Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 17th July 2007

Python Tuples are Not Just Constant Lists. “The index in a tuple has an implied semantic”.

# 7:53 am / python, tuples, james-tauber

Low Pro Behaviours 101. A neatly packaged method of enhancing an existing DOM element with pre-packaged behaviours.

# 10:09 am / behaviours, lowpro, dan-webb, javascript, prototype, dom

ThingDB. Another extensible key/value pair data store, constructed for the Open Library based on Aaron Swartz’s Infogami technology.

# 10:21 am / infogami, openlibrary, aaron-swartz, thingdb, python, postgresql

Understanding Engineers: Feasibility. Charles Miller provides smart definitions of what programmers mean when they say “impossible”, “trivial”, “unfeasible”, “non-trivial”, “hard” and “very hard”.

# 10:24 am / trivial, nontrivial, language, programmers, charles-miller, programming, hard, veryhard, unfeasible

Never use a warning when you mean undo. The abundance of “undo” is one of my favourite things about Gmail. I wonder if there’s anything Django could do to make implementing undo functionality easier...

# 11 am / django, gmail, undo, a-list-apart, usability, warning

Made in China. Bunnie Huang’s fascinating series on manufacturing in China, based on his experience with Chumby.

# 11:48 am / bunnie-huang, china, chumby

Just what web server should be sitting in front of my Rails application? Includes some interesting notes about Varnish, PHK’s high performance, highly configurable front-end caching server (essentially a much more modern version of Squid).

# 1:29 pm / varnish, phk, joyent, rails, squid, nginx, jason-hoffman

A look back: Bram Cohen vs Linus Torvalds. Makes the case that Git has proved Linus Torvald correct on every point of his infamous debate with Bram Cohen back in 2005.

# 10:29 pm / bram-cohen, linus-torvalds, git, 2005, debate, version-control, wincent-colaiuta

Conflicting Absolute Positions. Neat technique, although it uses CSS expressions for IE compatibility so it may break down in IE 5 and 6 when JavaScript is disabled.

# 10:44 pm / javascript, ie, css, a-list-apart, rob-swan

How Top Bloggers Earn Money. Interesting numbers on BoingBoing, I can has Cheezburger, TechCrunch and more.

# 11 pm / blogging, money, boingboing, icanhascheezburger, techcrunch

2007 » July
