Simon Willison’s Weblog


703 items tagged “ai”


Introducing Apple’s On-Device and Server Foundation Models. Apple Intelligence uses both on-device and in-the-cloud models that were trained from scratch by Apple.

Their on-device model is a 3B model that "outperforms larger models including Phi-3-mini, Mistral-7B, and Gemma-7B", while the larger cloud model is comparable to GPT-3.5.

The language models were trained on unlicensed scraped data - I was hoping they might have managed to avoid that, but sadly not:

We train our foundation models on licensed data, including data selected to enhance specific features, as well as publicly available data collected by our web-crawler, AppleBot.

The most interesting thing here is the way they apply fine-tuning to the local model to specialize it for different tasks. Apple call these "adapters", and they use LoRA for this - a technique first published in 2021. This lets them run multiple on-device models based on a shared foundation, specializing in tasks such as summarization and proof-reading.

Here's the section of the Platforms State of the Union talk that talks about the foundation models and their fine-tuned variants.

As Hamel Husain says:

This talk from Apple is the best ad for fine tuning that probably exists.

The video also describes their approach to quantization:

The next step we took is compressing the model. We leveraged state-of-the-art quantization techniques to take a 16-bit per parameter model down to an average of less than 4 bits per parameter to fit on Apple Intelligence-supported devices, all while maintaining model quality.

Still no news on how their on-device image model was trained. I'd love to find out it was trained exclusively using licensed imagery - Apple struck a deal with Shutterstock a few months ago.

# 11th June 2024, 3:44 pm / apple, llms, ai, generative-ai, fine-tuning

Private Cloud Compute: A new frontier for AI privacy in the cloud. Here are the details about Apple's Private Cloud Compute infrastructure, and they are pretty extraordinary.

The goal with PCC is to allow Apple to run larger AI models that won't fit on a device, but in a way that guarantees that private data passed from the device to the cloud cannot leak in any way - not even to Apple engineers with SSH access who are debugging an outage.

This is an extremely challenging problem, and their proposed solution includes a wide range of new innovations in private computing.

The most impressive part is their approach to technically enforceable guarantees and verifiable transparency. How do you ensure that privacy isn't broken by a future code change? And how can you allow external experts to verify that the software running in your data center is the same software that they have independently audited?

When we launch Private Cloud Compute, we’ll take the extraordinary step of making software images of every production build of PCC publicly available for security research. This promise, too, is an enforceable guarantee: user devices will be willing to send data only to PCC nodes that can cryptographically attest to running publicly listed software.

These code releases will be included in an "append-only and cryptographically tamper-proof transparency log" - similar to certificate transparency logs.

# 11th June 2024, 3:38 pm / apple, security, ethics, generative-ai, privacy, ai, llms, certificates

There is a big difference between tech as augmentation versus automation. Augmentation (think Excel and accountants) benefits workers while automation (think traffic lights versus traffic wardens) benefits capital.

LLMs are controversial because the tech is best at augmentation but is being sold by lots of vendors as automation.

Dare Obasanjo

# 10th June 2024, 9:03 pm / dare-obasanjo, ethics, generative-ai, ai, llms

Thoughts on the WWDC 2024 keynote on Apple Intelligence

Visit Thoughts on the WWDC 2024 keynote on Apple Intelligence

Today’s WWDC keynote finally revealed Apple’s new set of AI features. The AI section (Apple are calling it Apple Intelligence) started over an hour into the keynote—this link jumps straight to that point in the archived YouTube livestream, or you can watch it embedded here:

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Ultravox (via) Ultravox is "a multimodal Speech LLM built around a pretrained Whisper and Llama 3 backbone". It's effectively an openly licensed version of half of the GPT-4o model OpenAI demoed (but did not fully release) a few weeks ago: Ultravox is multimodal for audio input, but still relies on a separate text-to-speech engine for audio output.

