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30 posts tagged “john-gruber”


Apple Is Delaying the ‘More Personalized Siri’ Apple Intelligence Features. Apple told John Gruber (and other Apple press) this about the new "personalized" Siri:

It’s going to take us longer than we thought to deliver on these features and we anticipate rolling them out in the coming year.

I have a hunch that this delay might relate to security.

These new Apple Intelligence features involve Siri responding to requests to access information in applications and then performing actions on the user's behalf.

This is the worst possible combination for prompt injection attacks! Any time an LLM-based system has access to private data, tools it can call, and exposure to potentially malicious instructions (like emails and text messages from untrusted strangers) there's a significant risk that an attacker might subvert those tools and use them to damage or exfiltrating a user's data.

I published this piece about the risk of prompt injection to personal digital assistants back in November 2023, and nothing has changed since then to make me think this is any less of an open problem.

# 8th March 2025, 5:39 am / apple, ai, john-gruber, llms, prompt-injection, security, apple-intelligence, generative-ai

When I give money to a charitable cause, I always look for the checkboxes to opt out of being contacted by them in the future. When it happens anyway, I get annoyed, and I become reluctant to give to that charity again. [...]

When you donate to the Red Cross via Apple, that concern is off the table. Apple won’t emphasize that aspect of this, because they don’t want to throw the Red Cross under the proverbial bus, but I will. An underrated aspect of privacy is the desire simply not to be annoyed.

John Gruber

# 22nd January 2025, 11:59 pm / apple, privacy, john-gruber


There is no technical moat in this field, and so OpenAI is the epicenter of an investment bubble.

Thus, effectively, OpenAI is to this decade’s generative-AI revolution what Netscape was to the 1990s’ internet revolution. The revolution is real, but it’s ultimately going to be a commodity technology layer, not the foundation of a defensible proprietary moat. In 1995 investors mistakenly thought investing in Netscape was a good way to bet on the future of the open internet and the World Wide Web in particular. Investing in OpenAI today is a bit like that — generative AI technology has a bright future and is transforming the world, but it’s wishful thinking that the breakthrough client implementation is going to form the basis of a lasting industry titan.

John Gruber

# 30th December 2024, 5:29 am / generative-ai, openai, ai, john-gruber, llms

I really dislike the practice of replacing passwords with email “magic links”. Autofilling a password from my keychain happens instantly; getting a magic link from email can take minutes sometimes, and even in the fastest case, it’s nowhere near instantaneous. Replacing something very fast — password autofill — with something slower is just a terrible idea.

John Gruber

# 20th October 2024, 10:17 pm / passwords, security, john-gruber

I listened to the whole 15-minute podcast this morning. It was, indeed, surprisingly effective. It remains somewhere in the uncanny valley, but not at all in a creepy way. Just more in a “this is a bit vapid and phony” way. [...] But ultimately the conversation has all the flavor of a bowl of unseasoned white rice.

John Gruber

# 30th September 2024, 6:56 pm / llms, generative-ai, notebooklm, ai, john-gruber, podcasts

Everyone alive today has grown up in a world where you can’t believe everything you read. Now we need to adapt to a world where that applies just as equally to photos and videos. Trusting the sources of what we believe is becoming more important than ever.

John Gruber

# 27th August 2024, 3:57 pm / generative-ai, ai, ethics, john-gruber

What Apple unveiled last week with Apple Intelligence wasn't so much new products, but new features—a slew of them—for existing products, powered by generative AI.

[...] These aren't new apps or new products. They're the most used, most important apps Apple makes, the core apps that define the Apple platforms ecosystem, and Apple is using generative AI to make them better and more useful—without, in any way, rendering them unfamiliar.

John Gruber

# 24th June 2024, 6 pm / apple, llms, ai, generative-ai, john-gruber

The MacBook Airs are Apple’s best-selling laptops; the iPad Pros are Apple’s least-selling iPads. I think it’s as simple as this: the current MacBook Airs have the M3, not the M4, because there isn’t yet sufficient supply of M4 chips to satisfy demand for MacBook Airs.

John Gruber

# 15th May 2024, 3:26 am / apple, john-gruber


And the notion that security updates, for every user in the world, would need the approval of the U.K. Home Office just to make sure the patches weren’t closing vulnerabilities that the government itself is exploiting — it boggles the mind. Even if the U.K. were the only country in the world to pass such a law, it would be madness, but what happens when other countries follow?

John Gruber

# 24th August 2023, 6:16 am / uklaw, cryptography, uk, john-gruber

First Impressions of Vision Pro and VisionOS. John Gruber’s description of his thirty minute Vision Pro demo includes a bunch of details I haven’t seen described anywhere else, including how calibration and corrective lenses work and how precise and stable the overlays of additional information are.

