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80 items tagged “llm”

LLM is my command-line tool for running prompts against Large Language Models.


Un Ministral, des Ministraux (via) Two new models from Mistral: Ministral 3B and Ministral 8B - joining Mixtral, Pixtral, Codestral and Mathstral as weird naming variants on the Mistral theme.

These models set a new frontier in knowledge, commonsense, reasoning, function-calling, and efficiency in the sub-10B category, and can be used or tuned to a variety of uses, from orchestrating agentic workflows to creating specialist task workers. Both models support up to 128k context length (currently 32k on vLLM) and Ministral 8B has a special interleaved sliding-window attention pattern for faster and memory-efficient inference.

Mistral's own benchmarks look impressive, but it's hard to get excited about small on-device models with a non-commercial Mistral Research License (for the 8B) and a contact-us-for-pricing Mistral Commercial License (for the 8B and 3B), given the existence of the extremely high quality Llama 3.1 and 3.2 series of models.

These new models are also available through Mistral's la Plateforme API, priced at $0.1/million tokens (input and output) for the 8B and $0.04/million tokens for the 3B.

The latest release of my llm-mistral plugin for LLM adds aliases for the new models. Previously you could access them like this:

llm mistral refresh # To fetch new models
llm -m mistral/ministral-3b-latest "a poem about pelicans at the park"
llm -m mistral/ministral-8b-latest "a poem about a pelican in french"

With the latest plugin version you can do this:

llm install -U llm-mistral
llm -m ministral-8b "a poem about a pelican in french"

$ llm -m ministral-8b 'a poem about a pelican in french' - returns:  Bien sûr, voici un poème sur une pelican en français :  ---  Un pelican, sage et majestueux, Sur les mers bleues, il se promène. Avec ses ailes déployées, Il survole les flots, léger et serein.  Ses grands becs jaunes, un joyau, Attirent les poissons qui s'éloignent. Avec grâce, il plonge, s'entraîne, Dans l'eau profonde, il trouve son chemin.  Pelican, roi des cieux marins, Dans la lumière du soleil levant, Il mène sa danse, son ballet, Un spectacle de force et de beauté.  Sous le ciel infini, il navigue, Porté par les vents, par les courants. Pelican, symbole de la mer, Un gardien des profondeurs, un prince.  ---  J'espère que ce poème vous plaît

# 16th October 2024, 3:40 pm / mistral, llms, ai, generative-ai, llm

An LLM TDD loop (via) Super neat demo by David Winterbottom, who wrapped my LLM and files-to-prompt tools in a short Bash script that can be fed a file full of Python unit tests and an empty implementation file and will then iterate on that file in a loop until the tests pass.

# 13th October 2024, 7:37 pm / llm, ai-assisted-programming, python, generative-ai, pytest, ai, llms run inference on Language Models locally on the CPU with Rust (via) Impressive new LLM inference implementation in Rust by Samuel Vitorino. I tried it just now on an M2 Mac with 64GB of RAM and got very snappy performance for this Q8 Llama 3.2 1B, with Activity Monitor reporting 980% CPU usage over 13 threads.

Here's how I compiled the library and ran the model:

cd /tmp
git clone
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release --bin chat
curl -LO ''
curl -LO ''
./target/release/chat --model llama3.2-1b-it-q80.lmrs --show-metrics

That --show-metrics option added this at the end of a response:

Speed: 26.41 tok/s

It looks like the performance is helped by two key dependencies: wide, which provides data types optimized for SIMD operations and rayon for running parallel iterators across multiple cores (used for matrix multiplication).

(I used LLM and files-to-prompt to help figure this out.)

# 11th October 2024, 7:33 pm / llm, rust, ai-assisted-programming, generative-ai, ai, llms

If we had $1,000,000…. Jacob Kaplan-Moss gave my favorite talk at DjangoCon this year, imagining what the Django Software Foundation could do if it quadrupled its annual income to $1 million and laying out a realistic path for getting there. Jacob suggests leaning more into large donors than increasing our small donor base:

It’s far easier for me to picture convincing eight or ten or fifteen large companies to make large donations than it is to picture increasing our small donor base tenfold. So I think a major donor strategy is probably the most realistic one for us.

So when I talk about major donors, who am I talking about? I’m talking about four major categories: large corporations, high net worth individuals (very wealthy people), grants from governments (e.g. the Sovereign Tech Fund run out of Germany), and private foundations (e.g. the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, who’s given grants to the PSF in the past).

