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111 items tagged “microsoft”


Microsoft’s XUL. My take on XAML from back in 2003 seems strangely relevant.

# 4th May 2007, 11:40 pm / microsoft, xul, xaml, silverlight

Migrating Microsoft Hotmail from FreeBSD to Microsoft Windows 2000. I’d like to see them try that with Yahoo!’s 100+ properties.

# 4th May 2007, 5:54 pm / yahoo, microsoft, freebsd, hotmail, windows, open-source

MSFT and Yahoo: two icebergs, roped together. Yahoo!’s engineering platform and culture is Open Source pretty much all the way down. Microsoft’s isn’t. I wonder how that would pan out.

# 4th May 2007, 5:50 pm / microsoft, open-source, yahoo

Dynamic Language Runtime. Miguel de Icaza describes how Microsoft’s new Dynamic Language Runtime lets you call JavaScript and Visual Basic functions from Ruby. Looks like they beat Parrot to the punch.

# 3rd May 2007, 10:29 pm / migueldeicaza, microsoft, dlr, javascript, visualbasic, ruby, parrot

How to debug JavaScript with Visual Web Developer Express. Microsoft’s best kept secret: a decent free debugger for Internet Explorer that doesn’t require you to install Microsoft Office.

# 2nd May 2007, 2:06 pm / visualwebdeveloperexpress, ie, debugging, microsoft, javascript

Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image (via) Microsoft have made free VPC images of IE 6 and IE 7 available for testing, but they expire in August.

# 20th April 2007, 4:47 pm / microsoft, ie, ie7, testing, virtualization

Microsoft saw the danger of Javascript and tried to keep it broken for as long as they could. But eventually the open source world won, by producing Javascript libraries that grew over the brokenness of Explorer the way a tree grows over barbed wire.

Paul Graham

# 7th April 2007, 8:22 am / paul-graham, javascript, microsoft, libraries

i’m Home. “Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program’s advertising revenue with some of the world’s most effective organisations dedicated to social causes.” Microsoft are now getting their marketing ideas from spam e-mail forwards.

# 2nd March 2007, 10:43 am / funny, im, microsoft, spam

Introducing Windows CardSpace. I incorrectly stated in my talk yesterday that CardSpace was a feature of Vista; it’s actually available for XP as well as part of the .NET 3.0 framework.

# 22nd February 2007, 11:47 am / cardspace, future-of-web-apps, correction, microsoft

CardSpace & OpenID: Working together. A more detailed explanation of what the Microsoft OpenID collaboration actually means.

# 7th February 2007, 1:58 am / microsoft, openid, scott-kveton, cardspace

Microsoft & OpenID. HUGE news. Microsoft are officially supporting OpenID, through integration with CardSpace.

# 7th February 2007, 1:56 am / microsoft, openid, cardspace

Microsoft confirms Vista Speech Recognition remote execution flaw. “I have verified that I can create a sound file that can wake Vista speech recognition, open Windows Explorer, delete the documents folder, and then empty the trash.”

# 1st February 2007, 5:19 pm / funny, vista, security, speechrecognition, microsoft

Microsoft Breaks HTML Email Rendering in Outlook 2007. They’ve dropped the IE renderer and replaced it with... Microsoft Word! No CSS background images, no floats, no CSS positioning, no forms. Wow.

# 10th January 2007, 8:18 am / microsoft, htmlemail, css, outlook, outrageous

IE JScript Performance Recommendations Part 3. Once again, Microsoft’s official advice is to avoid closures entirely rather than learn how to use them safely. Sigh.

# 9th January 2007, 11:48 am / microsoft, ie, closures, javascript


A conversation with Jon Udell about his new job with Microsoft. Jon wants to bridge the gap between the alpha geeks and the mainstream.

# 8th December 2006, 2:16 pm / jon-udell, microsoft

Microsoft versus FOSS Configuration Management. Why the Free Software world’s source control works and Vista’s apparently doesn’t.

# 7th December 2006, 9:28 am / microsoft, open-source, sourcecontrol


Transcript of Bruce Sterling at Microsoft Corporation (via) Bruce Sterling on scaling up his annual SxSW party. I can’t believe I missed it htis year.

# 22nd May 2004, 8:35 pm / microsoft, scaling, sxsw, bruce-sterling


Microsoft Security FAQ (via) Point your less technical friends here

# 17th December 2003, 2:50 am / microsoft, security

Nasty new IE vulnerability

Most people reading are probably aware of the common trick whereby spammers and other assorted ne’er-do-wells publish URLs with usernames that look like hostnames to fool people in to trusting a malicious site—for example, This trick is frequently used by spammers to steal people’s PayPal accounts, by tricking them in to “resetting” their password at a site owned by the spammer but disguised as

[... 164 words]

Jonathan Caves: Adventures in Visual C (via) Who’d have thought Microsoft would have all the best in-house bloggers?

# 23rd November 2003, 11:59 pm / c, microsoft



Via Boing Boing: Seth Schoen’s notes on Palladium after a meeting with Microsoft. Cory Doctorow points out that Seth is probably the most knowledgeable tech person to have been briefed on Palladium by MSFT without signing an NDA and his post certainly makes interesting reading. Palladium has had a lot of coverage since the Newsweek article announcing it first broke, with Robert Cringely providing some of the best analysis (in my opinion at least). The Register also has a story about Palladium which introduces some more information and guestimates on a shipping schedule.