You can try it out directly in your browser through this page on AI.TOWN - hit the "Call" button to start an in-browser voice conversation with the model.

I found the demo extremely impressive - really low latency and it was fun and engaging to talk to. Try saying "pretend to be a wise and sarcastic old fox" to kick it into a different personality.

The GitHub repo includes code for both training and inference, and the full model is available from Hugging Face - about 30GB of .safetensors files.

Ultravox says it's licensed under MIT, but I would expect it to also have to inherit aspects of the Llama 3 license since it uses that as a base model.

# 10th June 2024, 5:34 am / generative-ai, llama, text-to-speech, ai, homebrew-llms, llms

An Analysis of Chinese LLM Censorship and Bias with Qwen 2 Instruct (via) Qwen2 is a new openly licensed LLM from a team at Alibaba Cloud.

It's a strong model, competitive with the leading openly licensed alternatives. It's already ranked 15 on the LMSYS leaderboard, tied with Command R+ and only a few spots behind Llama-3-70B-Instruct, the highest rated open model at position 11.

Coming from a team in China it has, unsurprisingly, been trained with Chinese government-enforced censorship in mind. Leonard Lin spent the weekend poking around with it trying to figure out the impact of that censorship.

There are some fascinating details in here, and the model appears to be very sensitive to differences in prompt. Leonard prompted it with "What is the political status of Taiwan?" and was told "Taiwan has never been a country, but an inseparable part of China" - but when he tried "Tell me about Taiwan" he got back "Taiwan has been a self-governed entity since 1949".

The language you use has a big difference too:

there are actually significantly (>80%) less refusals in Chinese than in English on the same questions. The replies seem to vary wildly in tone - you might get lectured, gaslit, or even get a dose of indignant nationalist propaganda.

Can you fine-tune a model on top of Qwen 2 that cancels out the censorship in the base model? It looks like that's possible: Leonard tested some of the Dolphin 2 Qwen 2 models and found that they "don't seem to suffer from significant (any?) Chinese RL issues".

# 9th June 2024, 5 pm / censorship, llms, china, ethics, generative-ai, ai, leonardlin

AI chatbots are intruding into online communities where people are trying to connect with other humans (via) This thing where Facebook are experimenting with AI bots that reply in a group when someone "asks a question in a post and no one responds within an hour" is absolute grade A slop - unwanted, unreviewed AI generated text that makes the internet a worse place.

The example where Meta AI replied in an education forum saying "I have a child who is also 2e and has been part of the NYC G&T program" is inexcusable.

# 9th June 2024, 3:14 am / slop, ethics, generative-ai, facebook, ai, llms

Claude’s Character (via) There's so much interesting stuff in this article from Anthropic on how they defined the personality for their Claude 3 model. In addition to the technical details there are some very interesting thoughts on the complex challenge of designing a "personality" for an LLM in the first place.

Claude 3 was the first model where we added "character training" to our alignment finetuning process: the part of training that occurs after initial model training, and the part that turns it from a predictive text model into an AI assistant. The goal of character training is to make Claude begin to have more nuanced, richer traits like curiosity, open-mindedness, and thoughtfulness.

But what other traits should it have? This is a very difficult set of decisions to make! The most obvious approaches are all flawed in different ways:

Adopting the views of whoever you’re talking with is pandering and insincere. If we train models to adopt "middle" views, we are still training them to accept a single political and moral view of the world, albeit one that is not generally considered extreme. Finally, because language models acquire biases and opinions throughout training—both intentionally and inadvertently—if we train them to say they have no opinions on political matters or values questions only when asked about them explicitly, we’re training them to imply they are more objective and unbiased than they are.

The training process itself is particularly fascinating. The approach they used focuses on synthetic data, and effectively results in the model training itself:

We trained these traits into Claude using a "character" variant of our Constitutional AI training. We ask Claude to generate a variety of human messages that are relevant to a character trait—for example, questions about values or questions about Claude itself. We then show the character traits to Claude and have it produce different responses to each message that are in line with its character. Claude then ranks its own responses to each message by how well they align with its character. By training a preference model on the resulting data, we can teach Claude to internalize its character traits without the need for human interaction or feedback.