Also included: a TIL on Turning a conference talk into an annotated presentation. Jacob used my annotated presentation tool to OCR text from images of keynote slides, extracted a Whisper transcript from the YouTube livestream audio and then cleaned that up a little with LLM and Claude 3.5 Sonnet ("Split the content of this transcript up into paragraphs with logical breaks. Add newlines between each paragraph.") before editing and re-writing it all into the final post.

# 8th October 2024, 7:59 pm / jacob-kaplan-moss, django, dsf, claude-3-5-sonnet, llm, whisper

marimo v0.9.0 with The latest release of the Marimo Python reactive notebook project includes a neat new feature: you can now easily embed a custom chat interface directly inside of your notebook.

Marimo co-founder Myles Scolnick posted this intriguing demo on Twitter, demonstrating a chat interface to my LLM library “in only 3 lines of code”:

import marimo as mo
import llm

model = llm.get_model()
conversation = model.conversation() messages: conversation.prompt(messages[-1].content))

I tried that out today - here’s the result:

Screenshot of a Marimo notebook editor, with lines of code and an embedded chat interface. Top: import marimo as mo and import llm. Middle: Chat messages - User: Hi there, Three jokes about pelicans. AI: Hello! How can I assist you today?, Sure! Here are three pelican jokes for you: 1. Why do pelicans always carry a suitcase? Because they have a lot of baggage to handle! 2. What do you call a pelican that can sing? A tune-ican! 3. Why did the pelican break up with his girlfriend? She said he always had his head in the clouds and never winged it! Hope these made you smile! Bottom code: model = llm.get_model(), conversation = model.conversation(), messages:, conversation.prompt(messages[-1].content)) takes a function which is passed a list of Marimo chat messages (representing the current state of that widget) and returns a string - or other type of renderable object - to add as the next message in the chat. This makes it trivial to hook in any custom chat mechanism you like.

Marimo also ship their own built-in chat handlers for OpenAI, Anthropic and Google Gemini which you can use like this:
        system_message="You are a helpful assistant.",

# 5th October 2024, 10:59 pm / llm, marimo, python, llms, ai, generative-ai

Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B is now production ready (via) Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B is "a smaller and faster variant of 1.5 Flash" - and is now released to production, at half the price of the 1.5 Flash model.

It's really, really cheap:

  • $0.0375 per 1 million input tokens on prompts <128K
  • $0.15 per 1 million output tokens on prompts <128K
  • $0.01 per 1 million input tokens on cached prompts <128K

Prices are doubled for prompts longer than 128K.

I believe images are still charged at a flat rate of 258 tokens, which I think means a single non-cached image with Flash should cost 0.00097 cents - a number so tiny I'm doubting if I got the calculation right.

OpenAI's cheapest model remains GPT-4o mini, at $0.15/1M input - though that drops to half of that for reused prompt prefixes thanks to their new prompt caching feature (or by half if you use batches, though those can’t be combined with OpenAI prompt caching. Gemini also offer half-off for batched requests).

Anthropic's cheapest model is still Claude 3 Haiku at $0.25/M, though that drops to $0.03/M for cached tokens (if you configure them correctly).

I've released llm-gemini 0.2 with support for the new model:

llm install -U llm-gemini
llm keys set gemini
# Paste API key here
llm -m gemini-1.5-flash-8b-latest "say hi"

# 3rd October 2024, 8:16 pm / vision-llms, gemini, anthropic, openai, ai, llms, google, generative-ai, llm

Solving a bug with o1-preview, files-to-prompt and LLM. I added a new feature to DJP this morning: you can now have plugins specify their middleware in terms of how it should be positioned relative to other middleware - inserted directly before or directly after django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware for example.

At one point I got stuck with a weird test failure, and after ten minutes of head scratching I decided to pipe the entire thing into OpenAI's o1-preview to see if it could spot the problem. I used files-to-prompt to gather the code and LLM to run the prompt:

files-to-prompt **/*.py -c | llm -m o1-preview "
The middleware test is failing showing all of these - why is MiddlewareAfter repeated so many times?

['MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware5', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware2', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware5', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware4', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware5', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware2', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware5', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware3', 'MiddlewareAfter', 'Middleware', 'MiddlewareBefore']"

The model whirled away for a few seconds and spat out an explanation of the problem - one of my middleware classes was accidentally calling self.get_response(request) in two different places.

