9 posts tagged “pydantic”
Pydantic is a data validation library for Python based around Python's type annotation feature.
googleapis/python-genai. Google released this brand new Python library for accessing their generative AI models yesterday, offering an alternative to their existing generative-ai-python library.
The API design looks very solid to me, and it includes both sync and async implementations. Here's an async streaming response:
async for response in client.aio.models.generate_content_stream(
contents='Tell me a story in 300 words.'
It also includes Pydantic-based output schema support and some nice syntactic sugar for defining tools using Python functions.
PydanticAI (via) New project from Pydantic, which they describe as an "Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs".
I asked which agent definition they are using and it's the "system prompt with bundled tools" one. To their credit, they explain that in their documentation:
The Agent has full API documentation, but conceptually you can think of an agent as a container for:
- A system prompt — a set of instructions for the LLM written by the developer
- One or more retrieval tool — functions that the LLM may call to get information while generating a response
- An optional structured result type — the structured datatype the LLM must return at the end of a run
Given how many other existing tools already lean on Pydantic to help define JSON schemas for talking to LLMs this is an interesting complementary direction for Pydantic to take.
There's some overlap here with my own LLM project, which I still hope to add a function calling / tools abstraction to in the future.
Themes from DjangoCon US 2024
I just arrived home from a trip to Durham, North Carolina for DjangoCon US 2024. I’ve already written about my talk where I announced a new plugin system for Django; here are my notes on some of the other themes that resonated with me during the conference.
[... 1,470 words]Jiter (via) One of the challenges in dealing with LLM streaming APIs is the need to parse partial JSON - until the stream has ended you won't have a complete valid JSON object, but you may want to display components of that JSON as they become available.
I've solved this previously using the ijson streaming JSON library, see my previous TIL.
Today I found out about Jiter, a new option from the team behind Pydantic. It's written in Rust and extracted from pydantic-core, so the Python wrapper for it can be installed using:
pip install jiter
You can feed it an incomplete JSON bytes object and use partial_mode="on"
to parse the valid subset:
import jiter partial_json = b'{"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New Yor' jiter.from_json(partial_json, partial_mode="on") # {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
Or use partial_mode="trailing-strings"
to include incomplete string fields too:
jiter.from_json(partial_json, partial_mode="trailing-strings") # {'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New Yor'}
The current README was a little thin, so I submiitted a PR with some extra examples. I got some help from files-to-prompt
and Claude 3.5 Sonnet):
cd crates/jiter-python/ && files-to-prompt -c README.md tests | llm -m claude-3.5-sonnet --system 'write a new README with comprehensive documentation'
Python Developers Survey 2023 Results (via) The seventh annual Python survey is out. Here are the things that caught my eye or that I found surprising:
25% of survey respondents had been programming in Python for less than a year, and 33% had less than a year of professional experience.
37% of Python developers reported contributing to open-source projects last year - a new question for the survey. This is delightfully high!
6% of users are still using Python 2. The survey notes:
Almost half of Python 2 holdouts are under 21 years old and a third are students. Perhaps courses are still using Python 2?
In web frameworks, Flask and Django neck and neck at 33% each, but FastAPI is a close third at 29%! Starlette is at 6%, but that's an under-count because it's the basis for FastAPI.
The most popular library in "other framework and libraries" was BeautifulSoup with 31%, then Pillow 28%, then OpenCV-Python at 22% (wow!) and Pydantic at 22%. Tkinter had 17%. These numbers are all a surprise to me.
pytest scores 52% for unit testing, unittest
from the standard library just 25%. I'm glad to see pytest
so widely used, it's my favourite testing tool across any programming language.
The top cloud providers are AWS, then Google Cloud Platform, then Azure... but PythonAnywhere (11%) took fourth place just ahead of DigitalOcean (10%). And Alibaba Cloud is a new entrant in sixth place (after Heroku) with 4%. Heroku's ending of its free plan dropped them from 14% in 2021 to 7% now.
Linux and Windows equal at 55%, macOS is at 29%. This was one of many multiple-choice questions that could add up to more than 100%.
In databases, SQLite usage was trending down - 38% in 2021 to 34% for 2023, but still in second place behind PostgreSQL, stable at 43%.
The survey incorporates quotes from different Python experts responding to the numbers, it's worth reading through the whole thing.
OpenAI: Introducing Structured Outputs in the API.
OpenAI have offered structured outputs for a while now: you could specify "response_format": {"type": "json_object"}}
to request a valid JSON object, or you could use the function calling mechanism to request responses that match a specific schema.