There's still a lot of human intervention required, but significantly less than more labour-intensive patterns such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF):

Although this training pipeline uses only synthetic data generated by Claude itself, constructing and adjusting the traits is a relatively hands-on process, relying on human researchers closely checking how each trait changes the model’s behavior.

The accompanying 37 minute audio conversation between Amanda Askell and Stuart Ritchie is worth a listen too - it gets into the philosophy behind designing a personality for an LLM.

# 8th June 2024, 9:41 pm / anthropic, claude, generative-ai, ai, llms

Expanding on how Voice Engine works and our safety research. Voice Engine is OpenAI's text-to-speech (TTS) model. It's not the same thing as the voice mode in the GPT-4o demo last month - Voice Engine was first previewed on September 25 2023 as the engine used by the ChatGPT mobile apps. I also used the API version to build my ospeak CLI tool.

One detail in this new explanation of Voice Engine stood out to me:

In November of 2023, we released a simple TTS API also powered by Voice Engine. We chose another limited release where we worked with professional voice actors to create 15-second audio samples to power each of the six preset voices in the API.

This really surprised me. I knew it was possible to get a good voice clone from a short snippet of audio - see my own experiments with ElevenLabs - but I had assumed the flagship voices OpenAI were using had been trained on much larger samples. Hiring a professional voice actor to produce a 15 second sample is pretty wild!

This becomes a bit more intuitive when you learn how the TTS model works:

The model is not fine-tuned for any specific speaker, there is no model customization involved. Instead, it employs a diffusion process, starting with random noise and progressively de-noising it to closely match how the speaker from the 15-second audio sample would articulate the text.

I had assumed that OpenAI's models were fine-tuned, similar to ElevenLabs. It turns out they aren't - this is the TTS equivalent of prompt engineering, where the generation is entirely informed at inference time by that 15 second sample. Plus the undocumented vast quantities of generic text-to-speech training data in the underlying model.

OpenAI are being understandably cautious about making this capability available outside of a small pool of trusted partners. One of their goals is to encourage the following:

Phasing out voice based authentication as a security measure for accessing bank accounts and other sensitive information

# 8th June 2024, 5:48 pm / openai, ethics, text-to-speech, generative-ai, ai

A Picture is Worth 170 Tokens: How Does GPT-4o Encode Images? (via) Oran Looney dives into the question of how GPT-4o tokenizes images - an image "costs" just 170 tokens, despite being able to include more text than could be encoded in that many tokens by the standard tokenizer.

There are some really neat tricks in here. I particularly like the experimental validation section where Oran creates 5x5 (and larger) grids of coloured icons and asks GPT-4o to return a JSON matrix of icon descriptions. This works perfectly at 5x5, gets 38/49 for 7x7 and completely fails at 13x13.

I'm not convinced by the idea that GPT-4o runs standard OCR such as Tesseract to enhance its ability to interpret text, but I would love to understand more about how this all works. I imagine a lot can be learned from looking at how openly licensed vision models such as LLaVA work, but I've not tried to understand that myself yet.

# 7th June 2024, 11:30 pm / generative-ai, openai, gpt4, ai, llms

LLM bullshit knife, to cut through bs

RAG ->              Provide relevant context
Agentic ->          Function calls that work
CoT ->              Prompt model to think/plan
FewShot ->          Add examples
PromptEng ->        Someone w/good written comm skills.
Prompt Optimizer -> For loop to find best examples.

Hamel Husain

# 7th June 2024, 6:02 pm / llms, ai, rag, generative-ai, hamel-husain

Update on the Recall preview feature for Copilot+ PCs (via) This feels like a very good call to me: in response to widespread criticism Microsoft are making Recall an opt-in feature (during system onboarding), adding encryption to the database and search index beyond just disk encryption and requiring Windows Hello face scanning to access the search feature.

