Simon Willison’s Weblog


155 items tagged “twitter”


OAuth came out of my worry that if the Twitter API became popular, we'd be spreading passwords all around the web. OAuth took longer to finish than it took for the Twitter API to become popular, and as a result many Twitter users' passwords are scattered pretty carelessly around the web. This is a terrible situation, and one we as responsible web developers should work to prevent.

Blaine Cook

# 14th August 2008, 10:01 am / security, passwords, phishing, oauth, blaine-cook, twitter, twitterapi

The statement that the password anti-pattern "teaches users to be phished" should be rephrased "has taught users to be phished"

Me, on Twitter

# 13th August 2008, 12:52 pm / twitter, passwordantipattern, phishing, security

If we want people to have the same degree of user autonomy as we've come to expect from the world, we may have to sit down and code alternatives to Google Docs, Twitter, and EC2 that can live with us on the edge, not be run by third parties.

Danny O'Brien

# 20th July 2008, 9 am / ec2, google-docs, twitter, decentralisation, danny-obrien

It looks like the first ever Django conference will take place in early September in the San Francisco bay area.

Me, on Twitter

# 7th July 2008, 5:14 pm / django, events, djangocon, conferences, san-francisco, twitter

OAuth for Google Data APIs (via) Awesome. Now, how’s OAuth support shaping up over at Twitter (who are serious offenders when it comes to encouraging the password anti-pattern, despite Twitter engineers being key to the creation of the original OAuth spec)?

# 27th June 2008, 7:49 am / oauth, twitter, google-data, google, apis

Twitter, or Architecture Will Not Save You. Kellan is not an armchair architect. He also doesn’t mention Rails once. Well worth reading.

# 29th May 2008, 1:16 am / twitter, architecture, rails, kellan-elliott-mccrea

Twitter / MarsPhoenix. NASA’s Mars Phoenix lander, due to land on the planet today, has a Twitter account. Bio: “I dig Mars!”.

# 25th May 2008, 7:41 pm / marsphoenix, mars, nasa, twitter

Scoble writes something - 6,800 writes are kicked off, 1 for each follower. Michael Arrington replies - another 6,600 writes. Jason Calacanis jumps in - another 6,500 writes. Beyond the 19,900 writes, there's a lot of additional overhead too. You have to hit a DB to figure out who the 19,900 followers are. [...] And here's the kicker: that giant processing and delivery effort - possibly a combined 100K disk IOs - was caused by 3 users, each just sending one, tiny, 140 char message. How innocent it all seemed.

Isreal L'Heureux

# 23rd May 2008, 7:28 pm / twitter, scaling

Hey Google: any chance we can all build the social web together without requiring JavaScript?


# 13th May 2008, 1:49 pm / me, twitter, google, javascript

twistori. Lovely implementation of a neat idea for a Twitter app from Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs.

# 4th May 2008, 8:20 am / twitter, amyhoy, thomas-fuchs, twistori

Internet Asshattery, Armchair Scaling Experts Edition (via) Leonard says what needs to be said about the most recent case of Twitter scaling flame-bait.

# 25th April 2008, 11:19 pm / twitter, scaling, leonardlin

Cluetrainwreck. Comcast’s official Twitter account is pretty creepy... “I hope we can change your perception of Comcast!”.

# 19th April 2008, 8 am / cluetrain, comcast, twitter, pr, charles-miller

Making bridges talk. Tom Armitage hooked Tower Bridge up to Twitter: “I am closing after the MV Dixie Queen has passed Upstream”.

# 4th March 2008, 11:07 pm / tom-armitage, towerbridge, twitter

twauth: simple mobile openid using twitter (via) Brilliant proof of concept by Ian McKellar: an OpenID provider that authenticates you by sending you a Twitter direct message.

# 14th January 2008, 10:28 pm / twitter, openid, ian-mckellar

RubyForge: Starling. “Starling is a light-weight persistent queue server that speaks the MemCache protocol. It was built to drive Twitter’s backend, and is in production across Twitter’s cluster.”

