565 items tagged “django”
The Django web framework.
Nat and I had a bit of a mini-hackday this bank holiday Monday. Nat’s been doing a great job summoning local geeks out of the woodwork with Oxford Geek Nights event, but it’s still pretty hard to find other interesting events in the Oxfordshire area. It’s not that there aren’t any, it’s just that the geek community in Oxford is currently pretty fragmented.
[... 295 words]Django unicode-branch: testers wanted. Malcolm’s outstanding work on the unicode branch appears to be nearing completion.
Rapid development serving 500,000 pages/hour (via) Curse Gaming are getting impressive performance out of Django.
Django Internships at the Journal-World. The Journal-World is an amazing place to start your career.
MintCache for Django. Caching scheme for Django that solves the dog-pile effect, where high traffic causes many processes to regenerate stale cached data at the same time.
django-logging. Looks neat—includes the ability to use Python’s standard logging module to log messages to a footer appended to your site’s HTML output.
Turn your Django application in to an OpenID consumer
I’ve just put the finishing touches on the first releasable version of django_openidconsumer, a package that makes it easy to add OpenID consumer support to any Django application.
[... 229 words]modwsgi. Apache module (written in C) for hosting Python WSGI applications, no mod_python required. Includes Django integration instructions. Has anyone tried this out?
Naming URL patterns
You can now apply a name to a URL pattern in Django development version, which makes the {% url %}
template tag far more useful.
Avoid IE Brokenness When using Vary and Attachments (via) Django middleware that works around a bug in IE where external applications fail to load content that was served with a Vary header.
DjangoKit. Early preview release of a tool that lets you package a Django application up as a fully contained OS X application. When Leopard ships with PyObjC this kind of thing will be even easier.
cmemcache. Python extension for libmemcache which provides more than twice the performance of the pure-Python memcached client. Supported by Django development version.
mod_python: Expat Causing Apache Crash. We ran in to this problem today.
Free Software Foundation to switch to Django. “FSF is switching from Zope to Django (both Python powered!) for web application development... Lots of new stuff coming soon, including contributions back to the Django community.”
Django version 0.96 release notes. The two big improvements are the newforms library and the ability to use callables directly in your URLconfs, enabling a bunch of useful new tricks.
HP acquires Tabblo. The first high profile Django-powered acquisition? Very well deserved; Tabblo is an excellent application.
More Django (likely more than is healthy). Jacob’s advanced Django tutorial from PyCon. I really like the template he’s using to present the slides and notes.
Django snippets. James Bennett’s new site for Django snippets. The source code to the whole site is available.
Django IRC FAQ. Frequently asked questions from the Django IRC channel.
Quick Django Benching. Django under Apache/mod_python outperforms nginx/FastCGI and LightTPD/FastCGI once you ramp up the concurrency levels. My setup for this site (Apache/mod_python behind an nginx proxy, with nginx handling static files) should give the best of both worlds.
Django templates in Venus. It’s nice to see the Django template system being used outside the context of the overall framework.
Cats or Dogs (via) Finds statistically interesting facts based on people answering a sequence of “X or Y” questions. Written in Django by James Tauber in less than four hours.
About LiveBus.org. I love sites with a colophon. LiveBus.org is powered by Django.
Why you should be using disambiguated URLs
Good URLs are important. The best URLs are readable, reliable and hackable.
[... 553 words]Jeff Croft: Geocoding My Life. Really smart weblog integration of the Flickr API, using the Geocoder.us reverse geocoder along with hand entered locations to create a browseable archive of photos by location.
The Django Book: Deploying Django. Solid advice based on years of experience at the Journal-World and the Washington Post.
The Django newforms-admin branch. This should make customising the Django admin application a whole lot easier.
Using TextMate with Django. Including a nice looking theme inspired by the Django website.
Hacking Django, how Bazaar. This is a neat trick: use Subversion to track an upstream project, then create Bazaar branches to manage your own development against the trunk.
In fact Django reminds me a bit of the character in Airplane who always answers the "what do you make of that?" question literally... "Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl..."