Simon Willison’s Weblog


147 items tagged “css”


The Rissington Podcast. Resize the browser window and marvel at the way the various background images seamlessly overlay each other—Nat and I cooed at it for about five minutes. # 30th November 2007, 11:11 pm

Safari CSS Reference. Official documentation covering the CSS properties supported by Safari, including the -webkit proprietary extensions. # 22nd November 2007, 11:51 pm

Using multiple classes within selectors. Pretty much definitive guide to using multiple classes in a CSS selector, including problems with IE 5 and 6 and one way of addressing them using conditional comments. # 11th November 2007, 11:07 pm

CSS Transforms. WebKit can now do transforms (scale, rotate, translate and skew) in CSS via a new -webkit-transform property. Transforms behave like position relative in that they don’t affect the layout of the page. You can also provide a full affine transform matrix as a shortcut. # 26th October 2007, 9:45 pm

CSS Sprite Generator (via) Upload a zip file of images and get back a CSS sprite plus a set of pre-calculated background image rules. Tool built by Ed Eliot and Stuart Colville for their forthcoming book “High Performance Web Site Techniques”. # 27th September 2007, 10:59 pm

lxml.cssselect (via) lxml includes an implementation of CSS 3 selectors, which compiles them to XPath expressions. Should be a useful tool for parsing Microformats from Python. # 24th September 2007, 11:57 pm

jQuery 1.2. Lots of neat new stuff; my favourite new feature is “Partial .load()” which lets you pull in HTML with Ajax and then use a CSS selector to grab a subset of that page and inject it in to the DOM. # 11th September 2007, 8:44 am

Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM. Clever hack to style the un-stylable: set the opacity of the file input to 0, then use a bit of JavaScript to make sure the (now invisible) browse button is always under the mouse. # 10th September 2007, 11:58 pm

XRAY now works in IE. Westciv’s smart CSS debugging bookmarklet now works in IE 6. # 21st August 2007, 8:07 am

[On Blueprint] I’m somewhat conflicted with its release because I don’t think it should be used. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great, but don’t use it.

Nathan Borror # 14th August 2007, 10:42 am

Blueprint. A CSS Framework. I’ve been trying to articulate why I’ve started to think that structural class names are a necessary evil in the comments. # 13th August 2007, 12:01 pm

I’ve been in this web standards game for five years now and probably have over 100 standards-based sites under my belt. I can count the number of times I’ve be involved in a redesign where no changes were made to the markup on one finger.

Jeff Croft # 11th August 2007, 9:37 am

WebCore Rendering I—The Basics. Dave Hyatt has started a series of posts explaining the internals of WebCore’s rendering system. # 10th August 2007, 3:21 pm

Conflicting Absolute Positions. Neat technique, although it uses CSS expressions for IE compatibility so it may break down in IE 5 and 6 when JavaScript is disabled. # 17th July 2007, 10:44 pm

The CSS Redundancy Checker. A tool for checking your markup for outdated CSS rules that don’t match any of your HTML. We were discussing the need for something similar to this at Torchbox a few weeks ago. # 6th July 2007, 12:02 pm

The CSS working group is irrelevant. “Someone really needs to do to CSS what the WHATWG has been doing to HTML”. # 6th June 2007, 10:10 am Lightning fast lookups of API documentation; includes Python docs, YUI, HTML, CSS and lots more. # 5th June 2007, 6:05 pm

dojo.query: A CSS Query Engine For Dojo. I incorrectly criticised Dojo for not having a CSS node selection tool in my talk yesterday; not sure how I missed this. # 17th May 2007, 9:40 am

Guardian Unlimited’s new look: Some background on templating. Nik Silver describes some of the challenges involved in building a complex new homepage using CSS and Velocity. # 10th May 2007, 12:26 pm

CSS2.2. Andy Budd points out that CSS hasn’t had an update since 1998, and suggests rolling the most obviously useful parts of CSS 3 in to an incremental CSS 2.2. # 6th May 2007, 10:45 pm

Setting Type on the Web to a Baseline Grid. Wilson Miner introduces a smart, methodical approach to well proportioned Web typography. # 11th April 2007, 12:08 am

CSS Naked Day. Today is CSS naked day. Get naked! # 5th April 2007, 8:27 am

The problem with pixels. IE7 lets users resize pixel-based fonts. Is it finally time to stop avoiding pixel sizing in CSS? # 2nd April 2007, 2:11 pm

JavaScript/CSS Font Detector (via) Really clever trick: detects the fonts that you have installed by writing out some text and measuring its dimensions. # 20th March 2007, 11:20 pm

soupselect. My simple extension to BeautifulSoup that allows you to grab elements using CSS selectors; should be useful for parsing microformats. # 28th February 2007, 1:47 pm

Rails 1.2.1 Impression. I hadn’t seen assert_select before, which lets you unit test generated HTML using CSS selectors; a really neat idea. # 15th February 2007, 9:14 am

Em Calculator. Tool for working out CSS relative em values, useful for creating completely resizable layouts. # 6th February 2007, 2:03 pm

MySpace: Too Much of a Good Thing? CSS customization really was just the result of forgetting to strip HTML. They “eventually” decided to filter out JavaScript(!) # 17th January 2007, 9:09 am

CSS library for Python (via) “A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Partly implements the DOM Level 2 Style Stylesheets and CSS interfaces.” # 15th January 2007, 2:32 am

Microsoft Breaks HTML Email Rendering in Outlook 2007. They’ve dropped the IE renderer and replaced it with... Microsoft Word! No CSS background images, no floats, no CSS positioning, no forms. Wow. # 10th January 2007, 8:18 am