Simon Willison’s Weblog


640 items tagged “javascript”


6 Great Uses of the Spread Operator. As I’ve been getting more comfortable with 2018-era JavaScript the spread operator and object restructuring are two of the features I have found most interesting. # 22nd August 2018, 3:17 pm

Observable Tutorial 2: Dog pictures (via) Observable have a neat new set of tutorials on how to get started with their reactive notebooks. You don’t even need to sign up for the service: they have a “Scratchpad” link in their navigation bar now which lets you spin up a test notebook with one click. # 18th August 2018, 7:55 pm

ES6 In Depth: Template strings. Useful guide to the advanced features of backtick template strings in ES6. # 17th July 2018, 4:08 pm

Feature comparison between hyperHTML and lit-html. Compiled by hyperHTML author Andrea Giammarchi. lit-html is a similar project maintained by Google’s Polymer team. # 17th July 2018, 3:58 pm

hyperHTML (via) I’ve been playing around with multiline backtick template literals in JavaScript recently, and Claudio Cicali on Twitter pointed me to hyperHTML. It’s a fascinating project: it implements an alternative to React’s virtual DOM in just 4.6KB of code, taking advantage of the way tagged template literals can call a custom function which gets to affect how the interpolated values from the template are treated. The documentation does a great job of describing the various clever tricks that are used under the hood, in particular the way it takes advantage of the way tagged literals “freeze” the incoming array of literal chunks allowing hyperHTML to compile each template once and reuse the complied version for different interpolations. # 17th July 2018, 3:39 pm

future-fstrings (via) Clever module that backports fstrings to versions of Python earlier than 3.6, by registering itself as a codec and abusing Python’s # -*- coding: future_fstrings -*- feature. Via a conversation on Twitter that pointed out that the JavaScript community have been using transpilation to successfully experiment with new language features for years now. # 13th July 2018, 4:39 am

react-from-zero (via) Interesting approach to teaching and understanding React: unlike most other tutorials this skips Webpack and ES6 entirely an focuses on things you can get running just using a browser and loading code via script tags. It does eventually load Babel to enable client-side JSX transforms, but before that it shows how React can be used by loading react.js and react-dom.js and then calling React.createElement() manually (or by using the 0xeac7 magic symbol and constructing JavaScript objects manually with $$typeof: magicValue). # 3rd July 2018, 5:27 pm

source-map-explorer. Very neat tool for creating a tree map visualization of the size of the components of a bundled JavaScript file created by webpack (or if you’re using create-react-app by “npm run build”). I ran this using “npx source-map-explorer build/static/js/main.d63f3f34.js” (since I don’t like using “npm install -g”). # 24th June 2018, 9:37 pm

Notebook: How to build a Teachable Machine with TensorFlow.js (via) This is a really cool Observable notebook. It explains how to build image classification that runs in the browser on top of Tensorflow.js, and includes interactive demos that hook into your webcam and let you hold up items and use them to train a classifier. Since it’s built on Observable every single underlying line of source code is available to browse as part of the essay. # 20th June 2018, 9:10 pm

Changelog 2018-06-12 / Observable. The ability to download an Observable notebook as a stand-alone ES module and run it anywhere using their open source runtime is fascinating, but it’s also worth reading the changelog for some of the new clever tricks they are pulling using await—“await visibility();” in a notebook cell will cause execution to pause until the cell scrolls into view for example. # 13th June 2018, 3:50 pm

Observable: Downloading and Embedding Notebooks (via) Big news from the Observable team: firstly, they’ve released the open source runtime for their notebooks which means you can now execute the code from a notebook independently of their hosted service. On top of that they’ve constructed an elegant way of exporting and executing notebooks (or specific notebook cells) as ES6 modules and as installable npm package tarballs. # 22nd May 2018, 12:14 pm

sql.js Online SQL interpreter (via) This is fascinating: sql.js is a project that complies the whole of SQLite to JavaScript using Emscripten. The demo is an online SQL interpreter which lets you import an existing SQLite database from your filesystem and run queries against it directly in your browser. # 17th May 2018, 9:28 pm

isomorphic-git (via) A pure-JavaScript implementation of the git protocol and underlying tools which works both server-side (Node.js) AND in the client, using an emulation of the fs API. Given the right CORS headers it can clone a GitHub repository over HTTPS right into your browser. Impressive. # 16th May 2018, 8:54 pm

Iodide Notebook: Project Examples (via) Iodide is a very promising looking open source JavaScript notebook project, and these examples do a great job of showing what it can do. It’s not as slick (yet) as Observable but it does run completely independently using just a browser. # 3rd May 2018, 6:42 pm

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers. This is such a brilliant piece of software design: Cloudflare took the service workers spec and used it as the basis for their edge-executed JacaScript feature. This means you can run server-side JavaScript in hundreds of edge locations worldwide, applying custom dynamic logic (including additional async cached fetch() calls) with only around 1ms if additional overhead. The pricing model is a steal: $0.50 per million requests with a $5/month minimum. # 13th March 2018, 4:36 pm