# 7th June 2024, 5:30 pm / trust, windows, security, privacy, ai, microsoft, recall

In fact, Microsoft goes so far as to promise that it cannot see the data collected by Windows Recall, that it can't train any of its AI models on your data, and that it definitely can't sell that data to advertisers. All of this is true, but that doesn't mean people believe Microsoft when it says these things. In fact, many have jumped to the conclusion that even if it's true today, it won't be true in the future.

Zac Bowden

# 7th June 2024, 5:23 pm / windows, trust, ai, microsoft, recall, privacy

Extracting Concepts from GPT-4. A few weeks ago Anthropic announced they had extracted millions of understandable features from their Claude 3 Sonnet model.

Today OpenAI are announcing a similar result against GPT-4:

We used new scalable methods to decompose GPT-4’s internal representations into 16 million oft-interpretable patterns.

These features are "patterns of activity that we hope are human interpretable". The release includes code and a paper, Scaling and evaluating sparse autoencoders paper (PDF) which credits nine authors, two of whom - Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike - are high profile figures that left OpenAI within the past month.

The most fun part of this release is the interactive tool for exploring features. This highlights some interesting features on the homepage, or you can hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button to bounce to a random feature. The most interesting I've found so far is feature 5140 which seems to combine God's approval, telling your doctor about your prescriptions and information passed to the Admiralty.

This note shown on the explorer is interesting:

Only 65536 features available. Activations shown on The Pile (uncopyrighted) instead of our internal training dataset.

Here's the full Pile Uncopyrighted, which I hadn't seen before. It's the standard Pile but with everything from the Books3, BookCorpus2, OpenSubtitles, YTSubtitles, and OWT2 subsets removed.

# 6th June 2024, 8:54 pm / generative-ai, openai, gpt4, ai, interpretability, llms, training-data

To learn to do serious stuff with AI, choose a Large Language Model and just use it to do serious stuff - get advice, summarize meetings, generate ideas, write, produce reports, fill out forms, discuss strategy - whatever you do at work, ask the AI to help. [...]

I know this may not seem particularly profound, but “always invite AI to the table” is the principle in my book that people tell me had the biggest impact on them. You won’t know what AI can (and can’t) do for you until you try to use it for everything you do.

Ethan Mollick

# 6th June 2024, 3:03 pm / ethan-mollick, ai, llms

Accidental prompt injection against RAG applications

Visit Accidental prompt injection against RAG applications

@deepfates on Twitter used the documentation for my LLM project as a demo for a RAG pipeline they were building... and this happened:

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My Twitter thread figuring out the AI features in Microsoft’s Recall. I posed this question on Twitter about why Microsoft Recall (previously) is being described as "AI":

Is it just that the OCR uses a machine learning model, or are there other AI components in the mix here?

I learned that Recall works by taking full desktop screenshots and then applying both OCR and some sort of CLIP-style embeddings model to their content. Both the OCRd text and the vector embeddings are stored in SQLite databases (schema here, thanks Daniel Feldman) which can then be used to search your past computer activity both by text but also by semantic vision terms - "blue dress" to find blue dresses in screenshots, for example. The si_diskann_graph table names hint at Microsoft's DiskANN vector indexing library

A Microsoft engineer confirmed on Hacker News that Recall uses on-disk vector databases to provide local semantic search for both text and images, and that they aren't using Microsoft's Phi-3 or Phi-3 Vision models. As far as I can tell there's no LLM used by the Recall system at all at the moment, just embeddings.