# 8th June 2023, 6:16 am / apple, john-gruber, vr


Without touching upon the question of who’s right and who’s wrong in the specific case of Basecamp’s Hey app, or the broader questions of what, if anything, ought to change in Apple’s App Store policies, an undeniable and important undercurrent to this story is that the business model policies of the App Store have resulted in a tremendous amount of resentment. This spans the entire gamut from one-person indies all the way up to the handful of large corporations that can be considered Apple’s peers or near-peers.

John Gruber

# 20th June 2020, 5:48 am / basecamp, apple, appstore, john-gruber


I spent more time on my iPhone X review than anything I’ve written in years, and it went to paper twice. (Here’s a scan of my second printed draft, with handwritten revisions.) My thing is that I don’t use my favorite pen — which, of course, has black ink — but instead a pen with red ink. Editing is an angry, bloody act and therefore must be done in red.

John Gruber

# 25th January 2018, 1:43 pm / john-gruber, writing


32.38 percent of visitors to DF last week did not have Flash.

John Gruber

# 31st January 2010, 12:05 pm / john-gruber, flash, apple, adobe

Who Can Do Something About Those Blue Boxes? John Gruber makes the case for the fading significance of Flash, brought about by Apple’s point-blank refusal to support it on the iPhone or iPad. “Flash is no longer ubiquitous. There’s a big difference between “everywhere” and “almost everywhere”.”

# 31st January 2010, 12:05 pm / john-gruber, flash, iphone, ipad, apple, adobe

The Tablet. John Gruber further demonstrates his mastery of long-form blogging. It’s reassuring to know that he started putting the notes for this entry together way back on the 24th of September.

# 1st January 2010, 3:49 am / tablet, apple, osx, john-gruber, blogging, essays


The OS Opportunity. John Gruber repeats his argument that PC makers should create their own OSes, and points out that compatibility concerns are less important than they’ve ever been because “the Web provides us with a core set of software and APIs that work everywhere”.

# 19th November 2009, 8:02 am / john-gruber, openweb

This is very interesting technology. But that Adobe would go to this length suggests that they suspect that Apple will never allow the Flash runtime on the iPhone.

John Gruber

# 6th October 2009, 7:33 am / john-gruber, flash, adobe, iphone, apple


I'll put forth one central, overriding guideline for iPhone UI design: Figure out the absolute least you need to do to implement the idea, do just that, and then polish the hell out of the experience.

John Gruber

# 4th November 2008, 12:02 am / john-gruber, iphone, design, usability

ExpanDrive. Looks like this SFTP mounting application for OS X fixes the problems I’ve had with sshfs (which tends to freeze things up if you lose your network connection while using it).

# 4th March 2008, 7:32 pm / sshfs, ssh, sftp, john-gruber, expandrive


Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers' hands in February.

Steve Jobs

# 17th October 2007, 6:04 pm / apple, iphone, sdk, developers, steve-jobs, john-gruber

For any song you already own on CD, Apple is asking you to pay three times for it in order to use it as a ringtone on your iPhone: once for the CD you’ve already purchased, again to buy a needless duplicate of the track from the iTunes Store, and a third time to generate the ringtone.

John Gruber

# 14th September 2007, 8:15 am / apple, iphone, ringtones, music, john-gruber, ripoff

Ways in Which iTunes’s Just-Released Official Ringtone Support Is Weird, Rude, and/or Just Plain Buggy. I’ve long been saying that the existence of a ringtone “industry” is a bug, not a feature.

# 12th September 2007, 10:08 am / ringtones, apple, john-gruber, itunes

It Is Estimated That NBC Could Not Have Screwed This iTunes Thing Up Any Worse. NBC’s request that Apple “stiffen anti-piracy provisions” is down-right scary.

# 3rd September 2007, 1:42 am / apple, osx, microsoft, nbc, john-gruber

This is all your app is: a collection of tiny details.

Wil Shipley

# 15th August 2007, 11:53 am / wil-shipley, attentiontodetail, john-gruber

Mobile Device Connectivity to Exchange using IMAP vs Exchange ActiveSync (via) I count 14 instances of “experience” in this 1,000 word blog entry. Do real people talk like this?

# 12th July 2007, 5:17 pm / experience, weaselwords, communication, writing, microsoft, john-gruber, exchange, imap, activesync

CSSEdit 2.5 Out Now! (via) Like John Gruber says, this is the best implementation of application tabs I’ve ever seen.

# 23rd April 2007, 8:26 pm / john-gruber, cssedit, tabs, ui

Mac OS X and OS X are not the same thing, although they are most certainly siblings. The days of lazily referring to "Mac OS X" as "OS X" are now over.

John Gruber

# 12th January 2007, 10:29 am / iphone, osx, john-gruber, apple, macosx


Daring Fireball: Security Cannot Be Spun. Apple’s communication handling of the recent security problem was atrocious.

# 31st May 2004, 4 am / security, apple, osx, daringfireball, john-gruber