screenshots of specific HTML nodes, CSS grid highlighting and the ability to drop a .HAR file onto the network panel in order to view it as a waterfall.

# 10:59 pm / chrome, css, javascript

Oct. 14, 2017

Deploying an asynchronous Python microservice with Sanic and Zeit Now

Back in 2008 Natalie Downe and I deployed what today we would call a microservice: json-head, a tiny Google App Engine app that allowed you to make an HTTP head request against a URL and get back the HTTP headers as JSON. One of our initial use-scase for this was Natalie’s addSizes.js, an unobtrusive jQuery script that could annotate links to PDFs and other large files with their corresponding file size pulled from the Content-Length header. Another potential use-case is detecting broken links, since the API can be used to spot 404 status codes (as in this example).

[... 1,361 words]

Oct. 15, 2017

Explorable Explanations. I’m fascinated by web articles and essays that embed interactive visualizations—taking advantage of the unique capabilities of the medium to help explain complex concepts. Explorable Explanations collects exactly these, under the banner of “learning through play”. They also gather tools and tutorials to help build more of them.

# 1:17 pm / explorables, interactives

Oct. 16, 2017

TL;DR on the KRACK WPA2 stuff - you can repeatedly resend the 3rd packet in a WPA2 handshake and it'll reset the key state, which leads to nonce reuse, which leads to trivial decryption with known plaintext. Can be easily leveraged to dump TCP SYN traffic and hijack connections.

Graham Sutherland

# 2:14 pm / wifi, security

An interactive explanation of quadtrees (via) Neat explorable explanation of quadtrees, using interactives built on top of D3.

# 2:47 pm / explorables, d3

Oct. 17, 2017

How to set up world-class continuous deployment using free hosted tools

I’m going to describe a way to put together a world-class continuous deployment infrastructure for your side-project without spending any money.

[... 1,294 words]

Oct. 18, 2017

Select Transform: JSON Template over JSON (via) A barrage of interesting ideas here. Having clients transmit up a JSON template which is then executed against data on the server and used to return exactly the data the client needs is just one of them (significant overlap with GraphQL there).

# 5:12 pm / json, graphql

Subresource Integrity. Now supported in Firefox 55, Chrome 49+ and Safari 11+. This makes me much more comfortable about hot-linking to JavaScript and CSS hosted by the various CDN providers, since it means that should they get breached any evil new scripts hosted at the same URL will be denied by modern browsers.

# 9:03 pm / sri

SRI Hash Generator. Handy utility for generating SRI hashes—just give it a URL and it will show you the script or link href block you need to use to safely embed that URL in your page with the correct SRI hash.

# 9:05 pm / sri

A Brief Intro to Docker for Djangonauts (via) This is great—a really clear introduction to both Docker and Docker Compose, aimed at Django developers. Includes line-by-line annotations of an example Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

# 9:06 pm / docker, django

Oct. 19, 2017

Streaming Dataframes. This is some deep and brilliant magic: Matthew Rocklin’s Streamz Python library provides some elegant abstractions for consuming infinite streams of data and calculating cumulative averages and rolling reductions... and now he’s added an integration with jupyter that lets you embed bokeh graphs and pandas dataframe tables that continue to update in realtime as the stream continues! Check out the animated screenshots, this really is a phenomenal piece of work.

# 2:25 pm / jupyter, pandas

By cutting out a hundred voices or fewer, things and people that everybody talks about became things and people that nobody talks about. The internet is a technology for creating small ponds for us to all be big fish in. But you change your perspective just slightly, move over just an inch, and suddenly you get a sense of just how few people know about you or could possibly care.

Fredrik deBoer

# 3:11 pm / filterbubble

Carbon (via) Beautiful little tool that you can paste source code into to generate an image of that code with syntax highlighting applied, ready to be tweeted or shared anywhere that lets you share an image. Built in Node and next.js, with image generation handled client-side by the dom-to-image JavaScript library which loads HTML into a SVG foreignObject (sadly not yet supported by Safari) and uses that to populate a canvas and produce a PNG.

