Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2009

July 1, 2009

EveryBlock source code released. EveryBlock’s Knight Foundation grant required them to release the source code after two years, under the GPL. Lots of neat Django / PostgreSQL / GIS tricks to be found within.

# 8:01 pm / gis, postgresql, django, everyblock, python, open-source, gpl

Address Extractor. Running on App Engine, an address extractor web service using code from the EveryBlock open source release.

# 8:03 pm / everyblock, python, appengine, addressextractor

PubSub-over-Webhooks with RabbitHub. RabbitMQ, the Erlang-powered AMQP message queue, is growing an HTTP interface based on webhooks and PubSubHubBub.

# 8:22 pm / rabbitmq, erlang, amqp, message-queues, http, webhooks, pubsubhubbub

July 2, 2009

Codecs for <audio> and <video>. HTML 5 will not be requiring support for specific audio and video codecs—Ian Hickson explains why, in great detail. Short version: Apple won’t implement Theora due to lack of hardware support and an “uncertain patent landscape”, while open source browsers (Chromium and Mozilla) can’t support H.264 due to the cost of the licenses.

# 10:16 am / h264, video, audio, html5, ian-hickson, theora, ogg, chromium, mozilla, google, patents, codecs

Modernizr (via) Neat idea and an unobtrusive implementation: a JavaScript library that runs feature tests for various HTML5 features (canvas, box shadow, CSS transforms and so on) and adds classes to the HTML body element, allowing you to write CSS selectors that only apply if a feature is present. Detected features are exposed to JavaScript as boolean properties, e.g. Modernizer.multiplebgs.

# 10:56 am / modernizr, html5, javascript, css, faruk-ates

Video for Everybody! Reminiscent of the early days of Web Standards, Kroc Camen has created a fiendishly clever chunk of HTML which can play a video on any browser, starting with HTML5 video then falling back on Flash and eventually just an HTML message telling the user where they can download the file. No JavaScript to be seen, but conditional comments abound. Requires you to encode as both Ogg and H.264, but Kroc includes details instructions for doing that using Handbrake.

# 7:33 pm / html5, video, kroccamen, html, hacks, encoding, codecs, handbrake, ogg, h264

Newspaper Club—A work in progress. “We’re building a service to help people make their own newspapers. This is the blog where we’re alarmingly honest about where it’s all going wrong.”

# 7:34 pm / newspaperclub, newspapers, tom-taylor

July 3, 2009

FAQs about the future of XHTML. The XHTML 2 Working Group charter will not be renewed after 2009—as far as the W3C are concerned, XHTML5 is the future of XHTML.

# 1:37 am / xhtml5, xhtml2, xhtml, w3c, web-standards

July 4, 2009

Jeffrey Zeldman: XHTML WTF. Reading the comments, it’s scary how many people are totally ill-informed about HTML5 and XHTML5.

# 1:22 am / html5, xhtml5, jeffrey-zeldman, education, web-standards

Yes, it'd be nice if everyone kept up to date on the progress of the various W3C working groups. They don't. There are a lot of people who asked what professional markup looked like and were told (right or wrong) that XHTML was the future. So they went ahead and learned XHTML, built their websites and chose watching a DVD or spending time with their kids over watching Mark Pilgrim and Sam Ruby do battle over Postel's Law. Now all of a sudden they're told XHTML is dead. Some wailing and gnashing of teeth is to be expected. What's needed is less "boy aren't I smarter than them" snideness, and more Hey, here's what's up.

Alan Storm

# 12:51 pm / xhtml, html5, mark-pilgrim, sam-ruby, postelslaw, xhtml2, web-standards, w3c, alan-storm

July 6, 2009

Evidence of OpenID at Amazon. It looks like Amazon are using OpenID for SSO between their different properties—I clicked a link to sign in to AWS and the URL had OpenID query string parameters.

# 1:25 am / openid, amazon, sso, aws

There are two meanings to XHTML: technical and marketing. The technical kind (XHTML served using the application/xhtml xml MIME type) is a formulation of HTML as an XML vocabulary. The marketing kind (XHTML served using the text/html MIME type) is processed just like HTML by browsers but the authors attempt to observe slightly different syntax rules in order to make it seem that they are doing something newer and shinier compared to HTML.

Henri Sivonen

# 12:46 pm / henri-sivonen, xhtml, buzzwords

Tips on using python’s datetime module. Wow. I’ve run in to problems with datetime and timezones before, but I had no idea how intrinsic those problems were to the design of the library.

# 2:20 pm / datetime, python, dates, times

Turns out, a lot of people are saddened by the loss of a spec they don’t understand, and if they did, would not bother using.

