Simon Willison’s Weblog


January 2007

Jan. 7, 2007

More home improvements

I’ve had an offline Christmas, not entirely through choice (broadband at my Dad’s new place in rural France isn’t working yet) but welcome. I did have my laptop with me, and I’m using Bazaar for version control so being offline isn’t a barrier to checking in code. I’ve just rolled out a bunch of new features that I put together over the past few days.

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DjangoID. Django-based OpenID server for hosting your own (or someone else’s) identity.

# 9:54 pm / openid, django

Groovy 1.0 is done. They finally got to 1.0!

# 10:18 pm / groovy, java

Browser Cache Usage—Exposed! Includes real numbers for browser cache usage on some of Yahoo!’s most popular pages.

# 10:20 pm / cache, performance, yahoo

OpenID for non-SuperUsers. Sam Ruby explains the key concepts of OpenID that many first-time users tend to miss.

# 10:21 pm / sam-ruby, openid

Why don't we have a .bank or .bank.country_code TLD that's regulated by the same people that regulate the banks themselves?

Dean Wilson

# 10:22 pm / dean-wilson, security, phishing

The Dojo Offline Toolkit. The Dojo Offline Toolkit will be a small, cross-platform, generic download that enables web applications to work offline.

# 10:24 pm / dojo, offline, javascript

Writing a Jokosher extension. I like the way API calls are made through an API object passed to the extension’s startup function.

# 10:25 pm / python, api, jokosher, stuart-langridge

MoneySavingExpert. Don’t let the cheesy design fool you; this site actually has some really useful (apparently trustworthy) UK personal finance advice.

# 10:32 pm / personalfinance, uk

The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it because you're coming from and the proprieter of this system is frankly terrified by you people.

Ryan Tomayko

# 10:34 pm / digg, funny, ryan-tomayko

ephemeral profiles (cuz losing passwords is common amongst teens). Lost your password? Create a new profile; you had too many friends you didn’t know anyway.

# 10:37 pm / danah-boyd, myspace, passwords, teens

Jan. 8, 2007

Why doesn’t Python have more data format readers in the stdlib? I for one would love to see simplejson included in the standard library, with or without a C implementation.

# 1:03 am / python, json, stdlib

supervisor2. I haven’t tried this yet, but looks like a decent process monitoring tool. It even has an XML-RPC interface.

# 1:19 am / xml-rpc, python, supervisor toys. Ninja and Viking kittens, a Blode and even a Spongmonkey!

# 12:11 pm / rathergood, kittens, spongmonkeys, toys

rathergood Plush Toys product demos. The ones that weren’t eventually manufactured include a Rock Otter and a Northern Kitten.

# 1:30 pm / joel-veitch, otters, rathergood

If your average iPod weighs five ounces with packaging, then Apple has moved about 21,875,000 pounds of them, equivalent in weight to 1,325 full-grown male African elephants, 35 times as many as Hannibal's force.

Paul Ford

# 1:46 pm / ipod, hannibal, paul-ford, apple

Buggy Saints Row: The Musical. An inspired musical piss-take from Cabel Sasser.

# 6:08 pm / musical, cabel-sasser, funny, saintsrow (via) Parsing mime-types is harder than you might think.

# 6:43 pm / mimetypes, python, james-bennett

The Second Life Viewer is now open-source (via) I’d heard that the biggest barrier to this was the need to protect the SL economy from malicious disruption. The FAQ is fascinating, and a real tribute to open-source principles.

# 6:47 pm / secondlife, open-source

With this much storage, you can imagine filesystems in which files are never deleted and files are never rewritten. The filesystem never forgets. Such systems could be much more reliable than the systems we use today which are based on the assumption that storage is a constrained resource.

Douglas Crockford

# 7:04 pm / storage, douglas-crockford

If you are subject to an XSS, the same domain policy already ensures that you're f'd. An XSS attack is the "root" or "ring 0" attack of the web.

Alex Russell

# 10:48 pm / xss, security, alex-russell

Apple’s Next-Generation Themes. Cabel’s spotted an Apple patent with screenshots of their in-house tool for creating resolution independent user interface themes.

# 11 pm / ui, design, apple, patent, cabel-sasser, osx

Jan. 9, 2007

Guide to the Dabble DB Plugin API (via) This is really nice—Dabble POSTs your plugin script a bunch of CSV values, your script returns CSV for the derived fields. Doesn’t seem to state which flavour of CSV though.

# 11:37 am / csv, dabbledb, chad-fowler, api, plugins

Shelves in Subversion (via) Useful revision control concept that I haven’t seen before.

# 11:41 am / revisioncontrol, subversion

OpenID Questions. I’ve attempted to provide answers in the comments.

# 11:46 am / openid, jrconlin

IE JScript Performance Recommendations Part 3. Once again, Microsoft’s official advice is to avoid closures entirely rather than learn how to use them safely. Sigh.

# 11:48 am / microsoft, ie, closures, javascript The MacRumors ajax keynote coverage gets better every time—now they have live photos in addition to the text updates. Simple but effective.

# 5:11 pm / keynote, javascript, macrumors, ajax, osx, simplicity, steve-jobs, apple

AirPort Extreme. New today, but didn’t make the keynote. You can plug a USB hard drive in to it and access it over the network.

# 7:22 pm / airportextreme, apple

Jan. 10, 2007

Microsoft Breaks HTML Email Rendering in Outlook 2007. They’ve dropped the IE renderer and replaced it with... Microsoft Word! No CSS background images, no floats, no CSS positioning, no forms. Wow.

# 8:18 am / microsoft, htmlemail, css, outlook, outrageous

2007 » January