# 6:31 pm / zeit-now, nodejs, svg, javascript

Oct. 20, 2017

React is the new Dojo. In which Mikeal Rogers provides his perspective on the history of Dojo, the earliest break-out JavaScript framework, how jQuery eclipsed it and contemplates the same thing eventually happening to React.

# 12:22 am / dojo, jquery, react

Hey Siri: An On-device DNN-powered Voice Trigger for Apple’s Personal Assistant (via) “The “Hey Siri” detector uses a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to convert the acoustic pattern of your voice at each instant into a probability distribution over speech sounds. It then uses a temporal integration process to compute a confidence score that the phrase you uttered was “Hey Siri”. If the score is high enough, Siri wakes up.”

# 3:48 am / machine-learning

Serverless is a somewhat unhelpfully misleading term for "highly scalable stateless code". All the times I've seen serverless stuff work really well it was workloads that were usually zero but occasionally 30k/sec without warning. I've run a company with that kind of workload and serverless stuff would have saved us a ton of money. Publishing to the [npm] registry could be done as a serverless app but there's little benefit because we do not get huge spikes in publishing. We get huge spikes in downloads but serverless isn't useful there because it's a read-only case and very little processing is done. Serverless is a great solution to one type of problem. It's very seldom the case that you can convert all your problems into that shape.

Laurie Voss

# 2:54 pm / serverless, npm, laurie-voss

Oct. 21, 2017

Goldberg’s machines are always described as useless and my machines are too. But they both made us enough money to live off, which is quite useful. Also making people laugh is useful, a lot more beneficial than many ‘serious’ advances in technology like yet another new computer operating system. My aunt Lis, who is very religious, describes my arcade as my ministry.

Tim Hunkin

# 2:39 pm / tim-hunkin

Minimal React.js Without A Build Step. React is pretty dependent on a build phase, to handle things like JSX compilation. This is fine for most projects, but sometimes I just want to hot-link react and react-dom from a CDN and knock out a quick self-contained mini-application. Shing Lyu points out that this is much easier if you ditch JSX in favour of direct calls to React.createElement().

# 5:20 pm / react

github-dashboard (via) Nice little self-contained example of a React app with no build step by Shing Lyu.

# 5:23 pm / react

Porting my blog to Python 3

This blog is now running on Python 3! Admittedly this is nearly nine years after the first release of Python 3.0, but it’s the first Python 3 project I’ve deployed myself so I’m pretty excited about it.

[... 883 words]

Oct. 22, 2017

Crossdressing, Compression, and Colliders: ’The First Photo on the Web’. TIL the first photo shared on the web was of Les Horribles Cernettes, an all-female comedy musical group at CERN who performed songs about particle physics. And Sir Tim Berners-Lee first met them when he played the dame in the CERN panto.

# 2:05 am / cern, tim-berners-lee

Getting the Most out of Sqlite3 with Python. A couple of neat tricks I didn’t know: you can skip cursors entirely by calling .execute and .executemany directly on the connection object, and you can use the connection object as a context manager to execute transactions using a “with” block.

# 12:35 pm / sqlite, python

I am currently documenting a language called Seenku, spoken by fewer than 15,000 people in the rolling hills of southwestern Burkina Faso in West Africa. Like Chinese, it is a tonal language, meaning the pitch on which a word is pronounced can radically alter its meaning. For instance, tsu can mean “thatch” when pronounced with an extra low pitch, but “hippopotamus” when pronounced with falling pitch. In fact, pitch plays such a huge role in Seenku that it can be “spoken” through music alone, most notably on the traditional xylophone.

Laura McPherson

# 12:49 pm / linguistics

It’s Not a Feature Problem—Avoiding Startup Tarpits (via) “When we turned on paid advertising for the first time the increase we had a sizable increase in signups. We always feared that a new user would just churn because of what we perceived as deficiencies in the product. While there were users who churned for that reason, it was never the nightmare scenario that we imagined.”

# 12:53 pm / marketing, startups

SurviveJS—Webpack (via) Free online book about Webpack. I’ve read the first couple of chapters and it looks like a concise, well constructed guide to a key component of the modern JavaScript stack.

# 1:22 pm / javascript

2017 » October