Neither of these modes were guaranteed to return valid JSON! In my experience they usually did, but there was always a chance that something could go wrong and the returned code could not match the schema, or even not be valid JSON at all.
Outside of OpenAI techniques like jsonformer and llama.cpp grammars could provide those guarantees against open weights models, by interacting directly with the next-token logic to ensure that only tokens that matched the required schema were selected.
OpenAI credit that work in this announcement, so they're presumably using the same trick. They've provided two new ways to guarantee valid outputs. The first a new "strict": true
option for function definitions. The second is a new feature: a "type": "json_schema"
option for the "response_format"
field which lets you then pass a JSON schema (and another "strict": true
flag) to specify your required output.
I've been using the existing "tools"
mechanism for exactly this already in my datasette-extract plugin - defining a function that I have no intention of executing just to get structured data out of the API in the shape that I want.
Why isn't "strict": true
by default? Here's OpenAI's Ted Sanders:
We didn't cover this in the announcement post, but there are a few reasons:
- The first request with each JSON schema will be slow, as we need to preprocess the JSON schema into a context-free grammar. If you don't want that latency hit (e.g., you're prototyping, or have a use case that uses variable one-off schemas), then you might prefer "strict": false
- You might have a schema that isn't covered by our subset of JSON schema. (To keep performance fast, we don't support some more complex/long-tail features.)
- In JSON mode and Structured Outputs, failures are rarer but more catastrophic. If the model gets too confused, it can get stuck in loops where it just prints technically valid output forever without ever closing the object. In these cases, you can end up waiting a minute for the request to hit the max_token limit, and you also have to pay for all those useless tokens. So if you have a really tricky schema, and you'd rather get frequent failures back quickly instead of infrequent failures back slowly, you might also want
"strict": false
But in 99% of cases, you'll want
"strict": true
More from Ted on how the new mode differs from function calling:
Under the hood, it's quite similar to function calling. A few differences:
- Structured Outputs is a bit more straightforward. e.g., you don't have to pretend you're writing a function where the second arg could be a two-page report to the user, and then pretend the "function" was called successfully by returning
{"success": true}
- Having two interfaces lets us teach the model different default behaviors and styles, depending on which you use
- Another difference is that our current implementation of function calling can return both a text reply plus a function call (e.g., "Let me look up that flight for you"), whereas Structured Outputs will only return the JSON
The official openai-python
library also added structured output support this morning, based on Pydantic and looking very similar to the Instructor library (also credited as providing inspiration in their announcement).
There are some key limitations on the new structured output mode, described in the documentation. Only a subset of JSON schema is supported, and most notably the "additionalProperties": false
property must be set on all objects and all object keys must be listed in "required"
- no optional keys are allowed.
Another interesting new feature: if the model denies a request on safety grounds a new refusal message will be returned:
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"refusal": "I'm sorry, I cannot assist with that request."
Finally, tucked away at the bottom of this announcement is a significant new model release with a major price cut:
By switching to the new
, developers save 50% on inputs ($2.50/1M input tokens) and 33% on outputs ($10.00/1M output tokens) compared togpt-4o-2024-05-13
This new model also supports 16,384 output tokens, up from 4,096.
The price change is particularly notable because GPT-4o-mini, the much cheaper alternative to GPT-4o, prices image inputs at the same price as GPT-4o. This new model cuts that by half (confirmed here), making gpt-4o-2024-08-06
the new cheapest model from OpenAI for handling image inputs.
Several libraries let you declare objects with type-hinted members and automatically derive validation rules and serialization/deserialization from the type hints – Pydantic is the most popular, but alternatives like msgspec are out there too. There’s also a whole new generation of web frameworks like FastAPI and Starlite which use type hints at runtime to do not just input validation and serialization/deserialization but also things like dependency injection.
Personally, I’ve seen more significant gains in productivity from those runtime usages of Python’s type hints than from any static ahead-of-time type checking, which mostly is only useful to me as documentation.
The different uses of Python type hints (via) Luke Plant describes five different categories for how Python optional types are being used today: IDE assistants, type checking, runtime behavior changes via introspection (e.g. Pydantic), code documentation, compiler instructions (ala mypyc)—and a bonus sixth, dependency injection.
SQLModel. A new project by FastAPI creator Sebastián Ramírez: SQLModel builds on top of both SQLAlchemy and Sebastián’s Pydantic validation library to provide a new ORM that’s designed around Python 3’s optional typing. The real brilliance here is that a SQLModel subclass is simultaneously a valid SQLAlchemy ORM model AND a valid Pydantic validation model, saving on duplicate code by allowing the same class to be used both for form/API validation and for interacting with the database.