4 posts tagged “law”
As an independent writer and publisher, I am the legal team. I am the fact-checking department. I am the editorial staff. I am the one responsible for triple-checking every single statement I make in the type of original reporting that I know carries a serious risk of baseless but ruinously expensive litigation regularly used to silence journalists, critics, and whistleblowers. I am the one deciding if that risk is worth taking, or if I should just shut up and write about something less risky.
Free licenses upheld by US “IP” court. Free software and CC licenses which dictate conditions that, when violated, turn you in to a copyright infringer now have precedence in US law.
The law behind “tell a friend” services. Useful guide based on UK law, updated in July 2008.
New Dutch accessibility law. Sounds extremely forward thinking, designed by people who really understand the field. Just one problem: the guidelines are only available in Dutch!