Simon Willison’s Weblog


310 items tagged “google”


Google Chrome, the comic book (via) Google have finally announced a browser project, though it’s currently vapourware (or rather comicware), existing only as a Scott McCloud comic. Still, it looks fascinating—entirely open source, WebKit with a brand new JavaScript VM, every tab running in a separate process for smarter memory usage and some new UI concepts and anti-pishing measures thrown in as well.

# 1st September 2008, 7:45 pm / googlebrowser, google, scott-mccloud, javascript, webkit, phishing, antiphishing, usability, chrome

Google’s undocumented favicon to png convertor (via) Showing the favicon of a domain next to a link is a really nice trick, but it’s slightly tricky to achieve as IE won’t display a .ico file if you link to it from an img element, so you need to convert the images server-side. This undocumented Google API does that for you, meaning it’s much easier to add favicons as a feature to your site.

# 30th August 2008, 8:40 pm / favicon, google, undocumented, apis, png

Gears for Safari Beta. “Chances are it will break your browser. Please proceed with caution.”

# 26th August 2008, 4:27 pm / gears, google, safari, beta

Keyczar (via) New open source cryptography toolkit from Google, designed to get algorithm selection, key rotation and versioning right so you don’t have to. Java and Python versions are available; the Python version depends on PyCrypto.

# 13th August 2008, 1:20 pm / pycrypto, python, google, encryption, keyrotation, ben-laurie, java, keyczar

Underscores are now word separators, proclaims Google. I missed this story last year—the change was announced by Matt Cutts at WordCamp 2007.

# 13th August 2008, 1:06 pm / matt-cutts, wordcamp, wordpress, google, underscores, hyphens, seo

knol: content w/out context, collaboration, capital, or coruscation. danah boyd: “A system that is driven by individualism quickly becomes a tool for self-promoters”

# 3rd August 2008, 3:13 pm / knol, google, danah-boyd

DjangoCon 2008. Venue: Gooleplex, San Francisco Bay Area. Dates: 6th and 7th Sept. Official post will be on soon.

Robert Lofthouse

# 13th July 2008, 4:50 pm / robert-lofthouse, djangocon, django, python, events, google, googleplex, san-francisco

Question: how do you upgrade servers when you need to pass new information between them? It's a fool's game to try to upgrade both servers at the same time. So you need a communication protocol that is not only backward compatible (a new server can speak the old protocol) but also forward compatible (an old server can speak the new protocol). Protocol Buffers provide that because new additions to the protocol can be ignored by the old server.

Matt Cutts

# 8th July 2008, 9:11 am / protocolbuffers, google, matt-cutts, upgrades

Protocol Buffers: Google’s Data Interchange Format. Open sourced today. Highly efficient binary protocol for storing and transmitting structured data between C++, Java and Python. Uses a .proto file describing the data structure which is compiled to classes in those languages for serializing and deserializing. 3-10 times smaller and 20-100 times faster than XML.

# 8th July 2008, 8:20 am / cplusplus, google, idf, java, open-source, protocolbuffers, python, xml

ratproxy. “A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool”—watches you browse and highlights potential XSS, CSRF and other vulnerabilities in your application. Created by Michal Zalewski at Google.

# 3rd July 2008, 2:35 pm / ratproxy, proxy, michalzalewski, google, security, testing, xss, csrf

OAuth for Google Data APIs (via) Awesome. Now, how’s OAuth support shaping up over at Twitter (who are serious offenders when it comes to encouraging the password anti-pattern, despite Twitter engineers being key to the creation of the original OAuth spec)?

# 27th June 2008, 7:49 am / oauth, twitter, google-data, google, apis

There is a reason why Flickr eventually killed Yahoo! Photos and why it was decided that Google Video be relegated to being a search brand while YouTube would be the social sharing brand. The brand baggage and the accompanying culture made them road kill.

Dare Obasanjo

# 16th June 2008, 2:54 pm / flickr, yahoo, google, youtube, branding, dare-obasanjo

The X-Robots-Tag HTTP header. News to me, but both Google and Yahoo! have supported it since last year. You can add per-page robots exclusion rules in HTTP headers instead of using meta tags, and Google’s version supports unavailable_after which is handy for content with a known limited shelf-life.

# 9th June 2008, 9:21 am / google, yahoo, robots-txt, xrobotstag, http

Google Finance Comet. Google Finance now shows live stock quotes, updated by Comet.

