Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 28th July 2008

The Price of Anonymity: Our Principles? Alex Russell calls for a constructive step towards better gender balance in open source: make it clear that misogynistic, offensive and lewd behaviour will not be tolerated by open source communities and bake that policy in to community codes of conduct.

# 12:44 am / alex-russell, community, misogynistic, open-source, women

Silicon Roundabout. Matt Biddulph maps the abundance of interesting startups and tech companies that have popped up around Old Street in London.

# 1:36 am / london, matt-biddulph, oldstreet, siliconroundabout, startups

The law behind “tell a friend” services. Useful guide based on UK law, updated in July 2008.

# 10:49 am / law, marketing, spam, tellafriend, uklaw, viralmarketing

2008 » July