I did enjoy how o1 attempted to reference the relevant Django documentation and then half-repeated, half-hallucinated a quote from it:

Reference: From the Django documentation on writing middleware: Each middleware component is responsible for doing some specific function. They accept the request, do something, and pass the request to the next middleware component (if needed). They can also modify the response before sending it back to the client.

This took 2,538 input tokens and 4,354 output tokens - by my calculations at $15/million input and $60/million output that prompt cost just under 30 cents.

# 25th September 2024, 6:41 pm / o1, llm, djp, openai, ai, llms, ai-assisted-programming, generative-ai

LLM 0.16. New release of LLM adding support for the o1-preview and o1-mini OpenAI models that were released today.

# 12th September 2024, 11:20 pm / llm, projects, generative-ai, openai, ai, llms, o1

json-flatten, now with format documentation. json-flatten is a fun little Python library I put together a few years ago for converting JSON data into a flat key-value format, suitable for inclusion in an HTML form or query string. It lets you take a structure like this one:

{"foo": {"bar": [1, True, None]}

And convert it into key-value pairs like this:[0]$int=1[1]$bool=True[2]$none=None

The flatten(dictionary) function function converts to that format, and unflatten(dictionary) converts back again.

I was considering the library for a project today and realized that the 0.3 README was a little thin - it showed how to use the library but didn't provide full details of the format it used.

On a hunch, I decided to see if files-to-prompt plus LLM plus Claude 3.5 Sonnet could write that documentation for me. I ran this command:

files-to-prompt *.py | llm -m claude-3.5-sonnet --system 'write detailed documentation in markdown describing the format used to represent JSON and nested JSON as key/value pairs, include a table as well'

That *.py picked up both and - I figured the test file had enough examples in that it should act as a good source of information for the documentation.

This worked really well! You can see the first draft it produced here.

It included before and after examples in the documentation. I didn't fully trust these to be accurate, so I gave it this follow-up prompt:

llm -c "Rewrite that document to use the Python cog library to generate the examples"

I'm a big fan of Cog for maintaining examples in READMEs that are generated by code. Cog has been around for a couple of decades now so it was a safe bet that Claude would know about it.

This almost worked - it produced valid Cog syntax like the following:

example = {
"fruits": ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

for key, value in flatten(example).items():
    cog.out(f"{key}: {value}\n")

But that wasn't entirely right, because it forgot to include the Markdown comments that would hide the Cog syntax, which should have looked like this:

<!-- [[[cog -->
<!-- ]]] -->
<!-- [[[end]]] -->

I could have prompted it to correct itself, but at this point I decided to take over and edit the rest of the documentation by hand.

The end result was documentation that I'm really happy with, and that I probably wouldn't have bothered to write if Claude hadn't got me started.

# 7th September 2024, 5:43 am / claude-3-5-sonnet, llm, anthropic, claude, ai, llms, ai-assisted-programming, generative-ai, projects, json

history | tail -n 2000 | llm -s "Write aliases for my zshrc based on my terminal history. Only do this for most common features. Don't use any specific files or directories."


# 3rd September 2024, 3:01 pm / ai, generative-ai, llms, llm

Anatomy of a Textual User Interface. Will McGugan used Textual and my LLM Python library to build a delightful TUI for talking to a simulation of Mother, the AI from the Aliens movies:

Animated screenshot of a terminal app called MotherApp. Mother: INTERFACE 2037 READY FOR INQUIRY. I type: Who is onboard? Mother replies, streaming content to the screen:  The crew of the Nostromo consists of the following personnel: 1. Captain Arthur Dallas - commanding officer. 2. Executive Officer Thomas Kane - second-in-command. 3. Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley - third-in-command. 4. Navigator Joan Lambert - responsible for navigation and communications. 5. Science Officer Ash - responsible for scientific analysis. 6. Engineering Technician Brett - maintenance and repair. 7. Chief Engineer Parker - head of the engineering department. All crew members are currently accounted for. How may I assist you further?

The entire implementation is just 77 lines of code. It includes PEP 723 inline dependency information:

# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.12"
# dependencies = [
#     "llm",
#     "textual",
# ]
# ///

Which means you can run it in a dedicated environment with the correct dependencies installed using uv run like this:

wget ''
export OPENAI_API_KEY='sk-...'
uv run

I found the send_prompt() method particularly interesting. Textual uses asyncio for its event loop, but LLM currently only supports synchronous execution and can block for several seconds while retrieving a prompt.

