Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 22nd November 2007

Safari CSS Reference. Official documentation covering the CSS properties supported by Safari, including the -webkit proprietary extensions. # 11:51 pm

Musical hackery. Indescribably clever musical video game creation, where images from classic games spell out their own theme tunes. The smartest thing I’ve seen on YouTube, well, ever. # 5:03 pm

Why Guiness tastes better in Ireland. Two reasons: it’s more popular so kegs empty faster (and you always get a fresh pint), and Guinness send someone round to every pub to flush the lines once every three weeks. # 3:41 pm

Happy 30th Birthday Internet! “Exactly 30 years ago today on November 22, 1977 the first three networks were connected to become the Internet.” # 3:25 pm

WS-dämmerung. Tim Bray collects the latest round of WS-* repenting, which saves me from linking to them individually. # 9:49 am

Giant Global Graph. Tim Berners-Lee points out that the Semantic Web is designed to solve problems such as portable social networks. # 12:30 am

2007 » November