Assaf Arkin

# 9:02 pm / web-standards, assaf-arkin, html5, xhtml, xhtml2

July 7, 2009

Stellarium. Really lovely open source planetarium application, for Linux, OS X and Windows.

# 12:37 am / space, planetarium, stellarium, open-source

From Microsoft: C# and CLI under the Community Promise. Microsoft’s assurance that it won’t “assert its Necessary Claims” against alternative (including open source) implementations of the ECMA C# and CLR specifications. The promise doesn’t cover implementations of .NET, WinForms etc- so the Mono team have announced they will be splitting their project in to two packages—a safe, ECMA based package and a package containing everything else.

# 11:15 am / microsoft, mono, ecma, open-source, miguel-de-icaza, patents, csharp, cli, aspdotnet

Up and running with Cassandra. Twitter are beginning to use Cassandra, the open source branch of Facebook’s BigTable-like non-relational database. Evan Weaver explains how to get started with it, but warns that it’s not yet a good idea to trust data to it without having a full backup in an unrelated storage engine.

# 11:18 am / evanweaver, facebook, twitter, bigtable, cassandra, nonrelationaldatabases, scaling

Yahoo! proposal to open source “Traffic Server” via the ASF. Traffic Server is a “fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server” (presumably equivalent to things like Squid and Varnish) originally acquired from Inktomi and developed internally at Yahoo! for the past three years, which has been benchmarked handling 35,000 req/s on a single box. No source code yet but it looks like the release will arrive pretty soon.

# 12:37 pm / trafficserver, yahoo, open-source, caching, proxy, squid, varnish, apache, asf

In defense of web developers. Zeldman: “The social benefit of rethinking markup sealed the deal. XHTML’s introduction in 2000, and its emphasis on rules of construction, gave web standards evangelists like me a platform on which to hook a program of semantic markup replacing the bloated and unsustainable tag soup of the day.”

# 3:52 pm / jeffrey-zeldman, web-standards, xhtml, markup, html5

Solved: where the civil servant really wrote that message to Hazel Blears. There’s an interesting usability / understanding-of-technology story here.

# 5:41 pm / usability, theyworkforyou

July 8, 2009

BBC: Glow (via) The BBC have released Glow, their jQuery-like JavaScript library developed in house over the past few years. It’s open source under the Apache license.

# 3:25 pm / jquery, glow, javascript, bbc, open-source

John Resig on Glow. John criticises Glow for reinventing the wheel—BBC insiders respond in the comments below.

# 7:24 pm / john-resig, javascript, libraries, glow, bbc

Insofar as it encouraged workaday web professionals to recognize that there are such things as best practices independent of particular browser implementations, I think XHTML can be termed successful. Insofar as it got people thinking about the possibility of a better Web ahead of us, I think XHTML can be termed successful. Insofar as it changed the popular conception of professional web design and thrust standards into the forefront, I think XHTML can be termed successful.

James Bennett

# 7:36 pm / james-bennett, xhtml, web-standards

Scope. Matt Webb’s opening keynote at this year’s reboot11. You owe it to yourself to read it.

# 8:15 pm / matt-webb, scope, talks, reboot

YQL: INSERT INTO internet. insert into twitter.status (status,username,password) values (“Playing with INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE in YQL”, “twitterusername”,“twitterpassword”)

# 8:19 pm / twitter, yql, yahoo, apis, sql

Microsoft was slowing development of new versions of Internet Explorer in the hope that Web-based applications would not be able to compete with Windows applications, and Windows applications would keep people locked in to the Windows operating system. Thus XHTML2 was developed with no expectation that the leading Web browser would ever implement it.

David Baron

# 8:30 pm / david-baron, xhtml, xhtml2, microsoft, ie, web-standards

July 9, 2009

CCP often touts this sort of thing with the bland marketing lingo of 'player generated content.' What that actually means is that you get to share a galaxy with Russian aluminum magnates, French-Indonesian nightclub-owning hackers, self-aggranziding 'spymasters,' and people who will cut the power lines to your house to destroy your internet spaceship.

The Mittani

# 10:36 am / eveonline, ccp

Desktop Couch initial code. More from Stuart Langridge on the project to make CouchDB available as a desktop service, providing free synchronisation between machines and a way for different applications to interrogate each other’s structured data.

# 11:34 am / couchdb, stuart-langridge, desktop, synchronisation

Tools of the Modern Python Hacker: Virtualenv, Fabric and Pip. Ashamed to say I’m not using any of these yet—for Django projects, my inserts an “ext” directory at the beginning of the Python path which contains my dependencies for that project.

# 11:40 am / python, tools, django, virtualenv, fabric, pip, deployment, pythonpath

2009 » July