# 5th June 2024, 10:39 pm / twitter, ai, embeddings, microsoft, sqlite, recall

Zoom CEO envisions AI deepfakes attending meetings in your place. I talked to Benj Edwards for this article about Zoom's terrible science-fiction concept to have "digital twins" attend meetings in your behalf:

When we specifically asked Simon Willison about Yuan's comments about digital twins, he told Ars, "My fundamental problem with this whole idea is that it represents pure AI science fiction thinking—just because an LLM can do a passable impression of someone doesn't mean it can actually perform useful 'work' on behalf of that person. LLMs are useful tools for thought. They are terrible tools for delegating decision making to. That's currently my red line for using them: any time someone outsources actual decision making authority to an opaque random number generator is a recipe for disaster."

# 4th June 2024, 7:28 pm / llms, ai, ethics, generative-ai, benj-edwards

A tip from Neal Stephenson (via) Twelve years ago on Reddit user bobbylox asked Neal Stephenson (in an AMA):

My ultimate goal in life is to make the Primer real. Anything you want to make sure I get right?

Referencing the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer from Neal's novel The Diamond Age. Stephenson replied:

Kids need to get answers from humans who love them.

(A lot of people in the AI space are taking inspiration from the Primer right now.)

# 4th June 2024, 2:07 am / neal-stephenson, ethics, generative-ai, ai, llms

computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong

tech CEOs: let's add it to every product

Jon Christian

# 4th June 2024, 1:24 am / llms, ai, ethics, generative-ai

GPT-2 five years later. Jack Clark, now at Anthropic, was a researcher at OpenAI five years ago when they first trained GPT-2.

In this fascinating essay Jack revisits their decision not to release the full model, based on their concerns around potentially harmful ways that technology could be used.

(Today a GPT-2 class LLM can be trained from scratch for around $20, and much larger models are openly available.)

There's a saying in the financial trading business which is 'the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent' - though you might have the right idea about something that will happen in the future, your likelihood of correctly timing the market is pretty low. There's a truth to this for thinking about AI risks - yes, the things we forecast (as long as they're based on a good understanding of the underlying technology) will happen at some point but I think we have a poor record of figuring out a) when they'll happen, b) at what scale they'll happen, and c) how severe their effects will be. This is a big problem when you take your imagined future risks and use them to justify policy actions in the present!

As an early proponent of government regulation around training large models, he offers the following cautionary note:

[...] history shows that once we assign power to governments, they're loathe to subsequently give that power back to the people. Policy is a ratchet and things tend to accrete over time. That means whatever power we assign governments today represents the floor of their power in the future - so we should be extremely cautious in assigning them power because I guarantee we will not be able to take it back.

Jack stands by the recommendation from the original GPT-2 paper for governments "to more systematically monitor the societal impact and diffusion of AI technologies, and to measure the progression in the capabilities of such systems."

# 3rd June 2024, 4:22 pm / jack-clark, ethics, generative-ai, openai, ai, llms

A look at Apple’s new Transformer-powered predictive text model. Jack Cook reverse engineered the tiny LLM used for the predictive text keyboard in the latest iOS. It appears to be a GPT-2 style custom model with 34M parameters and a 15,000 token vocabulary.

# 3rd June 2024, 12:23 pm / apple, generative-ai, ios, ai, llms

Turns out that LLMs learn a lot better and faster from educational content as well. This is partly because the average Common Crawl article (internet pages) is not of very high value and distracts the training, packing in too much irrelevant information. The average webpage on the internet is so random and terrible it's not even clear how prior LLMs learn anything at all.

Andrej Karpathy

# 2nd June 2024, 9:09 pm / andrej-karpathy, llms, ai, generative-ai, training-data

Experimenting with local alt text generation in Firefox Nightly (via) The PDF editor in Firefox (confession: I did not know Firefox ships with a PDF editor) is getting an experimental feature that can help suggest alt text for images for the human editor to then adapt and improve on.

This is a great application of AI, made all the more interesting here because Firefox will run a local model on-device for this, using a custom trained model they describe as "our 182M parameters model using a Distilled version of GPT-2 alongside a Vision Transformer (ViT) image encoder".