# 4th June 2008, 8:36 am / comet, google-finance, google, stockquotes, cometdaily

Google Gears renamed “Gears”. “We want to make it clear that Gears isn’t just a Google thing. We see Gears as a way for everyone to get involved with upgrading the web platform.” Support for Firefox 3 and Safari is being added and Opera are integrating Gears with both their desktop and mobile browsers.

# 29th May 2008, 12:38 am / gears, google, opera, firefox3, safari

Google Earth in a browser (sort of), Scriptable, a quick peek and poke. Dan Catt on Google’s new browser plugin version of Google Earth... which conveniently exposes a JavaScript API to the browser in the form of the “ge” object, which can then be poked at interactively using Firebug.

# 28th May 2008, 11:13 pm / firebug, javascript, google-earth, dan-catt, google

If we see good usage, we can work with browser vendors to automatically ship these libraries. Then, if they see the URLs that we use, they could auto load the libraries, even special JIT'd ones, from their local system. Thus, no network hit at all!

Dion Almaer

# 27th May 2008, 5:58 pm / dion-almaer, ajax, libraries, google, browsers

Google AJAX Libraries API (via) Google are hosting copies of jQuery, Prototype, mooTools and Dojo on their CDN, with a promise to permanently host different versions and an optional JavaScript API to dynamically load the most recent version of a library. I wish they’d stop capitalising Ajax though.

# 27th May 2008, 5:56 pm / ajax, google, libraries, cdn, jquery, prototype, mootools, dojo

Tracking Christmas Cheer with Google Charts. Brian Suda’s Google Charts tutorial on 24 ways has proved invaluable for figuring out how to handle grid lines and axis labels, both of which are pretty unintuitive (and not hugely helped by the official documentation).

# 26th May 2008, 9:43 pm / google-charts, brian-suda, 24-ways, graphs, google

Search Engine Optimization Through Hoax News. Devious new black-hat SEO technique: invent a news story that’s pure link-bait. The recent “13 year old steals dad’s credit card to buy hookers” story was a hoax: it was a pure play for PageRank.

# 22nd May 2008, 6:09 pm / seo, pagerank, google, blackhat

Doctype: /trunk/goog. Google’s newly released JavaScript library (pure JavaScript, so more along the lines of YUI and jQuery than GWT). I haven’t found the documentation for it yet, but the code is extremely well commented. UPDATE: The documentation is spread throughout Doctype.

# 14th May 2008, 9:12 pm / jquery, goog, google, googledoctype, gwt, javascript, dojo, libraries, yui

Doctype on Google Code. Alternative way of browsing Google Doctype—if you link to articles here instead of using the permalinks in the official version non-JavaScript user agents will be able to access the content you’ve linked to.

# 14th May 2008, 8:34 pm / google, javascript, googledoctype

Google Doctype. So now we know what Mark Pilgrim’s been doing at Google... heading up a project to create an encyclopaedia of web development. The JavaScript UI for browsing it is a bit weird (though you do at least get real pages if you disable JavaScript in your browser).

# 14th May 2008, 8:30 pm / googledoctype, mark-pilgrim, documentation, google

Hey Google: any chance we can all build the social web together without requiring JavaScript?


# 13th May 2008, 1:49 pm / me, twitter, google, javascript

We are happy to announce that the Google Contacts Data API now supports OAuth. This is our first step towards OAuth enabling all Google Data APIs. Please note that this is an alpha release and we may make changes to the protocol before the official release.

Wei Tu

# 26th April 2008, 10:15 am / weitu, oauth, google, googlecontactsapi

Google AJAX Search API: Flash and Server Side Access. Over a year after Google shot down their SOAP Search API, they’ve quietly released a JSON based one under the guise of supporting “Flash and other non JavaScript environments”. Comes with the strange requirement that an HTTP referer be sent with every request; the API key is optional.

# 22nd April 2008, 7:16 pm / google, soap, ajax, json, search, web-services, apis

Quotation search in Google News (via) Extremely impressive application of (I suppose) natural language processing in Google News—it now extracts quotations from news stories, even handling things like “he said” and “she said” and resolving them back to the speaker.

# 19th April 2008, 7:22 am / natural-language, google, google-news, quotations

KML: A new standard for sharing maps. Google’s KML format, which is already supported by both Microsoft and Yahoo!’s map software, has been accepted under the wing of the Open Geospatial Consortium and is now an international standard.

# 14th April 2008, 6:36 pm / ogc, kml, google, google-maps, maps, mapping