# 11th January 2008, 9:47 pm / memcached, twitter, ruby, messaging, queue, starling, blaine-cook, rubyforge, message-queues


Boxing Day toy discovery: Mega Bloks not compatible with Duplo! See, Alex Russell? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU INNOVATE AHEAD OF STANDARDS

Yoz Grahame

# 26th December 2007, 5:58 pm / alex-russell, lego, duplo, megabloks, standards, web-standards, twitter, yozgrahame

DeWitt Clinton: T-Mobile and Twitter. “If you think the rest of Internet needs net neutrality laws, that’s nothing compared with the backward-facing worldview of the established mobile carriers.”

# 15th December 2007, 12:26 pm / net-neutrality, mobilecarriers, mobile, twitter, dewitt-clinton

identity-matcher. Dopplr’s social network importing code (for Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and sites supporting Microformats), implemented as a Rails ActiveRecord plugin.

# 4th October 2007, 2:53 pm / identitymatcher, plugins, microformats, matt-biddulph, facebook, gmail, dopplr, openid, portablesocialnetwork, rails, ruby, socialgraph, twitter, fowa, fowa2007

WebRunner 0.7—New and Improved. A simple application for running a site-specific browser for a service (e.g. Twitter, Gmail etc). This is a great idea: it isolates your other browser windows from crashes and also isolates your cookies, helping guard against CSRF attacks.

# 27th September 2007, 1:55 pm / webrunner, security, csrf, browsers, twitter, gmail, xulrunner, sitespecificbrowsers

Twitter / Natalie: Its announced and official... We’re both moving to Brighton in September.

# 26th July 2007, 5:22 pm / natalie-downe, moving, brighton, personal, twitter

Friends, Followers, and Notifications. Twitter drops the confusing distinction between “friend” and “follow”—now it’s just “follow”. The less sites that demand I reduce friendship to a binary decision the better.

# 20th July 2007, 10:59 am / twitter, friending, socialnetworks

SlideShare: Webapps scalability. Lots of great presentations on scaling, from Twitter, Digg, Vox, LiveJournal, and more.

# 4th July 2007, 12:53 am / slideshare, vox, twitter, digg, livejournal, sixapart, lastfm, scaling

Importing your social network from other sites. Dopplr now does this from GMail, Twitter, vCard or hCard and XFN. I’m convinced that contact import is a killer app for OpenID.

# 26th June 2007, 1:46 am / openid, dopplr, contactimport, xfn, microformats, hcard, twitter, gmail, vcard

SELECT * FROM everything, or why databases are awesome. I’m beginning to think that for scalable applications the thinner your ORM is the better—if you even use one at all.

# 22nd June 2007, 12:40 am / rails, orm, blaine-cook, scaling, twitter, databases, sql

The Twitter API Respects Your Privacy. Not Twitter’s fault: The users who exposed their data through Twittervision had given that site their username and password; Twittervision was failing to hide protected updates.

# 24th May 2007, 11:37 pm / twitter, security, twittervision

There’s a hole in your Twitter. If you’ve been using friends-only messages on Twitter they may currently be exposed via the API.

# 24th May 2007, 5:03 pm / twitter, security, megpickard

The top 10 presentations on scaling websites: twitter, Flickr, Bloglines, Vox and more. I normally avoid linking to “top 10” lists on principle, but this one pulls together some great resources and adds extra context to each one.

# 1st May 2007, 1:51 pm / peter-van-dijck, flickr, bloglines, scaling, twitter, vox

Scaling Twitter (via) Slides from Blaine’s recent talk.

# 23rd April 2007, 11:02 am / blaine-cook, twitter, scaling, rubyonrails

In the big picture, Twitter did exactly the right thing. They had a good idea and they buckled down and focused on delivering something as cool as possible as fast as possible, and it's really hard, in early 2007, to beat Rails for that. When all of a sudden there were a few tens of thousands of people using it, then they went to work on the scaling.

Tim Bray

# 14th April 2007, 9:13 am / twitter, tim-bray, rails, scaling

None of these scaling approaches are as fun and easy as developing for Rails. All the convenience methods and syntactical sugar that makes Rails such a pleasure for coders ends up being absolutely punishing, performance-wise.

Alex Payne, Twitter

# 12th April 2007, 2:51 pm / rails, twitter, scaling