Being fast and light: Using binary data to optimise libraries on the client and the server. (via) Ada Rose Cannon provides a detailed introduction to ArrayBuffers in JavaScript and describes how she used them for a custom binary protocol to sync the state of 170 Virtual Reality users in the same venue without bringing down the network. # 13th March 2018, 2:34 pm

owlsnearme source code on GitHub. Here’s the source code for our new project. It’s a single-page React application that pulls all of its data from the iNaturalist API. We built it this weekend with the SuperbOwl kick-off as a hard deadline so it’s not the most beautiful React code, but it’s a nice demonstration of how React (and create-react-app in particular) can be used for rapid development. # 4th February 2018, 10:33 pm

Observable: An Earthquake Globe in Ten Minutes. Well worth your time. Jeremy Ashkenas uses Observable to live-code an interactive visualization of recent earthquakes around the world, using USGS data (fetched as JSON), d3, topoJSON and an Observable notebook. I’m sold—this is truly ground-breaking new technology. # 31st January 2018, 5:01 pm

Observable Beta (via) Observable just released their beta, and it’s quite something. It’s by Mike Bostock (d3), Jeremy Ashkenas (Backbone, CoffeeScript) and Tom MacWright (Mapbox Studio). The easiest way to describe it is Jupyter notebooks for JavaScript supporting reactive programming—so code is evaluated as you type and you can add interactive widgets (like sliders and canvas views) to construct explorable visualizations on the fly. # 31st January 2018, 4:46 pm


Frontend in 2017: The important parts. Keeping track of developments in the frontend and JavaScript community is pretty much a full time job here days, so I found this summary of trends and developments over 2017 very useful for trying to catch up. # 29th December 2017, 8:30 am

The State of JavaScript 2017: Front-end Frameworks. This year’s State of JavaScript survey results are out. As usual, the “I’ve USED it before, and would NOT use it again” answers are some of the most thought-provoking. Angular, Meteor, Backbone, Grunt, Gulp, Bootstrap and Cordova aren’t scoring well in that regard. # 13th December 2017, 6 pm

deeplearn.js imagenet webcam demo (via) This is pretty astonishing... deeplearn.js is a Google Brain research tool that implements a GPU-accelerated neural network in browser-friendly JavaScript (using WebGL fragment shaders to run the algorithms). This demo hooks into your webcam and runs the SqueezeNet image recognition model against it, showing classification in real-time and providing a live-updating visualization of the different layers of the network. # 5th December 2017, 11:15 pm

Object models (via) Extremely comprehensive and readable discussion of the object models of Python, JavaScript, Lua and Perl 5. I learned something new about every one of those languages. # 29th November 2017, 2:59 pm

Firefox Debugger Playground. Excellent hands-on tutorial to using the Firefox JavaScript debugger. I learned a bunch of neat tricks from this—including using conditional breakpoints to add temporary console.log statements—since that function returns undefined it won’t pause your code, but this saves you from having to remember to remove the lines from your source code later. I also didn’t know that the Firefox debugger can show the value of variables in paused code if you hover over them in the source pane. [UPDATE: Turns out Chrome DevTools do this as well—TIL] # 28th November 2017, 4:01 pm

VoxelSpace (via) Lovely clear explanation of the voxel space landscape rendering technique used by NovaLogic for Comanche back in 1992, including a working JavaScript demo plus pseudo-code in Python. # 24th November 2017, 7:30 pm

JOY.js (via) Delightful new exploratory programming environment from Nicky Case. Try the Turtle demo, which takes Logo and updates it for the modern web. # 21st November 2017, 2:50 pm

Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets. Alex Russell’s magnum opus on web performance budgets in 2017. He proposes a baseline testing device equivalent to a $200 Android phone on a slow 3G network emulated at 400ms RTT/400Kbps transfer and encourages a goal of 5s time-to-interactive on first load and 2s TTI for subsequent views. This means around 130kb of gzipped JavaScript—challenging but not impossible with modern JavaScript frameworks. # 23rd October 2017, 1:51 pm

SurviveJS—Webpack (via) Free online book about Webpack. I’ve read the first couple of chapters and it looks like a concise, well constructed guide to a key component of the modern JavaScript stack. # 22nd October 2017, 1:22 pm

Carbon (via) Beautiful little tool that you can paste source code into to generate an image of that code with syntax highlighting applied, ready to be tweeted or shared anywhere that lets you share an image. Built in Node and next.js, with image generation handled client-side by the dom-to-image JavaScript library which loads HTML into a SVG foreignObject (sadly not yet supported by Safari) and uses that to populate a canvas and produce a PNG. # 19th October 2017, 6:31 pm


Are traditional web frameworks and languages like RubyOnRail, Spring Boot and PHP dying now when new fast reactive pure JavaScript frameworks and services like Meteor, Node, Angular 2.0 and Firebase are breaking ground?


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