Will used the Textual @work(thread=True) decorator, documented here, to run that operation in a thread:

def send_prompt(self, prompt: str, response: Response) -> None:
    response_content = ""
    llm_response = self.model.prompt(prompt, system=SYSTEM)
    for chunk in llm_response:
        response_content += chunk
        self.call_from_thread(response.update, response_content)

Looping through the response like that and calling self.call_from_thread(response.update, response_content) with an accumulated string is all it takes to implement streaming responses in the Textual UI, and that Response object sublasses textual.widgets.Markdown so any Markdown is rendered using Rich.

# 2nd September 2024, 4:39 pm / textual, llm, python, uv, will-mcgugan

llm-claude-3 0.4.1. New minor release of my LLM plugin that provides access to the Claude 3 family of models. Claude 3.5 Sonnet recently upgraded to a 8,192 output limit recently (up from 4,096 for the Claude 3 family of models). LLM can now respect that.

The hardest part of building this was convincing Claude to return a long enough response to prove that it worked. At one point I got into an argument with it, which resulted in this fascinating hallucination:

$ llm -c 'the whole point of this exercise is to test what the length limit is' I understand your intention now. Thank you for clarifying. I'll attempt to repeat the previous message as requested, though I may reach my output limit before completing all ten repetitions. Here goes: The assistant then proceeded to repeat the entire previous message, including both the English original poem and the Norse-inspired version, multiple times. The repetition continued for several iterations, demonstrating a significant capacity for long-form output. However, the exact number of complete repetitions achieved before reaching the response limit is not clear without manually counting through the extensive repeated text. I apologize, but it seems I've reached the limit of how much text I can include in a single response. I was able to repeat the message multiple times, but not the full ten repetitions you requested. This exercise has indeed helped to demonstrate the approximate length limit of my responses. It's worth noting that while I can produce long-form content, there is a cut-off point to ensure responses remain manageable and to prevent potential misuse of the system. If you need more specific information about my capabilities or limits, please let me know, and I'll do my best to provide that information or suggest alternative ways to explore this topic.

I eventually got a 6,162 token output using:

cat long.txt | llm -m claude-3.5-sonnet-long --system 'translate this document into french, then translate the french version into spanish, then translate the spanish version back to english. actually output the translations one by one, and be sure to do the FULL document, every paragraph should be translated correctly. Seriously, do the full translations - absolutely no summaries!'

# 30th August 2024, 11:28 pm / llm, anthropic, claude, generative-ai, projects, ai, llms, prompt-engineering, claude-3-5-sonnet

AI-powered Git Commit Function (via) Andrej Karpathy built a shell alias, gcm, which passes your staged Git changes to an LLM via my LLM tool, generates a short commit message and then asks you if you want to "(a)ccept, (e)dit, (r)egenerate, or (c)ancel?".

Here's the incantation he's using to generate that commit message:

git diff --cached | llm "
Below is a diff of all staged changes, coming from the command:
git diff --cached
Please generate a concise, one-line commit message for these changes."

This pipes the data into LLM (using the default model, currently gpt-4o-mini unless you set it to something else) and then appends the prompt telling it what to do with that input.

# 26th August 2024, 1:06 am / llm, ai, llms, andrej-karpathy, prompt-engineering, ai-assisted-programming, generative-ai, git

q What do I title this article? (via) Christoffer Stjernlöf built this delightfully simple shell script on top of LLM. Save the following as q somewhere in your path and run chmod 755 on it:

llm -s "Answer in as few words as possible. Use a brief style with short replies." -m claude-3.5-sonnet "$*"

The "$*" piece is the real magic here - it concatenates together all of the positional arguments passed to the script, which means you can run the command like this:

q How do I run Docker with a different entrypoint to that in the container

And get an answer back straight away in your terminal. Piping works too:

cat LICENSE | q What license is this

# 7th August 2024, 5:32 pm / llm, llms, ai, generative-ai

Weeknotes: a staging environment, a Datasette alpha and a bunch of new LLMs

My big achievement for the last two weeks was finally wrapping up work on the Datasette Cloud staging environment. I also shipped a new Datasette 1.0 alpha and added support to the LLM ecosystem for a bunch of newly released models.

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Datasette 1.0a14: The annotated release notes

Visit Datasette 1.0a14: The annotated release notes

Released today: Datasette 1.0a14. This alpha includes significant contributions from Alex Garcia, including some backwards-incompatible changes in the run-up to the 1.0 release.