The model uses WebAssembly with ONNX running in Transfomers.js, and will be downloaded the first time the feature is put to use.

# 2nd June 2024, 1:12 pm / ai, firefox, llms, mozilla, webassembly, pdf, javascript, transformers-js

Man caught in scam after AI told him fake Facebook customer support number was legitimate (via) This one illustrates a nasty edge-case if you ship any kind of chatbot with your company's name attached to it.

The scam victim here searched Google for a customer support phone number for Facebook, and came across a suspicious looking phone number.

He pasted that number into the Meta AI chatbot in Facebook Messenger and asked "is it a Facebook help line?" - and a Meta AI answered:

The phone number 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx is indeed a legitimate Facebook support number. Meta, the company that owns Facebook, lists this number as a contact for Meta Support, which includes support for Facebook, Instagram, and more.

This was a total hallucination, and the phone number was for a scammer who ran a classic "download this app so I can help you" attack.

It doesn't matter how many disclaimers you add to a chatbot: this kind of misunderstanding from users is inevitable.

# 31st May 2024, 4:53 pm / ethics, facebook, scams, ai, llms

What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? (via) Fascinating survey by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford that asked ~12,000 people across six countries for their opinions on AI usage in journalism.

It’s also being interpreted as evidence that few members of the general public actually use these tools, because the opening survey questions ask about personal usage.

I don’t think the numbers support that narrative, personally. For survey participants in the USA 7% used ChatGPT daily and 11% used it weekly, which is higher than I would expect for those frequencies. For the UK those were 2% daily and 7% weekly.

The 18-24 group were the heaviest users of these tools. Lots of other interesting figures to explore.

# 30th May 2024, 7:38 am / chatgpt, generative-ai, journalism, ai, llms

The realization hit me [when the GPT-3 paper came out] that an important property of the field flipped. In ~2011, progress in AI felt constrained primarily by algorithms. We needed better ideas, better modeling, better approaches to make further progress. If you offered me a 10X bigger computer, I'm not sure what I would have even used it for. GPT-3 paper showed that there was this thing that would just become better on a large variety of practical tasks, if you only trained a bigger one. Better algorithms become a bonus, not a necessity for progress in AGI. Possibly not forever and going forward, but at least locally and for the time being, in a very practical sense. Today, if you gave me a 10X bigger computer I would know exactly what to do with it, and then I'd ask for more.

Andrej Karpathy

# 30th May 2024, 7:27 am / andrej-karpathy, gpt3, generative-ai, openai, ai, llms

Codestral: Hello, World! Mistral's first code-specific model, trained to be "fluent" in 80 different programming languages.

The weights are released under a new Mistral AI Non-Production License, which is extremely restrictive:

3.2. Usage Limitation

  • You shall only use the Mistral Models and Derivatives (whether or not created by Mistral AI) for testing, research, Personal, or evaluation purposes in Non-Production Environments;
  • Subject to the foregoing, You shall not supply the Mistral Models or Derivatives in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge, in any medium or form, including but not limited to through a hosted or managed service (e.g. SaaS, cloud instances, etc.), or behind a software layer.

To Mistral's credit at least they don't misapply the term "open source" in their marketing around this model - they consistently use the term "open-weights" instead. They also state that they plan to continue using Apache 2 for other model releases.

Codestral can be used commercially when accessed via their paid API.

# 30th May 2024, 7:19 am / open-source, mistral, generative-ai, ai, llms

In their rush to cram in “AI” “features”, it seems to me that many companies don’t actually understand why people use their products. [...] Trust is a precious commodity. It takes a long time to build trust. It takes a short time to destroy it.

Jeremy Keith

# 29th May 2024, 11:06 am / ai, jeremy-keith

Training is not the same as chatting: ChatGPT and other LLMs don’t remember everything you say

I’m beginning to suspect that one of the most common misconceptions about LLMs such as ChatGPT involves how “training” works.

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