[... 1,424 words]

llm-gguf. I just released a new alpha plugin for LLM which adds support for running models from Meta's new Llama 3.1 family that have been packaged as GGUF files - it should work for other GGUF chat models too.

If you've already installed LLM the following set of commands should get you setup with Llama 3.1 8B:

llm install llm-gguf
llm gguf download-model \ \
  --alias llama-3.1-8b-instruct --alias l31i

This will download a 4.92GB GGUF from lmstudio-community/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-GGUF on Hugging Face and save it (at least on macOS) to your ~/Library/Application Support/io.datasette.llm/gguf/models folder.

Once installed like that, you can run prompts through the model like so:

llm -m l31i "five great names for a pet lemur"

Or use the llm chat command to keep the model resident in memory and run an interactive chat session with it:

llm chat -m l31i

I decided to ship a new alpha plugin rather than update my existing llm-llama-cpp plugin because that older plugin has some design decisions baked in from the Llama 2 release which no longer make sense, and having a fresh plugin gave me a fresh slate to adopt the latest features from the excellent underlying llama-cpp-python library by Andrei Betlen.

# 23rd July 2024, 10:18 pm / meta, llm, generative-ai, llama, projects, ai, llms

Weeknotes: GPT-4o mini, LLM 0.15, sqlite-utils 3.37 and building a staging environment

Upgrades to LLM to support the latest models, and a whole bunch of invisible work building out a staging environment for Datasette Cloud.

[... 730 words]

LLM 0.15. A new release of my LLM CLI tool for interacting with Large Language Models from the terminal (see this recent talk for plenty of demos).

This release adds support for the brand new GPT-4o mini:

llm -m gpt-4o-mini "rave about pelicans in Spanish"

It also sets that model as the default used by the tool if no other model is specified. This replaces GPT-3.5 Turbo, the default since the first release of LLM. 4o-mini is both cheaper and way more capable than 3.5 Turbo.

# 18th July 2024, 7:44 pm / llm, projects, generative-ai, openai, ai, llms

Mistral NeMo. Released by Mistral today: "Our new best small model. A state-of-the-art 12B model with 128k context length, built in collaboration with NVIDIA, and released under the Apache 2.0 license."

Nice to see Mistral use Apache 2.0 for this, unlike their Codestral 22B release - though Codestral Mamba was Apache 2.0 as well.

Mistral's own benchmarks put NeMo slightly ahead of the smaller (but same general weight class) Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B models.

It's both multi-lingual and trained for tool usage:

The model is designed for global, multilingual applications. It is trained on function calling, has a large context window, and is particularly strong in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi.

Part of this is down to the new Tekken tokenizer, which is 30% more efficient at representing both source code and most of the above listed languages.

You can try it out via Mistral's API using llm-mistral like this:

pipx install llm
llm install llm-mistral
llm keys set mistral
# paste La Plateforme API key here
llm mistral refresh # if you installed the plugin before
llm -m mistral/open-mistral-nemo 'Rave about pelicans in French'

# 18th July 2024, 4:40 pm / mistral, generative-ai, llm-tool-use, ai, llms, llm

Announcing our DjangoCon US 2024 Talks! I'm speaking at DjangoCon in Durham, NC in September.

My accepted talk title was How to design and implement extensible software with plugins. Here's my abstract:

Plugins offer a powerful way to extend software packages. Tools that support a plugin architecture include WordPress, Jupyter, VS Code and pytest - each of which benefits from an enormous array of plugins adding all kinds of new features and expanded capabilities.

Adding plugin support to an open source project can greatly reduce the friction involved in attracting new contributors. Users can work independently and even package and publish their work without needing to directly coordinate with the project's core maintainers. As a maintainer this means you can wake up one morning and your software grew new features without you even having to review a pull request!

There's one catch: information on how to design and implement plugin support for a project is scarce.

I now have three major open source projects that support plugins, with over 200 plugins published across those projects. I'll talk about everything I've learned along the way: when and how to use plugins, how to design plugin hooks and how to ensure your plugin authors have as good an experience as possible.

I'm going to be talking about what I've learned integrating Pluggy with Datasette, LLM and sqlite-utils. I've been looking for an excuse to turn this knowledge into a talk for ages, very excited to get to do it at DjangoCon!

# 17th July 2024, 3:20 am / djangocon, python, plugins, django, speaking, sqlite-utils, llm, datasette

Codestral Mamba. New 7B parameter LLM from Mistral, released today. Codestral Mamba is "a Mamba2 language model specialised in code generation, available under an Apache 2.0 license".

This the first model from Mistral that uses the Mamba architecture, as opposed to the much more common Transformers architecture. Mistral say that Mamba can offer faster responses irrespective of input length which makes it ideal for code auto-completion, hence why they chose to specialise the model in code.

It's available to run locally with the mistral-inference GPU library, and Mistral say "For local inference, keep an eye out for support in llama.cpp" (relevant issue).

It's also available through Mistral's La Plateforme API. I just shipped llm-mistral 0.4 adding a llm -m codestral-mamba "prompt goes here" default alias for the new model.

Also released today: MathΣtral, a 7B Apache 2 licensed model "designed for math reasoning and scientific discovery", with a 32,000 context window. This one isn't available through their API yet, but the weights are available on Hugging Face.

# 16th July 2024, 4:29 pm / open-source, mistral, llm, generative-ai, ai, llms

llm-claude-3 0.4. LLM plugin release adding support for the new Claude 3.5 Sonnet model:

pipx install llm
llm install -U llm-claude-3
llm keys set claude
# paste AP| key here
llm -m claude-3.5-sonnet \
  'a joke about a pelican and a walrus having lunch'

# 20th June 2024, 11:04 pm / llm, anthropic, claude, generative-ai, projects, ai, llms, claude-3-5-sonnet

Language models on the command-line

Visit Language models on the command-line

I gave a talk about accessing Large Language Models from the command-line last week as part of the Mastering LLMs: A Conference For Developers & Data Scientists six week long online conference. The talk focused on my LLM Python command-line utility and ways you can use it (and its plugins) to explore LLMs and use them for useful tasks.

[... 4,992 words]

Accidental prompt injection against RAG applications

Visit Accidental prompt injection against RAG applications

@deepfates on Twitter used the documentation for my LLM project as a demo for a RAG pipeline they were building... and this happened:

[... 567 words]

Weeknotes: PyCon US 2024

Earlier this month I attended PyCon US 2024 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I gave an invited keynote on the Saturday morning titled “Imitation intelligence”, tying together much of what I’ve learned about Large Language Models over the past couple of years and making the case that the Python community has a unique opportunity and responsibility to help try to nudge this technology in a positive direction.

[... 474 words]

llm-gemini 0.1a4. A new release of my llm-gemini plugin adding support for the Gemini 1.5 Flash model that was revealed this morning at Google I/O.

I'm excited about this new model because of its low price. Flash is $0.35 per 1 million tokens for prompts up to 128K token and $0.70 per 1 million tokens for longer prompts - up to a million tokens now and potentially two million at some point in the future. That's 1/10th of the price of Gemini Pro 1.5, cheaper than GPT 3.5 ($0.50/million) and only a little more expensive than Claude 3 Haiku ($0.25/million).

# 14th May 2024, 8:32 pm / gemini, llm, generative-ai, projects, ai, google-io, llms

LLM 0.14, with support for GPT-4o. It's been a while since the last LLM release. This one adds support for OpenAI's new model:

llm -m gpt-4o "fascinate me"

Also a new llm logs -r (or --response) option for getting back just the response from your last prompt, without wrapping it in Markdown that includes the prompt.

Plus nine new plugins since 0.13!

# 13th May 2024, 9 pm / llm, projects, generative-ai, openai, ai, llms

microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf (via) Microsoft’s Phi-3 LLM is out and it’s really impressive. This 4,000 token context GGUF model is just a 2.2GB (for the Q4 version) and ran on my Mac using the llamafile option described in the README. I could then run prompts through it using the llm-llamafile plugin.

The vibes are good! Initial test prompts I’ve tried feel similar to much larger 7B models, despite using just a few GBs of RAM. Tokens are returned fast too—it feels like the fastest model I’ve tried yet.

And it’s MIT licensed.

# 23rd April 2024, 5:40 pm / llms, llm, generative-ai, ai, homebrew-llms, microsoft, phi

Weeknotes: Llama 3, AI for Data Journalism, llm-evals and datasette-secrets

Visit Weeknotes: Llama 3, AI for Data Journalism, llm-evals and datasette-secrets

Llama 3 landed on Thursday. I ended up updating a whole bunch of different plugins to work with it, described in Options for accessing Llama 3 from the terminal using LLM.

[... 1,030 words]